Monday, November 1, 2010

Get in the Game, Game Time Update

What a great kick-off to our Game Time Initiative!   

Over the next four weeks the staff will be blogging about the Game Time Initiative.  I hope you will come back each day to see what is being said.

The most amazing fact about Game Time is that we are actually here to do Game Time.  In July, our church was on the brink of extinction due to financial shortfalls.  We literally were trying to figure out how to close the doors for good.  Today our financial picture is secure and balanced, today Game Time is a possibility.

Over the next four weeks we will be outlining for you what we believe God is leading Fellowship Church to accomplish over these next 14 months.  On Sunday, I asked each of you to take time out to pray and seek God about what part you would play.  I want to stress that this is not just a financial initiative, but a spiritual journey for Fellowship Church.  We are asking each member to make a commitment to the journey and do all they can to help us see success.

I am reminded of something someone taught me several years ago.  I was pasturing my 1st church and it seemed my responsibility was overwhelming me.  He said, “How do you eat an elephant?”  I responded that I had never eaten an elephant so I didn’t know.  He laugh and said, “One bite at a time!”  The application is that we can’t do all that we do at once, but we can take small steps to success along the way.   We realize that not everyone can give to Game Time equally, but we do ask that everyone will give sacrificially.  For one person 1 hour is like 5 to another, or to one $5.00 is like $5,000.  But what does it cost you personally?  Remember it cost Abraham something to follow God, but remember the reward.

I can’t wait to be with you in the days to come as we continue talking about Game Time at Fellowship Church.


PS. Don’t forget to be here on Wednesday, November 3rd for our Worship Night, you will not want to miss what we have planned.

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