Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Countdown Continues

3 more days 'til Fellowship Church begins two services!!!
9:15 a.m.
11 a.m.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

They All Matter

I hope that you are having a great week. I am sitting in the worship center at the church and I felt that I needed to share with you my thoughts. I am looking at the chairs in the worship center and thinking about all the people that come through our church every week. Every person really matters because they matter to God. We said Sunday that the decisions that we are making are in view of the people who are not here yet.

The constant thought that continues to run through my mind is “NO ONE LEFT BEHIND” We have got to think in the mind set that nobody gets left behind. None of the Christ Followers who need to grow, none of the lost who need a Savior, none of the single moms ready to give up and give in, none of the ladies from Lee Arendale who just want a place to belong and know that someone cares. “THEY ALL MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

So let me be your cheerleader today. We are here to connect people with a loving savior. II Cor 6:1 says "partnering together with him" Remember it is God who is at work!! We get to be apart of His handy work.

What you do MATTERS!! Thanks for making a difference.

Until all have heard

Pastor Robbie

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ready to get with it!

Hello Fellowship Church!

Tina and I returned at about 8:00 tonight and hit the ground running. We have been without TV. It seems Dish Network and Windstream can't communicate, go figure.

I can't wait to get back in the office tomorrow as I catch up on all that is happening and I can't wait for Thursday as 20+ of us will attend the Catalyst One Day in Alpharetta. My only wish is all of you could go!

As i think about my time away as always it seems God uses my time to communicate with me about some things I should focus on in the days to come. I am locked and loaded and can't wait to see all that God wants to do.

One story from this weekend, Tina and I got to visit with Matt Wyrick today on our way home. I don't think he quit smiling from the moment we saw him. It was a surprise visit that even we didn't know could happen. I am grateful to Warden Anthony Washington and his assistant Kathy for making the visit happen on such short notice. Matt sends his love to Fellowship Church and we expressed our prayers and thoughts for him.

I want to take a moment to Thank you. Fellowship Church I love you all and really appreciate your allowing me time away to spend time with my precious wife. On Monday Feb. 23 we celebrated 24 years of marriage. Our time away was greatly appreciated and valued.

See you guys on Sunday, I can't wait!

Oh Yeah, Don't forget the new service times 9:15 am and 11:00 am. See you then!


Can you believe we are only 5 days away from going to two services?!!!? 9:15 and 11 a.m.

We have been talking about, praying about, and weighing our options for what seems like forever now. I hope each of you are as excited about this new endeavor as we are.

Craig's new series, The Elephant, will also begin on Sunday.

Please remember to be here early on Sunday...especially if you are serving in the first services. If you have any questions about what time you should be here, please express those to your respective leader.

We have some fun things in store for yall in the coming weeks. Invite any and all you one will want to miss this!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Set List

Boy Howdy....
Our set list changed completely as of 6:30 AM today.
Josh Perry, drummer at large, had a fever.
This is serious biz for him as he received a bone marrow implant last spring.
Thanks to our Praise Band for pulling it out
and to the singers for hanging in there with songs we hadn't rehearsed.
Nate did a great job bringing the word.
Nate had a nice flying kick. (I'll remember in the future to stand 38" away.)
I'm glad I am a pancake person. I pray we all become pancakes.
Wow what a response during prayer, privilege to pray over Gloria.
Several of you raised your hands for prayer and Fellowship Church responded.
Great turnout for LACI March 14 info.
We be doing cardboard testimonies. Send to we'll put on cardboard for you.
Please bring back LACI waivers this Sunday.
Stoked about Thursday as we head down to Catalyst.
I love to serve at Fellowship Church.
Have a great start of the week.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Updates and Reminders

We have quite a lot going on in the coming weeks at Fellowship Church. I hope everyone takes a moment and reads through the following updates and reminders.

We still have one more ticket for Catalyst available. If you are interested, please email me back and I will get you the details.

I hope everyone has had a good week! Can you believe that starting next Sunday (March 1st) we will be going to two services? Don’t forget to mark your calendars! The new service times are 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. If you are a regular attender of Fellowship Church, we are asking that you choose to worship in the 9:15 service and serve in the 11 a.m. service.

The Elephant is coming…
The much anticipated Elephant series also begins on March 1st. We have made some cards that we are asking everyone to help distribute. You can pick up a stack at the Guest Service Counter on Sunday. What’s your elephant?

We need your help to make sure everyone who comes through these doors has a great experience at Fellowship Church. If you have noticed, people have started using the Guest Service Counter as their personal entrance table. My temporary “office” will be available for you to store your coats, Bibles, etc. while you are serving and you can retrieve them once you are ready to worship and leave. Everyone’s help with this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Craig and Tina will be out of town starting today and will return until next Tuesday. This means that we will have a guest speaker all the way from Jacksonville, FL. Please come and support Nate as he preaches his first sermon at Fellowship Church. In Craig’s absence, if you need a pastor, please call me at the office and I will have Stan, Robbie or Nate get in touch with you.

Very Important: Children’s Ministry-I made a mistake about the date for the mock run through. The mock run through is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st at 5 p.m. or 7 p.m. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

If you are planning on attending worship at LASP on March 14th, don’t forget the meeting Sunday immediately following worship. This is a very important informative meeting for everyone planning on attending.

Also on Sunday, if you are interested in being baptized on March 1st, you will need to be back at church at 2:30 p.m. to record your video testimony.

Just to let you know, has now become the go-to site for update, reminders, etc. If you need to know about anything Fellowship, this is where you are going to find it.

Hope everyone had a great week and have a great weekend!

Don’t forget two services beginning March 1st at 9:15 and 11 a.m.

The elephant is coming….

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunday without Me

Hey Fellowship,

I have some exciting news. I will be out of town this weekend (although some might think it; that is not the exciting news) and Nate (our new Children's Pastor) will be sharing a message with you.

Our search for a Children's Pastor was long and hard taking almost 9 months. I am completely confident that Nate will bring God's Word with passion and energy. I will be praying for him and know that God will be with him.

Let me encourage you to be there for Nate. Sometimes when pastors take time away the church does too. I hope you will honor him with your presence and give him a chance. I believe God has great plans for Nate at FC.

Just so you know, Tina and I will be out of town for our 24 anniversary. We will be spending some much needed time together on Tybee Island. I will be back in the office on Wednesday Feb. 25. If you need anything please contact Amanda at the church office and she will have Stan, Robbie or Nate contact you.

Tina and I will see you in a week, have a great weekend.

Catalyst One Day

We currently have one more ticket available to attend Catalyst One Day on Thursday, February 26th.

If you are interested in attending, please email me for more details.


Date: March 1, 2009

Time: 9:15 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. service

Who: Any new believer who is ready to take the next step


What is a Blog

I have said many times when was the last time you did something for the 1st time? Well this is it for me. I am blogging for the 1st time!! W.O.W

Craig has been after me for a few months "to blog". Not being the most tech savvy person in the world and also one of the slowest typist the combination did not seem so thrilling for me. Not to mention I would rather talk to you than write! (That is the women in me coming out ha! ha!)

So what is a Blog??? Sounds like the title to a Horror movie from the 70's or something that got on your shoe that you can't get off. Maybe a blog is something that makes you sick on cold rainy days. I'm not really sure.

Well I'm one hour into typing this blog and you are probably bored reading. So here is something to keep you reading. God showed up this week in a big way at the Bailey home. One of my awesome kids got saved and it has rocked our world. To say that "GOD IS IN THE HOUSE" would be an understatement. He never stops taking your breath away.

The longer I walk with him the greater the wonders that he shows me. So rejoice in the Lord with us as we celebrate the greatest miracle in life a changed heart.

Your Friend Robbie


Hey folks,
We have an opportunity to minister to a larger group at LACI. This Sunday Feb. 22 we'll have a short info meeting following the morning service. We want to do cardboard testimonies, Communion and minister to any lady that may have a need.
The event is Saturday night March 14. You would meet as a group and enter LACI at 5:30 PM.
Please plan to stay this Sunday if you would like to go Saturday March 14.

Thank You, no really, you!

I started my morning out reading some devotional stuff and getting ready for what was to come here at the church. As I was reading through each article and devotion, I was struck by one that really reminded me of the great people God has surrounded me with. Often time I get busy with the busy and forget there are people who prop me up. So today I want to say Thank You!

Thank you to the Leaders who have dug in deep and kept the faith in the vision God has given me for Fellowship Church. Specifically I want to speak to Gary Nunnally, Dan Shubert, Stan Crump and Brian Jarrard. You guys have went the distance with me and I am forever grateful. Men thank you for your leadership!

Thank you to the Worship Team. I believe we have the best worship team around and maybe even the country. You guys work hard and serve every week, most time without complaining. Fellowship Church and I owe you a great debt.

Thank you to the Tech Team. Guys without you our Sunday worship would be dark and quite, I mean we would not be able to do the ministry that we do without you. It is awesome to watch as God has taken ordinary men and turned them into passionate engineers at church. The crazy thing is most of you couldn't even spell computer, now you run one. Your value is always underestimated!

Thank you to Guest Services. I have prayed that God would empower each of you to touch lives for eternity every week. I pray that God will bring someone into your life through this service that become an important part of your life. Every week over 300 people are touched by your faithfulness and I can affirm that some have come to Jesus because of you. We may never know this side of Heaven the impact you have. I am indebted to each of you.

Thank you to Andrea Gaines and Cathy Long (Amber too). The investment and sacrifices you have made should stand as a reminder of what it means to serve. For the last two years you three have given well above the expected to love our kids. THANK YOU! I hope you are all getting to rest and re-energized to serve in the years to come.

Thank you to Amanda Anderson. Amanda your investment in Fellowship Church has made a difference. I have seen you give when you didn't feel like it and I have seen the extra time you give, beyond what we pay you for. I prayed for over a year that God would send someone like you to help me guide this great church.

Thank you to my family. Where would I be without them. My loving and supportive wife faithfully surrenders her time and energy to make me look good (and that's a job let me tell you). Although I have tried to be better at family life the last few years their sacrifice of my time with them has been incredible. Whitney and Nathan your unconditional love of dad really melts me. I can only hope I have lived a life of faith before you. Thank you for putting up with me when I am stressed.
I love you dearly.

Unfortunately I will leave someone out of this post without intention. Each person who has contributed to the success of Fellowship Church is appreciated and I thank you! I just felt I needed to share what Andy Stanley and God put on my heart this morning.

I love you Fellowship Church
. Each story blesses my heart. Stories of lifechange, stories of struggle, stories of tragedy each bring a different emotion and response, but each have shaped me as pastor.

Thank you for the privilege to be your pastor. I know that many of you sacrifice weekly to make Fellowship happen, without you we would not be able to live the dream God has given us for a relevant church in Habersham County. I look forward to serving along side you for many years to come.

Here is my prayer for you found in Paul's writings to the Philippian church:
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

MyChurch and webpage

In an effort to sharpen our internet presence we have made some decisions about the services we are using. During the next month or so we will be redesigning our website and discontinuing the use of I realize that some of you use this service however we are hoping for a more integrated look and feel with our new site. This will enable you to connect on our main page. Not sure what the completed look will be right now, but I can't wait for the launch.

Although MyChurch will go away our current webpage will remain active until we make the switch. So we encourage you to continue using the website for information and help.

See ya

Updates and Reminders for Feb. 15

1—If you are interested in playing softball this year, there will be a short meeting after church on Sunday.

2—Baptism is scheduled for March 1st. If you are interested in taking the next step please email me to schedule a time to speak to a pastor about the upcoming baptism.

3--We have been invited back to worship with the ladies at Lee Arrendale on March 14th. If you would like to attend, there will be an informative meeting on Sunday, February 22nd immediately following worship.

4—UPDATED: If you are involved in any aspect of Children’s Ministry, there will be a mock walk through on February 21st at 5 p.m. or 7 p.m. This will help fine tune every detail of the new Children’s Ministry before we go to two services on March 1st. Please email Nathan at if you have any questions.

Fellowship Connection

Our first semester of Fellowship Connection is in full swing and the reports we are receiving have been great. To date we have over 250 people engaged in small groups and although we didn't meet our 100% goal, I really believe that number is worthy of celebrating.

As I look over the group lists, I can't help but say a big ol' PTL (Praise The Lord). In many of our groups we have people from all walks of life and even from vast spiritual backgrounds all spending quality time getting to know one another and studying ways to grow in their faith. In my group I have people who have been Christ followers for many years and some who have only been believers for a few days.

It is my feeling that Fellowship Connection will be that catalyst for our churches growth that will lay a foundation for great things to come.

Thanks to those of you who are participating and being blessed by small groups.

The Elephant is coming!

You might be asking, "What is all the Elephant stuff about?" Well I can't tell you right now, suffice it to say we will beginning a new message series on March 1st and it has something to do with that.

I can tell you how excited I am about starting a new service time for March 1st. God has been blessing us and our growth demands that we make room for those God sends us. This week we started an ad campaign in hopes of reaching those who might not know about Fellowship Church. Do you realize that much of Habersham County still doesn't even know we exist. I pray that changes very soon!

I can't wait to see all of you in the morning and watch as God moves in great ways!

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Addition to the Fellowship Family

Please join us in congratulating Kyle, Jodie & Kylie and in welcoming Kalynn Leigh. Jodie delivered today at 10:38 a.m..

Kalynn is 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long.
Congrats Kyle, Jodie & Kylie!

Part 2 of the Guest Services

Sunday Set list
We Won't Be Quiet David Crowder Band
He Reigns The Newsboys
Wanted Dead or Alive Bonjovi
Jesus Paid It All

Sunday we had about 50 folks again come for dual service training. What a good time hanging out with these folks that help turn the nuts and bolts for our worship services. The time has been valuable as we have learned it takes the whole team working together to help create a great first impression. Many of these folks are new to Fellowship Church and their input has been valuable. The worship team sends thanks to you folks!
As we move to dual service we'll experiment with the settings and we will tweak accordingly. (We know we won't get it all right the first time, but we'll be close)

Fellowship Connection is up and running in high gear. Hope you enjoying your group. If you didn't get to sign up this time we'll be doing new sign-ups late spring.

2 weeks til dual services! Its gonna be Good!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A little sunshine to brighten your day!

As Craig was opening the mail this morning, he laid this on my desk with the comment..."What a great letter." As I read the letter, I was encouraged and my day brightened.

I wanted to share this letter with you. It comes from David & Jody Poindexter of Flintstone, Georgia.

The letter says:

"To the Pastor and church family,
Our niece, Traci Lea Day, was an inmate at Arrendale Prison and released around September, 2008. You will never now what a blessing, encouragement, help and kindness you extended to her and other inmates meant to her and us, her family.

She told us how the church treated them like "people" and not criminals, and allowed the children to even associate with them. She did realize she had done wrong and deserved punishment, but was overwhelmed by the love and kindness extended to her. She is still trusting the Lord and facing some hurdles, one being she needs a job. So many are out of work in this area, but God is able. He always supplies our needs and He is our strength. Please pray God will give her a job and she will keep trusting Him.

You will always have a special place in our hearts and memories for all you did for her. We as a family have a compassion for inmates that we did not have before she was in prison. When an inmate is a loved family member, we look at them in a different way. Each inmate at one time was an innocent little baby. We all want to be loved and people like you have given that love.

Just want you to know we thank you so much and will remember the church in prayer.

Love & prayers,

David & Jody Poindexter"

As Craig said yesterday, Fellowship Church wants you to come as you are, but we hope you don't stay that way! Who would have ever guessed this time last year that we would be pushing 400 in service and ministry to inmates each and every week. The Lord has opened so many doors (and windows) for Fellowship Church. He is continuing to bless us each and every week by showing up and showing out. The atmosphere on Sundays is electric.

I am almost looking forward to each week here at the office, to see what wrench Satan is going to throw into the mix (it has been a lot recently), but I know that each wrench he throws means that something amazing is in store for Sunday.

Please pray for Traci (and her family) as she faces her hurdles. Pray for Fellowship Church and each and everyone who walks through these doors.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Groundhog Day!

Monday Morning recap "387"

WOW, what a week!

God is incredible and faithful. But you probably already knew that. Yesterday was the largest non-holiday service and second largest service in Fellowship Churches 3 and 1/2 year old history. Can you believe we had 387 in worship, I am blown away.

I find myself talking a lot about numbers lately, however I want you to understand what we do is not about numbers, but about people. When you hear a number don't think for a minute we are only counting heads. Yesterday we had 387 people who worshiped with us. Real people with real struggles, heart aches and concerns. My prayer is that Fellowship Church will continue to grow, but may we never grow past the fact that people are important.

One consideration I have pondered is to not greet everyone at the back door, but I just can't seem to let go. I want to sincerely thank each person who attends for spending their precious time worshiping at Fellowship Church. In Habersham County there are over 100 church, and they chose us, Thank you for that privilege.

There is one more reason we count and keep track of people, we believe the message of Jesus is so precious we want to make sure we share Jesus with everyone we can. Each week when I arrive for Sunday worship, I often wonder who will be with us.
Are they looking for a church home?
How did they find us?
But most of all I wonder if they know Jesus. If we didn't count or consider who attends we would never know how affective we are being at sharing Jesus. As we grow I pray that God will consider us faithful with His most gracious message and will continue to send people who are far from God to worship with us. I also pray that God would bless us with harvest.

The last thing I want to talk about this morning is the decisions that were made in yesterday's service. We had 4 people come forward in the service who prayed to receive Jesus. Yes! There we also about 8-10 others who acknowledged their need for Jesus. Will you join me in praying for these people. For the New Believers pray for protection and direction, for the one seeking God, pray that He will reveal Himself in their lives and we can celebrate with them as a church.

In worship I introduced you to one of the people who prayed to receive Christ in the Joy Class last week. Benny Wyrick has become a great friend, now he has become a brother in Christ. Welcome to the family Benny, God has great things in store for you. I know Matt is incredible proud of what God has done with his father.

Fellowship Church, have a great week. Tell someone about what God is doing at Fellowship Church and get ready for next week.

Hey let's all work together and see if we can have 400 next Sunday. We only need 13 more to attend. Invite a family member or coworker, we can do it. Where will we put them? Believe me we can figure it out. See ya Sunday.