Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas is for Pagans, Really?

Tina brought home a paper that was posted at her office telling us how bad we are in celebrating Christmas and that Christians should not participate in the Christmas season. I have one thing to say to whoever put that up and you can quote me on it: "Bah Humbug to you!"

It seems some of Tina's co-workers were upset by the paper and wanted my opinion so let me take about two seconds, well I can't type that fast, to give it a try.

No we don't know when Jesus was actually born, the Bible doesn't give us a specific day. Yes, the Christmas celebration predated as a pagan holiday as did Halloween, but that does not mean by celebrating Christmas we are honoring the pagan holiday of old. Although I agree that Christmas has been mis-used and abused, the attitude of those who celebrate Christmas is what makes it special and the person (Jesus Christ) whom we honor and celebrate makes it even more special.

Why do we entertain idiots (yes, I called them idiots) who want to make everything evil and attempt to push their beliefs on others. If the person who posted the paper wants to not celebrate Christmas then so be it, that's completely OK with me. It's like those who chose to fight over versions of the Bible. What positive impact does it have on the Kingdom of God? I am sure I don't know everything (in fact I know very little) about God and His Word, but I am pretty sure God isn't pleased by our fighting over stuff that does more to harm the message than progress the message. You see I can have unity with you and love you even if you only believe the KJV is the authorize Bible only, that's perfectly OK with me. (Enough said about that!)

Here's my point, what we do at Christmas is what really matters. If we fall into the traditions of man and allow our celebration to be hijacked by gifts, spending and the Christmas fuse we probably are celebrating for the wrong reasons and it becomes pagan, but when we put Jesus at the center of our celebration we fulfil this passage:
John 12:32 (KJV)
32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

The Bible teaches us that all we do should be measured by how successful we are or how much fun we have, but do we lift Jesus up before men. When we lift Jesus up we allow Him to shine forth and He will draw men to himself.

Christmas is for Pagans, NOT!

Oh Yeah, I did what you need to do with the paper posted on the bulletin board (that was posted without signature or contact info, people who don't put their name on it, don't deserve my time) tossed it in the trash, never to bother me again!

Great Day followed by a Bad Day

Sunday was a great day as we concluded the MySpace series. The crowd was good and the offering was once again incredible. We introduced Nate and Brittney Mattox as our new Children's Pastor and the church erupted in applause, I love that! Thanks for welcoming Nate and Brittney. But like a lot of Sunday's a Great Day is usually followed by a Bad Day!

I know that none of you have bad days! Everything always goes your way and everything is perfect in your life. Well, it just don't happen that way for me. Today was one of those days. I could have just stayed in bed and done fine, but I got up and went to the office and attempted to work, but nooooo! The enemy had other plans.

All day I fought the enemy, I second guessed my every decision and had one of those I think I'll just quit and dig ditches type of days. But about the time I had everything worked out God reminded me of a few things and everything changed. Not that the problems I faced went away, it's just He gave me peace about how to handle those things His way. I wonder why we have to be reminded so often.

On Sunday I will share with you one way God smacked me in the face. I give you a little hint.

Philippians 4:11-14 (MSG)
11 Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. 12 I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. 13 Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. 14 I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.

Matt Wyrick reminded me of this in a letter to our church. Then God reminded me of it later in the day as I thought, "Compared to Matt, I have it made, shut up and quit whining!"

Well, the day is closing and I feel better. I thought it important to share with you that even a pastor has those days, you know the kinda days we all have (just telling the truth). If we are to survive we will have to learn from where I strength comes from.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

On Mission

Do you ever have those days that seem to mark your life and change you? Today was one of those days for me. I spent most of the day at Lee Arrendale State Prison giving hygiene items as Christmas gifts to the prison population.

I remember my first visit to the prison a little over 8 months ago, it was not what I expected. I fully expected to have fear of being in a facility filled with people who were locked up for anything from drug charges to murder. What I found was a building filled with ladies who need to know that there are people who really do love them and I had no fear.

Today my job was to hand out emery boards. As I handed each inmate an emery board the look of excitement filled their eyes. Occasionally a lady would pass who was so overwhelmed that someone cared for them they had tears in their eyes. Of course this cause my eyes to fill as well. I saw girls as young as 18 and ladies as old as 70, each with a multitude of hurt and pains in their life.

Several stand out, like the young girl, who looked like she was my daughters age, who looked as if she were completely lost and without hope. As I handed her the emery board I smiled and said Merry Christmas. The return look told me she had not had someone care for her in a long time. Then there was another lady who walked with a cane, she had a drooping face, a face that had felt the ravages of a stroke. She spoke very deliberately and slowly as the stroke had taken her ability to communicate. Later I would hear that she was close to being released following over 24 years of imprisonment. Last week she had her first outside visit from family in over 20 years. I celebrated with her and hugged her neck and said goodbye. Next I visited with the lock-down where ladies are put when they break rules, I am not sure I could survive this as each person was in a small cell with little to no outside contact.

It changes you, it moves you, it hurts you. Now don't think I tell you this to think the prison system is not treating the ladies right, they do a great job and the staff (who are underpaid and overworked) really do care, but must do their job in accordance with the standards set forth by the court system for those who break the laws. I tell you all this in hopes that you will consider future opportunities to serve and make plans to come be changed.

I have always said, "missions will change a person". I can assure you the local mission work will grow you spiritually in ways you will never forget.

Thank you Warden Howerton, Chaplain Roberts and Jett and the staff as you allowed us the privilege to serve the ladies at LASP, I can truly say you guys helped change me today, a change that I wished every Christ follower would be willing to experience.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Gearing up for Christmas Eve

Many thanks to you for the response to yesterday's music. We opened with Steve Fee's version of "Joy to the World Let All Creation Sing" It was fresh and fun and sure to show up Wed. It was good to hear you join in on "Saviour of the World" thanks Celeste for a fine job. Carley sang a new one for us yesterday, "Let Us Adore" this is a Hillsong composition that we enjoyed preparing. We rounded out the set with "Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone"

The Christmas Eve service is gonna be good. We have a few surprises so you'll want to attend and bring a friend. Wed 4:30 or 6:00
See you there

The Doctrine of Hairology

In today's Monday Morning blog one of the topics was a message by a preacher named G.I. Barber (not kidding) and he is preaching a message about hair. You read right, it is about the Biblical Doctrine of Hair.

Since we have been talking about hair around here a lot, I thought you would enjoy this:


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Make Mine a Guitar...

By Diane Mapes contributor
updated 9:13 a.m. ET, Tues., Dec. 16, 2008
We take them with us to the dinner table, the bedroom, even the bathroom stall. But in recent years, some of us have started taking our beloved cell phones someplace really startling: the grave.

“It seems that everyone under 40 who dies takes their cell phone with them,” says Noelle Potvin, family service counselor for Hollywood Forever, a funeral home and cemetery in Hollywood, Calif. “It’s a trend with BlackBerrys, too. We even had one guy who was buried with his Game Boy.”

Anecdotal evidence suggests being buried with a favorite tech device is on the upswing. The Future Laboratory, a London-based think tank, has commented on the behavior, noting it in places like the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa. But experts are seeing it happen in the United States as well. CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE STORY.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Words of insight from Brian Houston

Once again I was just surfing and I found this on Perry Noble's blog. Take a minute and read this. Can you see it?

“The church that I see is a church of influence. A church so large in size that the city and nation cannot ignore it.

A church growing so quickly that buildings struggle to contain the increase.

I see a church whose heartfelt praise and worship touches heaven and changes earth. Worship which influences the praises of people throughout the earth exalting Christ with powerful songs of faith and hope.

I see a church whose alters are constantly filled with repentant sinners responding to Christ’s call to salvation.

Yes, the church that I see is so dependent on the Holy Spirit that nothing will stop it not stand against it.

A church whose people are unified, praying and full of God’s Spirit.

The church that I see has a message so clear that lives are being changed forever and potential is fulfilled though the power of His Word. A message beamed to the peoples of the earth through their television screens.

I see a church so compassionate that people are drawn from impossible situations into a loving and friendly circle of hope, where answers are found and acceptance is given.

I see a people so kingdom-minded that they will count whatever the cost and pay whatever the price to see revival sweep this land.

The church that I see is a church to committed to raising, training and empowering a leadership generation to reap the end-time harvest that all its ministries are consumed with this goal.

I see a church whose head is Jesus, whose help is the Holy Spirit and whose focus is the Great Commission.

Yes, the church that I see could well be our church.”

I agree Brian and I believe Fellowship has "IT"!

I am Second

Found this tonight while reading others blogs. I found it incredibly encouraging and hope you enjoy it as well.

Have fun I am Second

As for me, I AM SECOND!


We are still talking about Sunday. It was, for lack of a better phrase, off the hook! Everything flowed smoothly (a few bumps here and there, but for the most part it was smooth). Craig was definitely in rare form. Drew and Greg Brock were trying to figure out what Tina fed him for breakfast.

If you are struggling with finances, I strongly urge you to sign up for FPU in January. Speaking from first hand knowledge, it will set you free! It is not easy, I still struggle every day, but I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A light like no other!

There is going to be some great small group studies going on. A group of ladies and myself just finished Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore (I think it may be offered as well). Nancy Shubert felt a calling and thankfully listened and lead us in this study. I am one of those people that lack the discipline Craig was talking about regarding reading your Bible every day. If any of you have ever taken a Beth Moore Bible Study, you know...there is alot of homework. You read alot of passages. I read stories that I hadn't read in years and saw a whole new perspective in them.

I guess I am trying to say, if you are hestitating about commiting to a small group, please don't. Give it a try, I don't believe you will be disappointed. If you are new at Fellowship and don't know alot of people, you are not alone...we were all there at one point. It wasn't until Drew and I joined a small group 2 years ago that we actually started participating more. God will lead you to the group where you fit. It may be a mismatch to you, but He knows exactly where you are needed and when you are needed there. Don't ignore it, you may be there exactly for that one person in the group who you may not know from Adam now, but they may be needing you.

Sunday Recap

If you missed Sunday you missed a great day! From the time the music started I could tell things we different. The Praise Team did an outstanding job of leading us. The announcement time with Don King was interesting. I can tell you it made a big difference when it came to my time to share the talk God impressed on my heart. WoW what a day!

The crowd was good, I think the final count was 297 and all around was a great day.

I also have some news for you: On Sunday we hosted a potential candidate for our Children's Pastor position. He hung out with us all weekend and follow a lot of questions and prayer we believe he is our guy. It looks like he will be with us on Dec. 28 for the official announcement and be on site by Jan. 12.

Nate Mattox is from Jacksonville, Fl and has been married to Brittney for 1 year. Nate served at several churches as interim youth and family pastor positions while completing his education. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baptist College of Florida. Nate is called to Children's Ministry and brings a passion for seeing kids know Jesus and have fun at church.

Welcome Nate to the Fellowship Team!

Rick Warren, Fox News, Iran and the Holocaust

I hope the title caught your attention. I am writing this in response to two things, one a report about Rick Warren's recent comments on Fox News relating to Iran and secondly in response to an email I received for John Hoialmen about the Holocaust.

Rick Warren was asked about how we should respond to evil. Shawn Hannity asked Rick a passing question that some have taken and ran with about the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rick Warren responded to this question about evil (not unnecessarily, but inclusive) by using the analogy of someone coming to your home and breaking in. You deal with evil to protect your family. He eluded to the fact that we must protect American at all cost from evil. Many have criticized his comments. I neither criticize nor approve, but I will say as for myself, come to my house and try to hurt me or my family, you may get the best of me, but you will certainly get the best, because I am gonna give you all I can and if possible I will win! In good ole southern, I'm gonna open up a big can of whoop it!

So what does this have to do with Rick Warren and Fox News. While the Iranian President presents himself as a well educated polished man who seems to be rather smart, I struggle with his evil ways. You see Mr. Ahmadinejad believe Israel needs to be eradicated and refuses to believe the Holocaust ever happened. In the email John sent me it told of how Eisenhower requested many photos and movies be take to prove the Holocaust really happened. In Europe it has been removed from the class room! It's only been 60 years and we forget already? Evil has a way of working behind the scene's to change the hearts of man. If Mr. Ahmadinejad really believe Israel should be wipped off the map as he said then I agree with Rick Warren, either we get him or he gets us!

I remember being taught about the Holocaust, but the greatest impact on my like came from a man I would meet in my 40's. His name was Andrew Demus a holocaust survivor. Mr. Demus lived in Cornelia, GA until his passing in March 2006. I met him at Habersham Hardware and the relationship that began was one that afforded me some memorable session of conversation. Mr. Demus was a young boy taken prisoner and forced to work in the concentration camps of Germany. His stories of how we survived intrigued me, but from his stories I came to understand just how real the Holocaust was and is today. I will forever be grateful for know Mr. Demus.

The reason I write is to say, folks lets not allow EVIL a place in our lives to where we no longer are willing to fight for right! Some argue that we must be Christian and turn the other cheek. I don't think you will find that application in the Bible. Read the OT, God instructed Israel to stand for right and destroy the wrong. We must measure every situation against the truth of God's Word and then stand firm on what God says, if we loose this we loose the battle. Maybe that's is why I believe Jesus is soon returning for the church!

Oh yeah, you think it never happened Mr. Ahmadinejad, what do you do with picture like this of which there are many thanks to Eisenhower, Hilter's worst nightmare?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday Morning 12-14-2008

Sunday song line up:
Can You Feel It? David Crowder Band
Mighty to Save Hillsong
He Reigns The Newsboys
How Great is Our God Chris Tomlin
How Great Thou Art Charlie Hall

What a great day of Worship. The band got done early from sound check and we got to hang in the early crowd. You guys are lotsa fun. We are thankful for the open spirit of worship even before service time.
During worship when things broke loose it was a privilege to see the response. When folks come down to pray and when folks move to one another during the service moves us and encourages the entire team.
Yes we got the board moved and the drum cage set. The tech team did a great job of mixing and video.
We'll be rehearsing on Wed this week only at 6:30. Keep us covered in prayer.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What's wrong with the System?

I arrived home tonight to hear the breaking news that the jury was deadlocked in the sentencing phase of the Brian Nichols trial in Atlanta. If you don't remember who Brian Nichols is allow me to remind you. Several years ago, Brian Nichols who was on trial for rape stole a gun and killed several people in the Fulton County courthouse and then went on to kill others while on the run for several days.

The Jury is deadlocked about how to sentence Brian Nichols? Really? I mean can a group of 12 people not see that what this man did was messed up and beyond belief? They agree that the circumstances were aggravating, however they could not agree with what to do with him. I am sure Mr. Nichols is glad the Biblical standard of law is not being applied here. Take a mans life and you forfeit your life!

Why am I blogging on this? I will be talking more about this on Sunday but I find our country moving closer to the condition of the Nation of Israel as found in the Bible book of Judges. It says, "In those days there was no king in Isreal, and everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Translation, no God, No Rules! In a society with no rules there is no judgements, so the case of Brian Nichols.

Maybe you don't get it yet. I think Brian Nichols should be put in GA death chamber and a date set for his life to end. I believe the Bible clearly teaches this, you might not agree, but that's your right like it's my right to have my belief. Bottom line, it's time for right to be right and wrong to be wrong! It's time Jesus to be King again! What's wrong with the System? Even in this Christmas season, Jesus is missing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Experiencing the Miracles and Move of God

Everyday God is working around us. Unfortunately we move so fast we often miss His greatest works. On Tuesday I had the opportunity and privilege to visit with the Streetman family. Jason and Jessica are new to Fellowship Church and on Saturday God blessed them with the birth of triplets: Maggie, Abby and Cooper. Jessica had been in the hospital on bed rest since October 30 due to the critical nature of having triplets, she reached the 28 week point (safe delivery) on Saturday Dec. 6, 2008. Triplets are very rare, occuring at the rate of 161 per 100K.

I couldn't go to the hospital on Monday, so Tuesday morning I set out on my journey to see these amazing gifts from God. When I arrived Jessica met me at the door with a big hug and we move down the hall to the NICU unit to see the children. We entered the Maggie's room first. She is doing well, breathing on her own and showing signs of liking the free world. Next we visited with Cooper, here I found Jason just sitting with a look of wonder as he peered into the little incubator at his new baby boy. We talked some and watched as nurses entered the room. Soon the doctor came in and gave us an update. Maggie and Abby were doing well, but Cooper, the smallest at 1.6 pounds was showing signs of some struggles. The doctor impressed me with his bedside manners and honest appraisal. Cooper will have a slightly harder road ahead and will be the trouble maker of the bunch. Later we visited with Abby who kicked and even let out a little cry when the nurse checked a lead that was malfunctioning.
I can't begin to tell you all that God did on this day in my life. Once again the wonder of new life filled me with awe as I watched these small babies take each breath. Our God is certainly an amazing creator to whom we owe praise and glory.

I tell you all of this to share how God works. I never intended to stay as long as I stay, but God had bigger plans. When the doctor came in to tell us about Cooper, God knew Jason and Jessica would be needing me and I am glad I was there. Following the Docs visit me and the Streetman's shared some insights about God's plans for our lives and the work he was doing in our midst. Jason even shared deeper about some things God is doing in his life. I love it!

God knew I needed to be there at just the right time to hang out and encourage the Streetman's with truths about God. Following our time in the babies rooms Jessica got to leave for the day to go home for the first time in two months. Tina and I were privileged to have lunch with them at Red Lobster and then they retreated home.

What is God doing in your life? He is working all around us and many time we never even acknowledge Him. Take a moment in the next couple of day to just slow down and look for God. What is He doing for you and with you? What is He asking from you?

Then bless His name!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday Music

Let Me Sing: Todd Fields
My Savior Lives : New Life Church
Alabaster Jar : Gateway Worship
Lift High : Steve Fee
(Holiness) Take My Life

Thank you to all who shared encouragement this AM. We as a band didn't have it. We had a miss cue and some forgetfulness. Its been a long time since that happened but it was good it did. It keeps in line with what we are doing and not take for granted. We are in the middle of a project to move the sound board, computers and drum cage treatment. We'll be working Monday and Tuesday night this week to be ready for Sunday. Thanks folks!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ladies Tour of Homes

Let me just say a big WOW! The Tour of Homes was a big success! We had over 50 ladies and a few men come out and celebrate a time of togetherness Sunday night...and boy did we celebrate. I would like to extend a very huge thank you to Laura DeLorenzo, Jess Bunker, Laura's mom (we are all jealous of her craft rooms), Tina Lee, Bonnie Holbrook, Stephanie Nunnally, Charli Hoilamen, Nancy Shubert, and Leslie Stephenson who so graciously opened their homes (and kitchens!) to us. Everything was gorgeous and delicious. If you were unable to attend, I really can't put in to words how much fun you missed. Whenever a group gets together (especially the group we had), you can't help but enjoy yourselves. Not only were we able to reconnect with each other, we were able to meet some that we may not have known before. Also, a big thank you to Craig and Lynn for driving us crazy ladies around. This will not be a night forgotten. I will post pics as soon as I can. Thanks again for the memories ladies...and gents!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Excited about Sunday

What's up everybody, I wanted to take a minute to tell you how excited I am about Sunday. We will be starting a new series that will be focused on the New Small Group ministry we are rolling out in January.
Our goal for the Small Group ministry is 100% participation. We set this goal out of a desire to see people grow closer to one another and Christ. The Bible teaches us that being a Christ follower is strengthened when coupled with others who follow Christ.

The MySpace series will include the following talks:
Sunday Dec. 7 Little Big Church
Sunday Dec. 14 Networking for Life
Sunday Dec. 21 Where You Belong
Sunday Dec. 28 Don't Blink

I can't wait to see all of you on Sunday!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunday Recap

Hey everyone, even on a regularly soft Sunday (following Thanksgiving) we had a good crowd. And considering the weather, we had a great Sunday! Anytime it is cold and rainy even I want to stay home and sleep in!

We talked about the It-itudes of a church that has "IT".
1) Unity - a spirit of ding things together as one.
2) Humility - realizing that "IT" is God and not us.
3) Protection - working to keep the enemy at bay.
4) Caring - taking care of those who need us.
5) Perseverance - never give up!
6) Celebration and Worship
7) Restoration - setting the captive free.

All of these IT-itudes are found in the story of Nehemiah and the team that rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.

I think everyone will agree that God is at work at Fellowship Church. The amazing stories we hear each week is proof of that.

Last night was amazing. We hosted a church decorating party and clean up night. I got here and the parking lot was full and the people we getting with it. We cleaned the other side of the curtain in about 30 minutes and the ladies made the worship area look a Christmasy. Thanks for all those who helped. I think we had about 60 show up, WOW!