Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Can I Pray for You?

We got the chance yesterday and today (as well as the rest of the week) to love on the teachers at Baldwin Elementary by giving them small goodie bags for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Today Craig asked each of them this question: "How can we pray for you?" I think that simple question caught so many of them by surprise. The overwhelming response was for patience for the next 18 days, but several of them went deeper. The shock and surprise from that little question made me realize how many times someone requests prayer but how many times have I said, "How can I pray for you?" This simple question can change someone's entire outlook on the day.

As we go through each day, we get caught up in what is going on in our lives that we forget to look around and see what is going on in the lives of others. My challenge for myself (and I hope you challenge yourself too) is to stop, smile, and ask someone this week "How can I pray for you?" and actually pray for that individual. It can be so easy to just say, I will pray for you, but so hard to actually take the time to pray for them.

We had several very strong prayer requests today from Baldwin...I hope you join in with us to pray for these teachers and the students as well.

Also, if you would like to go and help deliver bags on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, you will definitely be blessed. Just call me or email me.

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