Friday, September 4, 2009

Will we let Satan Win?

Good Morning Fellowship Family,

I wanted to take a moment to share with you a concern. Last Sunday we announced something different would be presented in this coming Sunday’s message as an illustration. Since that time I have received several calls and comments of concern. Although I understand and appreciate each contact I can’t help but be broken hearted over how some have responded. On Thursday the staff and I sat down to discuss the potential impact of following through with the illustration and have decided that it would be costly to the body of Christ and we will not be using it.

You may think that is why I am broken hearted, but you would be wrong. I am broken hearted over some people’s tactics within the body. Some have resorted to a call brigade to members of Fellowship Church in an attempt to shore up support for their cause. I find it incredibly offensive that some would consider personal preference about tattooing vs. blatant sin of gossip and disunity! Rumors abound and most of them are outright LIES! I encourage you to consider your conversation and also understand that when you speak untruth about the church you are speaking untruth about the Bride that Jesus died for. The implication of that action is left in the hands of a Righteous God.

Fellowship Church began as a dream to be a church that was different, to become a church where everyone was welcomed. This means that we allow people from all walks of life, not just those who look and act like we believe scripture teaches. In fact many in the church have been taught a false system of outward appearance (Pharisaical in nature) rather than an inward transformation. What I most desire as pastor is a church who stops acting religious and starts being Biblical. Our community is filled with people who are broken, hurting and need a loving hand from those who know Jesus. I pray for a day when church happens. Paul wrote these words:
1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (NIV)
19 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law.
22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.
23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

To those of you who have given your trust to the staff who lead Fellowship Church, thank you and know that we value your trust and will protect against violating it. We want to hear from you and will listen to your concerns. Sometimes we will change a course because we heard positive communication that caused us to consider the implications of a decision, but there will be times when we continue forward and lead this church into the future. But please do not call and threaten us, hang up on us when we are talking or use gossip to cause harm to the body, it just will not be tolerated and we will correct you in love. Let me thank those who have called with the right spirit and shared their concerns you truly helped us resolve a difficult decision and I am thankful for your Biblical actions.
I realize that some of you are caught off guard and may be wondering why I would respond this way. There are several reasons: 1) I am tired of people sinning by gossiping about Fellowship Church and will not stand by any longer listening to member comments that I know are untrue. It is enough that the religious community attacks us, but from our own is just not acceptable. 2) It’s time we either decide to do Fellowship Church or not. I love you all, but I also love Jesus and know what he has called us to do. We have been sidetracked long enough with petty differences that make no forward progress in the Kingdom. God has either sent you to Fellowship Church or not, only you know which, so get in or get out! “Pastor, you don’t love us!” YES I DO, I love you dearly, however if you think you can hijack the work of God here at Fellowship you are wrong. Everyone is valued, however, everyone is not in the right place. I realize some of you will stop reading right now and shut down, good, that is what I intended to do. For those of you who are tired of this stuff welcome, I invite you to enjoy the ride. 3) I just don’t have time to keep doing this. I will be 45 in a few days. I will be dead in a few years. But more importantly Jesus could come back any minute. People are dying and going to Hell and we have people intent on helping them get there, I just don’t get it. 4)Right now I believe our church is positioned staff wise, spirit wise and people wise to impact our community for Jesus. Let’s get with it! Now is the time and I can’t wait to see all that God has for us.
So just to be clear and open. Right now I am very frustrated, hurt and honestly mad. A pastor recently preached a message called “Get the Hell out!” Some of you are so caught up in being the spiritual police you are now mad at what I just wrote. Clearly you don’t get it. This pastor talked about all the junk going on in their church, in reality he called it “sin” or if you look at the Bible sin is also known as “Hell”. He invited those who were opposed to his church to “Get the Hell out!” If you are sinning by gossiping and lying about Fellowship Church. If your personal preferences are offended at Fellowship Church and you can’t let go and let God. THEN I TELL YOU “GET THE HELL OUT!” Oh, yeah you can send this to your friends and even point them to our blog, where I have fully posted this email.
I love you all and hope that you can read between the lines if you are a faithful serving, giving and loving member. I value you more than you can ever know, but it’s time to stop this. I will spend no more time on this junk, we are moving forward toward the great things God has for us. If you would like to talk to me please feel free to call or email. God bless you all!
Pastor Craig


Jessica B said...

I am sick and tired of MY pastor having to defend the vision that MY GOD has placed on his heart. This is truly dishearting and sad, that the point is being missed. We are trying to reach the un reachable, love the unloveable, and accept the unacceptable in the world, so that they can know Jesus. If any of you are upset over a stinkin' tatoo, then no wonder this community is so lost. NO freakin' wonder everyone calls us 'fake'! I dare any of you people that are back-biting my Pastors, to say that you live a perfect life, and I will say to you, not only fooling yourself, but your putting the rest of us in a catogory we don't want to be in.
This is not about ink, jewerly, or drinking a beer at a game, this is about throwing the life ring of Jesus out there into the world. our world is drowning in a sea of despair. If any of you were half way listing last week to the message, you would understand that you DON'T understand if your offended by a tatoo. It's about the Freedom that has been given to us to give away. Once we realize that we are imperfect without GOD, and the amazing things that can happen when we let him take that Freedom and use us to give it to others.
What we are fussing about isn't wither or not it's of GOD, it's about SATIN trying to rip MY GOD'S masterpiece apart.
I KNOW that fellowship is on the brink of amazing, and awesome things for Habersham County, and satin is pissed off!! Right now he has us where he wants a religious, Godless lie. If you truely believe that this is about a tatoo, you need to get on your knees and PRAY!
I am so thankful for every member of FC's leaders and teachers and people that devote each week to serving Christ!(even you Nate lol) I beg each of you to press on, and not let this set you back.
In Love, Jessica Bruning

Unknown said...

The series Marked has brought special meaning to my life. Jewlery, Piercings, Tatoo's, clothing etc. is an expression of who you are. Being Marked by the Blood of Jesus Christ is the most important expression of who you are. When you are truley marked you show it everyday in your actions-the way you treat others, your honesty--your lifesyle--The love of Jesus Christ shines through you. This scripture sums up the importance of this series:
Matthew 5: 15-16
15.and no one would light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. 16 Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

May God Bless all that read my blog