Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No one left Behind part II

It has been an exciting start to my week. I was reminded Sunday how fragile life really is!! My previous blog was centered around the thought that everyone mattered to God so they should matter us us.

My daughter was working at a local department store. She was assisting a 86 year old patron trying to find an item on an isle when this lady passed out in her arms. Little did she realize but this lady was having a massive heart attack and dying in her arms. (sounds far fetched but it really happened)

While the paramedics were attending to this sweat lady trying to revive her, my daughter and some employees closed the isle to give these professionals room to work. While they were standing there a man walked right past them but was quickly stopped. The situation was explained to him that the isle was closed while the paramedic's tried to revive this lady and bring her back to life. His response was "i only need one item and I will get it really quick" W.O.W.

How insensitive we have become as human beings when someone lay dying on the floor and all we can think about is what we need. Life became so insignificant because this man was not connected personally to lady lying on the floor.

But is that not the church today? People are dying all around us and all we can say as we step around them is "i only need one item and I will get it quickly" Are we moving at such a fast pace that people really don't matter. Their spiritual life is on the floor in front of us and no one has the time to hook them up to the spiritual defibrillator (God's Word) "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God".

Can I encourage you to stop and look around you this week. See who is spiritually on the floor and show them the life source "JESUS" and lets get people hooked -up. Here is a question I was asked many years ago by my mentor "how many lost people am I currently involved in their lives" If we are not careful we can look around us and all we will see is the same old Christians that we have been hanging around for years!!


Until all have Heard

Pastor Robbie

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