Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Wow what a day!  It was incredible to see everyone at church.  We had over 500 people come through the doors of Fellowship Church which is a testament to all the faithful who Identified, Invested, and Invited.  Fellowship can only exist if everyone provides an environment to follow Jesus.  I believe, though we are almost five years old as a church, we are only beginning.  Just hold on this ride is going to be exciting.

Easter is always a special time to reflect upon what Jesus did for us by going to the cross for our sins.  As we began our new series Crazy Love and study how God is crazy in love with his creation, let me encourage you to follow along in the book to go more in depth about this crazy love.  Also don't forget about signing up for a Crazy Love small group. 

Thank you so much to all the volunteers who gave of their time, talent, and treasure this past week to provide that environment for people to follow Jesus.. Like I said before Fellowship Church can only exist with people volunteering their efforts to see people meet Jesus. 

Many of you have asked about the painting we did so I thought I would post the video here so you can show your friends and family if they were not able to attend Sunday:

Hope you enjoy it

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

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