Thursday, July 28, 2011

And Chief said, "We did what?"

Last Thursday Chief (Benny Wyrick) and I worked in the office preparing for the upcoming Fall Small Groups and more. As of now we have 11 group offerings, some are continued small groups, a new Study on John ( the remaining chapters) and New Fun Groups! You can see them here!
Chief noticed a list of missions and events on the wall. He noted that we had done a great deal in the first half of this year and thought it good to share this with you.

Wrapping Presents at K-Mart, Baldwin Elementary Staff Week, Reverse Yard Sale (+60 Families ), Community Service Day, Circle of Hope, City of Baldwin Cleanup Day, Gas Card give away, Senior Adult home/ yard repairs, Children's Area remodel (Saturday, August 13 tentative to finish), Spring Fling, Family Fun Night at Pine Forest Apartments, Baldwin Elementary Pencil/ Eraser drive (In Progress!)

Look for even more opportunities to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus this fall.

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