Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank You Notes from Baldwin Elementary Teachers

Amanda Gosnell Anderson wants to thank everyone who volunteered their time and talents (food) today at Baldwin Elementary! It was a huge success!!!

June 3 at 2:54pm ·  · 
Rachelle Woodruff
Rachelle Woodruff 
I want to say thanks to that too!!! guys are WONDERFUL and we felt the love! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day for us! We LOVE you all!!!!!
Saturday at 9:52am · 
Marisa Whittington
Marisa Whittington 
Yes, thank you all so much for a wonderful lunch and for all of the love that we have felt from you guys! WE all appreciate everything that your church has done for us in the past couple of months. We love you all!!!
God is good and HE has blessed us with an amazing Partner in Education!! :)
Saturday at 9:58am · 
Sara Alice Tucker
Sara Alice Tucker 
I can't remember when a "teacher appreciation" lunch has been more welcome and enjoyed. Heartfelt thanks to every helping hand. And will somebody please tell Celeste that my bangs are PERFECT!!
Saturday at 11:29am · 
Holly Payton Adams
Holly Payton Adams 
Fellowship Church is amazing!!! We at Baldwin are so happy to have you as a Partner in Education. You guys are AWESOME!!!! Thanks so much for all of the love shown to us this year!
Saturday at 2:30pm · 
Rhonda Copeland Card
Rhonda Copeland Card 
All of you at Fellowship are a true blessing! thanks so much for all you did for us. The lunch was amazing and so are you.
Saturday at 2:33pm · 
Jana Taylor Rose
Jana Taylor Rose 
Thank you, Fellowship Church! You guys are wonderful! We really appreciate all you have done for us. :)
Saturday at 2:59pm · 
Carrie E Trotter
Carrie E Trotter 
Thank you, Thank you!!! It was such a special treat to have such a wonderful lunch that was served with a smile! I really appreciate all of the treats we have received the past couple months - it really helped get me through the end.
Saturday at 3:40pm · 
Stella Price
Stella Price 
Thank you Fellowship Church! Lunch was great! It is so nice to have such a great partner. You really made us feel loved and special this year.Thanks for everything.
Saturday at 4:38pm · 
Terri Beacham Wood
Terri Beacham Wood 
Thanks for caring about us in a time when we needed it the most.
Saturday at 9:53pm · 
Kelly Suzanne Williams
Kelly Suzanne Williams 
would also like to thank Fellowship Church! You have been so good to us this year, and we appreciate you all. God knew that we needed you guys. God is good.
He knows our every need.
Yesterday at 12:57pm · 
Ruby Dooley
Ruby Dooley 
May I also say how grateful I am for just thinking of us but all the attention to detail is very humbling for me personally. Thank you seems so inadequate to express our feelings.
Yesterday at 2:12pm · 
Karen Batson Simpson
Karen Batson Simpson 
You are right Amanda, it was a huge success. Thanks to everyone and Stan makes great french fries. I loved that big french fry cooker.
11 hours ago · 

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