Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are still talking about Sunday. It was, for lack of a better phrase, off the hook! Everything flowed smoothly (a few bumps here and there, but for the most part it was smooth). Craig was definitely in rare form. Drew and Greg Brock were trying to figure out what Tina fed him for breakfast.

If you are struggling with finances, I strongly urge you to sign up for FPU in January. Speaking from first hand knowledge, it will set you free! It is not easy, I still struggle every day, but I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A light like no other!

There is going to be some great small group studies going on. A group of ladies and myself just finished Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore (I think it may be offered as well). Nancy Shubert felt a calling and thankfully listened and lead us in this study. I am one of those people that lack the discipline Craig was talking about regarding reading your Bible every day. If any of you have ever taken a Beth Moore Bible Study, you know...there is alot of homework. You read alot of passages. I read stories that I hadn't read in years and saw a whole new perspective in them.

I guess I am trying to say, if you are hestitating about commiting to a small group, please don't. Give it a try, I don't believe you will be disappointed. If you are new at Fellowship and don't know alot of people, you are not alone...we were all there at one point. It wasn't until Drew and I joined a small group 2 years ago that we actually started participating more. God will lead you to the group where you fit. It may be a mismatch to you, but He knows exactly where you are needed and when you are needed there. Don't ignore it, you may be there exactly for that one person in the group who you may not know from Adam now, but they may be needing you.

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