Rick Warren was asked about how we should respond to evil. Shawn Hannity asked Rick a passing question that some have taken and ran with about the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rick Warren responded to this question about evil (not unnecessarily, but inclusive) by using the analogy of someone coming to your home and breaking in. You deal with evil to protect your family. He eluded to the fact that we must protect American at all cost from evil. Many have criticized his comments. I neither criticize nor approve, but I will say as for myself, come to my house and try to hurt me or my family, you may get the best of me, but you will certainly get the best, because I am gonna give you all I can and if possible I will win! In good ole southern, I'm gonna open up a big can of whoop it!
So what does this have to do with Rick Warren and Fox News. While the Iranian President presents himself as a well educated polished man who seems to be rather smart, I struggle with his evil ways. You see Mr. Ahmadinejad believe Israel needs to be eradicated and refuses to believe the Holocaust ever happened. In the email John sent me it told of how Eisenhower requested many photos and movies be take to prove the Holocaust really happened. In Europe it has been removed from the class room! It's only been 60 years and we forget already? Evil has a way of working behind the scene's to change the hearts of man. If Mr. Ahmadinejad really believe Israel should be wipped off the map as he said then I agree with Rick Warren, either we get him or he gets us!
I remember being taught about the Holocaust, but the greatest impact on my like came from a man I would meet in my 40's. His name was Andrew Demus a holocaust survivor. Mr. Demus lived in Cornelia, GA until his passing in March 2006. I met him at Habersham Hardware and the relationship that began was one that afforded me some memorable session of conversation. Mr. Demus was a young boy taken prisoner and forced to work in the concentration camps of Germany. His stories of how we survived intrigued me, but from his stories I came to understand just how real the Holocaust was and is today. I will forever be grateful for know Mr. Demus.
The reason I write is to say, folks lets not allow EVIL a place in our lives to where we no longer are willing to fight for right! Some argue that we must be Christian and turn the other cheek. I don't think you will find that application in the Bible. Read the OT, God instructed Israel to stand for right and destroy the wrong. We must measure every situation against the truth of God's Word and then stand firm on what God says, if we loose this we loose the battle. Maybe that's is why I believe Jesus is soon returning for the church!
Oh yeah, you think it never happened Mr. Ahmadinejad, what do you do with picture like this of which there are many thanks to Eisenhower, Hilter's worst nightmare?

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