Tina brought home a paper that was posted at her office telling us how bad we are in celebrating Christmas and that Christians should not participate in the Christmas season. I have one thing to say to whoever put that up and you can quote me on it: "Bah Humbug to you!"
It seems some of Tina's co-workers were upset by the paper and wanted my opinion so let me take about two seconds, well I can't type that fast, to give it a try.
No we don't know when Jesus was actually born, the Bible doesn't give us a specific day. Yes, the Christmas celebration predated as a pagan holiday as did Halloween, but that does not mean by celebrating Christmas we are honoring the pagan holiday of old. Although I agree that Christmas has been mis-used and abused, the attitude of those who celebrate Christmas is what makes it special and the person (Jesus Christ) whom we honor and celebrate makes it even more special.
Why do we entertain idiots (yes, I called them idiots) who want to make everything evil and attempt to push their beliefs on others. If the person who posted the paper wants to not celebrate Christmas then so be it, that's completely OK with me. It's like those who chose to fight over versions of the Bible. What positive impact does it have on the Kingdom of God? I am sure I don't know everything (in fact I know very little) about God and His Word, but I am pretty sure God isn't pleased by our fighting over stuff that does more to harm the message than progress the message. You see I can have unity with you and love you even if you only believe the KJV is the authorize Bible only, that's perfectly OK with me. (Enough said about that!)
Here's my point, what we do at Christmas is what really matters. If we fall into the traditions of man and allow our celebration to be hijacked by gifts, spending and the Christmas fuse we probably are celebrating for the wrong reasons and it becomes pagan, but when we put Jesus at the center of our celebration we fulfil this passage:
John 12:32 (KJV)
32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
The Bible teaches us that all we do should be measured by how successful we are or how much fun we have, but do we lift Jesus up before men. When we lift Jesus up we allow Him to shine forth and He will draw men to himself.
Christmas is for Pagans, NOT!
Oh Yeah, I did what you need to do with the paper posted on the bulletin board (that was posted without signature or contact info, people who don't put their name on it, don't deserve my time) tossed it in the trash, never to bother me again!
1 comment:
craig, great message today. i got a real blessing today. im going to write matt a letter and hope i can encourage him as much as his letter engouraged me. ive learned so much since i started coming to fellowship church. i hate that ive waited so long, but God gave me a second life and im going to live for him this time. thanks for all the encourgment and for being a friend. the roc
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