Thursday, December 30, 2010

Radical in the news

Here is a story about a church that is taking their community to Christ. I am encouraged to read this story as these folks are like us. (except they are living a radical life for Jesus) We too if we let go and let God we can change our community and beyond. Read the story here!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Radical Starts Soon!

Hey folks I am very excited about the new year as we get Radical. I have been rereading the book for a couple months and still find new truths in this book. Read some of the reviews at this LINK . I am sure this will be in your top 5 of life changing events if you will be a part. There are many things going on around Fellowship Church that God has planned and I want you to be gettin' ready by joining a small group for this life changing study. Click here to join a group. See ya on Sunday as we gather to worship.

Jesus--Our Reason for Celebrating Christmas

Below is a card received from Matthew Wyrick (Benny & Sue's son). 

Dear Fellowship,
I want to first start by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I want to thank you so much for blessing me again with another wonderful Christmas Package!  It is truly a blessing and uplifting to me to have and be apart of such a loving Church family!  As these days turn to months and years, this Church full of my brothers and sisters in Christ shows me the love of Jesus Christ and how he lives in each of you.  And its not just the Christmas Package, its all y our prayers and thoughts, all your letters and encouragement, the love and compassion to my parents and family and the acceptance of a person no matter their background, but where and how you can guide them to Christ and let Him take over their lives!  You all have made this a very Merry Christmas for me and I thank you all!  Merry Christmas.  Love Matthew.  May His joy and peace be with you ALL and fill you ALL with a blessed hope for the new year.  Have a wonderful holiday season and have a very Merry Christmas, God Bless.  Love Matthew Wyrick. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Set List 12/19

I'll Be Home For Christmas-Wk 4

(Christmas) Baby Please Come Home-Fellowship Arrangement
The Time Has Come-Hillsong
This Is Our God-Hillsong
You'll Come-Hillsong
Let Us Adore-Hillsong

Don't forget our Christmas Eve service Friday night we have some special carols ready to sing. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rockstar Phillip Gaines

You might not know Phillip Gaines but you see signs of his work as you come to Fellowship Church "each" week. Phillip has been at FC from day ONE. He has been putting up the directional signs for you and your invites to find our church. He manages around 20+ signs. He puts them up on Fridays and collects them after Sunday services. Why? Fellowship Church wants to honor the sign ordinance of our city and Phillip wants to honor Jesus. Phil's work helps us all to guide people to Jesus. He is helping to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus, even if the don't attend FC by being faithful in his task. Thank You ! Phillip, Rockstar at Fellowship Church

Monday, December 13, 2010

Set List 12/12

I'll Be Home For Christmas-Week 3

All Creation Sing (Joy To The World)-Fee
The Broken & The Tired-Elevation
This Is Our God-Hillsong
How He Loves-John Mark McMillan

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snowy Weather

In snowy or inclemete weather check the web site at for church closings. Or check the good ole radio at WCORN 99.3.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Set List 12/5

I'll Be Home For Christmas-Wk.2

Run Rudolph Run-Chuck Berry
Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture
You'll Come-Hillsong
Glory In The Highest-Tomlin
Let Us Adore-Hillsong

Friday, December 3, 2010

Everyone You Meet

Romans 1:15-17
Everyone I meet—it matters little whether they're mannered or rude, smart or simple—deepens my sense of interdependence and obligation. And that's why I can't wait to get to you in Rome, preaching this wonderful good news of God.
It's news I'm most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! God's way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: "The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives."

Paul's opening words to the Romans we bold. Roman was the epicenter of all things cool. The art, literature, poetry, life style and more were always the latest and progressive. Paul's message was new but could be received as looked down upon or even bogus. To hear about a man crucified between two thieves was bound not to turn out to good. They just didn't know.
Paul was willing to let each know they had value as he stated "it matters little..." He expressed joy and excitement to share, proclaim the message of God.
As you go through the everyday do you look forward with excitement to share the good news? probably not. but why not!
Please consider the words of Paul in this first chapter an then use it as a filter for the next week as you meet those you see each day that need to hear The Good News!

The Christmas season is a great time to share as we all are receptive to receive good gifts.

See ya Sunday at 11AM.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rapping with the BIG K

This Friday night will make a new mark on the folks of Habersham County. We Fellowship folks will be at K-Mart wrapping gifts, for FREE! This is a sure thing to mess up peoples worlds because they are so trained that no one does nice things for free. That is what we'll do, no strings attached. Sharing Christ love in the everyday task with shows others that there is more to this Christmas Thing. You heard Sunday about the myths of Christmas and together we can be myth busters this season.
We will be at Kmart on Friday Dec 3, 10 and 17 at 6:PM and Saturday  Dec 4, 11 and 18.
Email today to let me know you will help.

Monday, November 29, 2010


1 Peter 3:15 (MSG)
15 Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy.

Sunday night while watching the news I heard a football player make a comment that has stuck in my head since.

Matt Bryant (left) kicked the game winning field goal for the Atlanta Falcon's against the Green Bay Packers giving the Falcon's the best record in the league.  I am not a big Falcon's fan as most of you know, but I have a new found respect for their kicker following his comments.

During an interview on Fox 5 Bryant had this to say:  "Pressure is what you feel when you're not prepared," Bryant said. "I've been preparing for that since I was 6 years old. Was there a little bit of pressure? Yeah. But I was prepared."

Christ followers could learn a great lesson from Bryant's comments.  In life there will be pressure, troubles and trials.  But when we prepare and walk with the Lord, those time will not seem so difficult or overwhelming.  To many time I see "Christians" panic when trouble comes and then forget all the promises God has given them, all because they did not prepare.

While attempting to find this quote to be accurate I also learned that Matt Bryant and his wife Melissa lost a son in 2008 and his career has seen some very trying times, but he never gave up or gave in, he continued to prepare and do what he was trained to do.

Are you ready?  Have you built your life on the rock of Jesus (Matt. 7:24-25) so that no matter what comes, no matter how hard the winds blow or how high the water flows, your life is built solid?  Let's learn from Bryant, that preparing is the most important thing we can do!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

It has been a fast week and I have enjoyed the extra time with Nathan this year.  As we visited with family yesterday I began to think about all I am thankful for and thought I would share those thoughts with you as soon as I could.

Here is my list of things I am thankful for:

1. My God - I put my faith in Christ when I was 13 and I can truly say that He has never let me
down.  Not only can I count on Him in life, He forgives me even when I doubt.

2. My beautiful wife - This September will be 26 years and I love her more today than ever.  I am blessed that God gifted me with her.

3. My children -  Whitney has made a father proud and I am blessed that God answered our
prayers by sending Daniel as her husband.  Nathan is a joy and fun to watch mature and grow.
God has truly given me children who make me proud and thankful.

4. My Family - Yesterday we were able to spend some time with my parents.  Due to where we
live and what God has called me to do, I don't get to spend a lot of time with them, but yesterday was especially special and fun.  I am thankful for the holiday's that afford me time to see them.

5. My Church - During the last year God has given me a renewed vision for the church I pastor
and I believe Fellowship Church has the greatest people on the planet.  I am thankful for each person God sends to be part of our church.

There are so many things I could list, but I think the top 5 are the most important.  I wonder what you are thankful for, take a minute to comment and we will post your response as they come in.

See you Sunday!

Sent into the Storm Part 2

Hi folks,
Today many of you will have been in a storm, rain or the Black Friday crowd. The storms of life come as no surprise to God.
MATT 14:21-33 About five thousand were fed.

As soon as the meal was finished, he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people. With the crowd dispersed, he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night. Meanwhile, the boat was far out to sea when the wind came up against them and they were battered by the waves. At about four o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them walking on the water. They were scared out of their wits. “A ghost!” they said, crying out in terror. But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.”
He said, “Come ahead.”
Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” The two of them climbed into the boat, and the wind died down. The disciples in the boat, having watched the whole thing, worshiped Jesus, saying, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”

Here I am reminded Jesus cares for my needs. He multiplied the meat and bread to feed the large crowd. Having taken care of them He sent them on their way. First sending the disciples ahead then going up into the mountain to be by himself and pray. It is important that we take time to follow Jesus' lead.
Notice the disciples were caught up in a storm and then they were frightened when they saw what they thought was a ghost walking on the water. They just didn't get it. (I don't either sometimes) Jesus called out to them and comforted them. They had just witnessed the miracle of the food and had been rescued from another storm.
Jesus knew the storm was blowing in and the safest place for his disciples was to be in the boat. He had another plan to reveal a new truth to the disciples as he came to their rescue. They responded, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”

When the storms come they aren't always evil but an opportunity for Jesus to reveal himself in a new way. He has been good at that with all his people. The old testament records many different names for God. Each as a result of them personally knowing God through a new set of circumstances. Do you only have one or two names for God. Get out of the noise and spend more time with him in his word, prayer and listening.

See ya Sunday for the 11AM service!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Thanksgiving is a special time of year when you get together with your families and have a great meal, then get sleepy and take a nap. There are many traditions that surround this day. Mine is that our whole family gets together and has lunch. Maybe we watch football or go outside with our kids and play. However you celebrate thanksgiving is a time where we remember the blessings that God has given us. it says in James 1:11 You know that as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers. Its petals wilt and, before you know it, that beautiful face is a barren stem. Well, that’s a picture of the “prosperous life.” At the very moment everyone is looking on in admiration, it fades away to nothing. That is saying that all of the blessings in our lives are a result of Gods provisions for us. God, in his great love,provides for us,just as he has provided for his people for thousands of years.
While studying for this weeks youth lesson i am awestruck at all the blessings that he has poured out into my life. I have an awesome wife who stands beside me no matter what idiotic thing that Ive done, 2 great kids(most of the time), and a church family that is supportive. What else could i ask for. Thank you God for the blessings that you pour out on me and my family, and for stretching me beyond my comfort level. As we go though the rest of this week lets try to give God all the thanks that he deserves. Without the sacrifice of his son we would have nothing to be thankful for.

Psalm 111

1 Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I’ve got—
Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation.

2 God’s works are so great, worth
A lifetime of study—endless enjoyment!

3 Splendor and beauty mark his craft;
His generosity never gives out.

4 His miracles are his memorial—
This God of Grace, this God of Love.

5 He gave food to those who fear him,
He remembered to keep his ancient promise.

6 He proved to his people that he could do what he said:
Hand them the nations on a platter—a gift!

7 He manufactures truth and justice;
All his products are guaranteed to last—

8 Never out-of-date, never obsolete, rust-proof.
All that he makes and does is honest and true:

9 He paid the ransom for his people,
He ordered his Covenant kept forever.
He’s so personal and holy, worthy of our respect.

10 The good life begins in the fear of God—
Do that and you’ll know the blessing of God.
His Hallelujah lasts forever!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and see you all Sunday!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Set List 11/21

Get In The Game-Wk 4

We Will Rock You-Queen
Rise and Sing-Fee
You Deserve-Hillsong
The Time Has Come-Hillsong
Kingdom Come-Elevation
Desert Song-Hillsong
Give Me Faith-Elevation
God Of This City-Tomlin
Glory to God Forever-Fee

What an awesome Sunday to kickoff our Gametime Initiative.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do through Fellowship Church over the next 13 months.

Don't forget that we start a new series next week called "I'll Be Home For Christmas" and that we will only be having one service at 11:00 am.

See You Then
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving


Friday, November 19, 2010

Sent into a storm....

Hi folks,
 I sure enjoyed the service Sunday. The sharing from Christi and Jeniffer sure reminded me of a story when Jesus and the disciples went across the sea.
Matt 8:18-27 When Jesus saw that a curious crowd was growing by the minute, he told his disciples to get him out of there to the other side of the lake. As they left, a religion scholar asked if he could go along. "I'll go with you, wherever," he said. Jesus was curt: "Are you ready to rough it? We're not staying in the best inns, you know." Another follower said, "Master, excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have my father's funeral to take care of." Jesus refused. "First things first. Your business is life, not death. Follow me. Pursue life." Then he got in the boat, his disciples with him. The next thing they knew, they were in a severe storm. Waves were crashing into the boat—and he was sound asleep! They roused him, pleading, "Master, save us! We're going down!" Jesus reprimanded them. "Why are you such cowards, such faint-hearts?" Then he stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: "Silence!" The sea became smooth as glass. The men rubbed their eyes, astonished. "What's going on here? Wind and sea come to heel at his command!"

The fellow wanting to follow Jesus may have witnessed some of the days earlier events, Healing a leper, healing the Roman Centurion's servant, Peter's sick mother-in-law or the various ones that evening, whew what a day! He saw the good works of Jesus and wanted to join him.
We join with Jesus after we realize He came for me (You), all of us. When we accept the gift of salvation we join Jesus. Too many times we think by going up our lives (circumstances) will be under our control and always what seems to be good. BAM then it hits ya, God has something better for ya if you are willing to be obedient in following him. Why does it look sometimes its not the best and always to hard to obtain? Selfishness.
We desire worldly things and not the Holy things of God. Spending time with him our desires will align with his desires, that where the best for ya comes in.
God is more interested in my Holiness instead of my happiness. Through his Holiness my joy is made complete.
Joining in with Game Time will increase our Holiness through the studying of his word, ministering in his name and resting on his promises. Join Game Time with all ya got, time, talent and resources and watch God changes lives!

See Ya Sunday! Wear your game gear and bring your noise makers....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Focus On The Goal

A little change up for the devotions, here is a little video devotion:

Devotion 11-18 from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


One day this week my class and I were singing a Thanksgiving song.  We go around the room and everyone gets to choose something that they are thankful for and then we sing about it.  I got all kinds of answers, anything from food to monster trucks.  The kids light up when it is there turn and for a split second they are truly thankful for one small thing in their lives. 

This week for “Get in the Game” we are praying about the difficulty and sacrifice that comes with being a Christ follower.  Often times those words may stir up feelings of negativity, anxiety, and worry.  But God doesn’t want those to be the dominating or daunting feelings in our lives. 
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “ Don’t fret or worry.  Instead of worrying, pray.  Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.  Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.  It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. 
.  This week as you “Get in the Game”, choose to be thankful instead of worried.  Our sacrifices will turn into blessings and our minds will be focused on God’s wholeness and not on self. 
In my life I have come to a place of thanksgiving and words like difficulty and sacrifice aren’t so scary anymore.  I am learning to praise him and thank him in every storm.  If I believe Him and who He says he is my focus will shift and I will find joy in those moments of thankfulness.  Like my students for those short moments of thanksgiving am able to truly be thankful.  Before you know it your mind will be on him and his goodness and not on the circumstance or difficulty.  So this week be thankful and get excited because with difficulty and sacrifice comes growth and new adventures with our Father!!!
- Jessie

Monday, November 15, 2010

Game Time - Sacrifice

Last night I watched a 60 Minutes story about Staff Sgt. Sal Guinta.  Until then I had never heard of Sgt. Guinta, but I am glad I took the time to listen.  I would encourage everyone to search Google and read about him.

While deployed in Afghanistan, Sgt. Guinta earned the first Medal of Honor awarded since the Vietnam War for sacrificing his safety to rescue fellow soldiers.  It was during an enemy ambush that Sgt. Guinta raced forward pulling his fellow soldier who was wounded out of the hand of the Taliban fighters.  Although his actions rescued two soldiers, one of the soldiers being rescued and six others lost their lives fighting for our country and freedom.

Allow me to take a moment to honor those who lost their lives:
Sgt. Josh Brennan, Pfc. Juan Restrepo, Pfc. Timothy Vimoto, Staff Sgt. Larry Rougle, Sgt. First Class Matthew Blaskowski, Spc. Hugo Mendoza and HM3 Mark Cannon.

So what does this have to do with Game Time?

Yesterday we talked about the Difficulty and Sacrifice required for Game Time at Fellowship Church.  As I shared we talked about the people who have come to Christ because of the ministry God has given us.   Anna Alexander, Jennifer Skipper, Christi Wills, Devon Sullivan, Rachel Busic and approximately 200 over the last few years.  Without the sacrifice and difficulty some of them may have never known the love of Christ.

In the coming months God has challenged us to do things we have never done, to attempt to reach more people for Christ, to see the landscape of Habersham County change forever.  It will require sacrifice from every member and it will be difficult, but I am confident that what God has called you to do, He will provide for you to do.

    • God sized Dreams will come with Difficulty and Sacrifice – 
    • What you believe about God, your faith, will be revealed in what you are willing sacrifice for him
    • Knowing God, will give you assurance that whatever He ask of you cannot conflict with what He promises you –
    • Sacrifice is not really loosing something, it’s gaining something 

      Get in the Game - God has something for everyone to do! 

      Friday, November 12, 2010

      Turn it down please...

      Today we are picking up later in the story of Jesus feeding the 5 thousand.
      22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,

      I am reminded that we need to be alone with God. I find myself surrounded by noise from radios, tv, fans and such. I have to plan times for just quiet. Not that time alone with God requires quiet.

      2 Kings 3:15 (The Message)

      14-15 Elisha said, "As God-of-the-Angel-Armies lives, and before whom I stand ready to serve, if it weren't for the respect I have for Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I wouldn't give you the time of day. But considering—bring me a minstrel." (When a minstrel played, the power of God came on Elisha.)

      Another time in the scripture Jesus was alone as he prayed
      Matthew 26
       36-38Then Jesus went with them to a garden called Gethsemane and told his disciples, "Stay here while I go over there and pray." Taking along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he plunged into an agonizing sorrow. Then he said, "This sorrow is crushing my life out. Stay here and keep vigil with me."
      39Going a little ahead, he fell on his face, praying, "My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do you want?"
      40-41When he came back to his disciples, he found them sound asleep.

      If it was important in Jesus life I know it is in mine.
      Let me encourage you to rid the distractions as you pray for your part in "GAMETIME". The excitement is mounting in all as we look to the future on ways to reach more people with Jesus love.

      Cap Dy this Sunday and One service on November 21 at 10:50. Invite your friends!

      Thursday, November 11, 2010

      Popular or Unpopular

      This is a follow up post to last weeks post titled “Chasing Lions”. Going after what God has called us to do is sometimes very unpopular, but most often times we opt out for the “popular” decision. There was a song in the mid 90’s by the band Nada Surf called “Popular”. This song was about being popular in high school and basically what it takes to be popular in the eyes of your classmates, here are some lyrics:

      I'm head of the class
      I'm popular
      I'm a quarter back
      I'm popular
      My mom says I'm a catch
      I'm popular
      I'm never last picked
      I'm a cheerleader chick
      I'm the party star
      I'm popular
      I've got my own car
      I'm popular
      I'll never get caught
      I'm popular
      I'm a teachers pet
      I make football bets.

      When I was in high school I was the QB on the football team, the point guard on the basketball team, and the shortstop on the baseball team, so that is automatically made you "popular". But from the time I was born I always wanted to play baseball in college and decided my senior year I was not going to play football. That was a very unpopular decision, I faced ridicule from other players, coaches, and even teachers (some still mention it every once in a while when I see them). I forfeited the opportunity to be the athlete of the year for our school and possibly for our county and region, but I knew what I wanted to do and that was play baseball in college. Do I look back and think what could have been, sure I do. I also look at and think what has come since. I got the opportunity to play 4 years of baseball in college and ultimately got to win a championship my senior year at North Georgia. But more importantly I can look back and see the people God put in my life to shape me and mold me into who I am today.
      Is making God-sized decisions sometimes unpopular? Absolutely. Will it cost you something? Most of the time. Is the payoff greater in the end? Always
      What God has called you to doesn’t always make sense, even to yourself, but the end result is always better. Go after it, don’t let societies definition of popular dictate what you do with your life. Dream BIG.


      Tuesday, November 9, 2010

      Decisions, decisions, decisions

      Everyday you and I are faced with decisions. What will I eat for breakfast? What will I eat for lunch? What will I eat for supper? Well at least that is what Stan and I ask. Seriously, decisions are part of life and while some decisions are easy, others require a great deal of thought.

      On Sunday I encouraged you to consider the Game Time Initiative and how you might "Get in the Game". Johnathan could have just went along with the entire army or he could do something. What is keeping you from taking the step necessary to "Get in the Game"?

      If it is fear then read Romans 8:15
      If it is ability read Exodus 4:12
      If you feel alone read Hebrew 13:5
      If you lack power read Acts 1:8
      If you feel unworthy read 1 John 1:9
      If you are weak read Proverbs 18:10

      I guess all of the excuses we use can be rebutted in Scripture. Don't miss out on what God is doing at Fellowship Church, everyone has a part to play. See you on Sunday as we talk about the difficulty in following God's dreams for us.


      As I heard Craig say on Sunday "put me in the game coach", I thought about my own life and wondered about why it took me so long to get in the game. I wasn't always the person that I am now, I could have cared less about working at a church or being over a youth program (which by the way is an awesome experience.) It makes you wonder why so many people like to sit on the sidelines and not want to play the game that God has called them into. If He has called you to a certain ministry He will equip you for that ministry. Are you scared of what people might think of you for doing Gods work? Get over yourself! If you have that calling on your life you shouldn't care what others say about you because you are doing your Father's business and that is the greatest thing you could ever do with your life. I hope and pray that all of you that have a calling on your life will call out to the coach to "put you in the game". It can be very scary in the beginning (believe me), but very rewarding also. I never thought that i would be working with such an awesome youth group. So I guess what I'm trying to say is get off the bench, get in the game and do what god is calling you to.

      Ephesians 3:8 MSG

      When it came to presenting the Message to people who had no background in God’s way, I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities.
      See it says it right there. God will see to it that you are equipped with what you need. So what are you waiting on, go throw that winning touchdown.

      Monday, November 8, 2010

      Set List 11-7

      Get In The Game-Week 2

      Rain Down-Jesus Culture
      Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture
      Our God-Passion
      Desert Song-Hillsong
      Give Me Faith-Elevation


      Friday, November 5, 2010

      Our Vision, Get in the Game

      Our vision is to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus...

      The Game Time initiative we unveiled on Sunday outlines the goals for how we will see this Vision happen.  Over the next 14 months there are 5 objectives we are believing God wants us to accomplish.  In the next several days I will post one objective and open up the comments for questions and answers.  You can also call me at any time to ask your questions.

      Today I recieved an email that encouraged me and excited me about Game Time and how God is using our church to reach people.  I was so excited about it I didn't get permission to share the mail, but I am sure it will be Ok.  I have removed the names until I get permission.

      I can't wait for Sunday, How about you?

      To Fellowship Staff,
       WOW, what a night of great worship we had Wednesday night. God is doing amazing things at Fellowship Church and I’m so glad that I’m apart of it.

       My friend __________ (a fellowship member) introduced me to Fellowship Church back in May of this year. The devil was working on me and I put off going many times. I knew I needed to be in church because _____________ (son) was getting older and I wanted him apart of a church like I was growing up.

      I grew up in a Baptist Church that my grandmother took me to. I was saved and baptized when I was 13. I really did not understand back then what God wanted or needed from me. The devil really worked on me after a got saved. I got in with the wrong crowd, lied to my mom, drank, did all the things that I should not have been doing at that age. When I met John my husband in 1998 that’s when I settled down. It wasn’t till after I had Jonathan in 2002 that I realized that I need to get back in church and start living the right way.
      I visited a church in Lula a few times after we moved there in 2004 but something was missing, I did not feel at home. When Christy told me about Fellowship Church about how it was a little different than the normal church setting I didn’t know what to expect.

        I new immediately that the Lord was in that building. I enjoyed the band and thought wow what a way to start your blood pumping. Craig started preaching and I was shocked. The message that Sunday was about the spiritual battle. Satan will do everything to tear you down and that we have to put on our armor and stand our ground for Christ. It was like Craig knew what was going on in my life and was talking directly to me. He knew that I had a battle raging in me and that I needed to surrender myself back to Christ.
      It was that first visit that I knew that I had found my church and my home. Thank you Craig you are a wonderful preacher and I thank God everyday that he led me to Fellowship Church. Your preaching led me back to God so please never give up because Fellowship Church has changed my life.   (I paid them to say these things, Craig)

       I’m so glad that the church introduced me to small groups for 40 Days of Purpose. That was my first adventure going to small groups and I enjoyed it very much. The book taught me how to live like God wants me to and that I do have gifts that I can use for him. I want to thank Mickey for letting me use my graphic abilities to help him and also for God. Mickey you are a very multi-talented guy and you inspire me to learn more things and give it all to God.  (I didn't pay her for this comment, Mickey must have)

       I’m looking forward the the Discover 101 class and I can tell you already that I have found my home and that I will sign on the dotted line. I hope you would be willing take a sinner like me that has finally found God after all these years.

      Thanks guys for all that you do and if you need anything please let me know.

      COOL STUFF!!!!!! 

      Swimming in the shallow end.

      This past June we went down to Boca Grand, Florida. It is an island on the Gulf of Mexico and Charlotte Harbor on the otherside. There is a great deal of wildlife to see on the island, turtles, cranes, pelicans, iguanas and gators. while in the gulf we slipped on our goggles and found a whole other world in the water. Wow, I had no idea the water was this crowded. The life under water included minature fish, crabs, fiddler crabs, starfish jellyfish and Silver King Tarpons.
      This got me thinking about shallow and deep. I hear many times people saw they want to go "deeper" . I hear folks say they aren't "getting fed". Just where do we need to be? We sometimes act so serious that we refuse to behave like Christ followers in the shallow concerns of life. The shallow concerns of life are as much of God as the deep or profound concerns. Our concern to not be shallow is rooted in wanting to impress others that we are not shallow. I find that Jesus spentr a great deal of time in te shallow walk of life with everyday people. LUKE 7:34 The Son of Man came feasting and you called him a lush. Opinion polls don't count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating."
      To be shallow is not being wicked: the ocean has a shore. The shallow and deep things are apointed of God. Jesus lived in them and lived as the Son of God. Don't be a poser; God became a baby.

      Thursday, November 4, 2010

      Amazing Wednesday Worship

      "100+ people missed something special tonight!" annonymous comment from last nights worship.

      If you missed last night you missed and incredible time of worship, prayer and communion.  I truly believe God was moving and it can be confirmed not by the emotion of the night, quality of the music, or even the message we shared.  Last night can only be measured by life change and one of our youth accepted Jesus into his life.

      During the prayer and communion time, Devon Sullivan told how God has used a dream to lead him to faith and I had the privilege to pray with him during the service, all I can say is WOW!

      I would also encourage each of you to spend extra time in prayer and fasting.  Last night we prayed specifically for the following:

      Kyle White - leave for basic training for military service this Sunday.
      Couples wanting children - we have several couples who are asking God for their first child.

      God is up to something beyond our imagination, will you Get in the Game?

      Chasing Lions

      This summer while on vacation I had the chance to read a book entitled “In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day” by Mark Batterson.  This book is centered around a story in the Bible of Benaiah, who was David’s chief bodyguard (that’s right a guy who killed a giant with a rock had a bodyguard).  Benaiah was a very brave soldier who’s stories followed him where ever he went.  Benaiah once followed a lion into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion(2 Chronicles 11:22-23), hence the title of the book.  In this book we are challenged to chase our lion no matter what that may be.  Whatever God has called you to, go after it, or to quote the great shoe company Nike “Just Do It”.  God has not called us to be ordinary, think about it we believe and follow a being who you cannot see, hear, touch, etc. , that’s not normal.  So we shouldn’t be normal, and neither should the vision for our lives.  In fact, if someone hasn’t laughed at your vision lately or if your vision doesn’t scare the heck out of you then you are probably not chasing any lions.  As we have been challenged lately, that if God doesn’t show up we will fall flat on our face, what lion do you need to chase.  Proverbs 22:11 says, “The lazy person claims, ‘There’s a lion out there!  If I go outside I might be killed!’”(NLT).  Don’t let the roar of a lion scare you go after him, God protected Daniel against the lions and He will protect you too.  Let’s chase our lion until we catch him and devour him. 

      Tuesday, November 2, 2010

      Will You Trust Him Like Never Before?

      Hello Blog World!!!   Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.  First, I just wanted to start by saying thank you, thank you, thank you.  Trunk or Treat went great and we couldn't have pulled it together without you.  What a great  way to get in the game and start serving the community and the future of Fellowship church through Trunk or Treat.  It was a great success.  Thank you!!!

      This Sunday Craig asked a question that really stuck out to me. 
       He asked, "What are you doing that if God doesn't show up it will fail?" 
       Any one who knows me knows that I am a play it safe kinda girl.  I like to always know whats coming up around the corner and have a plan, so this question hit me like a ton of bricks.  I keep playing it over and over again in my head.  What am I doing that if God doesn't show up it will fail?  Do I trust Him enough to go blindly where he leads?  Do I really believe that God's dream for me is the best?  Over the next couple of weeks this will be my pray. 
      I want to be able to answer that question with a big, confident "Yes"!
      Will you  GET IN THE GAME and seek God like never before?   Can you imagine the amazing things that God could do if we all trusted him blindly. 
      I am excited to see your lives change and Fellowship grow!!!  
      Ephesians 3:20 , "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more then all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..."
      - Jessie :0)  

      Here are a few pictures from Trunk or Treat!!!!   

      Monday, November 1, 2010

      Set List 10/31

      Get In The Game-Wk 1

      Don't Stop Believing-Journey
      Yours Is The Victory-Newspring
      The Anthem-Planetshakers
      Our God-Passion
      God Who Answers Prayer-Elevation

      What an awesome day from top to bottom.  Hope everyone enjoyed a little blast from the past with Journey, there are more great 80's/70's songs to come in the next few weeks. 

      Don't forget about this Wednesday is our Night of Worship please make plans to come it's going to be an incredible night.  See ya then


      Get in the Game, Game Time Update

      What a great kick-off to our Game Time Initiative!   

      Over the next four weeks the staff will be blogging about the Game Time Initiative.  I hope you will come back each day to see what is being said.

      The most amazing fact about Game Time is that we are actually here to do Game Time.  In July, our church was on the brink of extinction due to financial shortfalls.  We literally were trying to figure out how to close the doors for good.  Today our financial picture is secure and balanced, today Game Time is a possibility.

      Over the next four weeks we will be outlining for you what we believe God is leading Fellowship Church to accomplish over these next 14 months.  On Sunday, I asked each of you to take time out to pray and seek God about what part you would play.  I want to stress that this is not just a financial initiative, but a spiritual journey for Fellowship Church.  We are asking each member to make a commitment to the journey and do all they can to help us see success.

      I am reminded of something someone taught me several years ago.  I was pasturing my 1st church and it seemed my responsibility was overwhelming me.  He said, “How do you eat an elephant?”  I responded that I had never eaten an elephant so I didn’t know.  He laugh and said, “One bite at a time!”  The application is that we can’t do all that we do at once, but we can take small steps to success along the way.   We realize that not everyone can give to Game Time equally, but we do ask that everyone will give sacrificially.  For one person 1 hour is like 5 to another, or to one $5.00 is like $5,000.  But what does it cost you personally?  Remember it cost Abraham something to follow God, but remember the reward.

      I can’t wait to be with you in the days to come as we continue talking about Game Time at Fellowship Church.


      PS. Don’t forget to be here on Wednesday, November 3rd for our Worship Night, you will not want to miss what we have planned.

      Thursday, October 28, 2010

      loving one another

      I've been thinking about "loving one another" here the past couple of months and wonder why people just don't get it. It says it plain as day in John 15:12 "This is my command; Love one another the way i have loved you".  So why do we have such a hard time following that simple command? Is it because we are stubborn in our ways or maybe its the way we were brought up as children? As im getting older i can see many of the ways that i have failed at this. I dont always reach out to everyone who needs help. But i can clearly see that is not the way Jesus said we are to be. He wants us to love others as he loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. We talk about this alot in youth on wed. nights, about how God wants us to love to the point where it hurts. You may not know what that other person is going though and the way that you show them love could be the very thing that they needed to hear that day.

      1 Corinthians 13

      3 If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

      4 Love never gives up.
      Love cares more for others than for self.
      Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
      Love doesn’t strut,
      Doesn’t have a swelled head,
      5 Doesn’t force itself on others,
      Isn’t always “me first,”
      Doesn’t fly off the handle,
      Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
      6 Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
      Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
      7 Puts up with anything,
      Trusts God always,
      Always looks for the best,
      Never looks back,
      But keeps going to the end.8 Love never dies.

      Think about where you are and what kind of place this could be if everyone started loving as Christ does. It would mess this world up!!!

      Monday, October 25, 2010

      Set List 10/24

      Prayer & Fasting

      Anthem-Casey Darnell
      Rain Down-Jesus Culture
      Desert Song-Hillsong
      Kingdom Come-Elevation
      Give Me Faith-Elevation

      Don't forget about our upcoming night of worship

      Here is video of Rain Down

      Monday, October 18, 2010

      Set List 10/17

      40 Days-Week 7

      You Deserve-Hillsong
      Anthem-Casey Darnell
      God Of This City-Bluetree (Tomlin Version)
      Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture
      Give Me Faith-Elevation Worship

      Great Sunday.  If you were in the second service then you know that we lost power to our front speakers, which created a little bit a curve ball.  To no avail, we kept worshipping and proved that you don't need speakers to worship.  Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God is higher than any other.  It created a very special moment of worship.  Thnaks for all participating and singing out.

      Don't forget November 3rd we are having another night of Worship at 6:30 at the church.  Hope to see all you there.


      Friday, October 15, 2010

      What a Bunch of Jerks!

      Here is one that caught the attention of my co-workers. They shared the sign and wanted to know what I thought. (Oops) I told them the sign was right (with a straight face) . Scoured looks came my way then I asked them the question. Why isn't it true. We are the meanest bunch on Sunday at the local restaurant, the most impatient when being served by the public, seen as judgemental, hating (your most disgusting sin) and so on.
      The Rest of the Article

      Three years ago I read Unchristian, Gabe Lyons and Dave Kinnaman joined together to study the perceptions of 16-29 year olds thoughts on Christianity. They confirmed the experienced actions of Christians stood in opposition to what they believed Jesus stood for. The PDF found here

      The guys have released a new work,
      It helps to discover how things are changing. A must read.
      Discover more click here

      Monday, October 11, 2010

      New Song #6 and #7

      Yours Is The Victory by Newspring

      The power of death and sin was overcome when Jesus came out of the grave. That’s the victory that we sing about in this song. We have done this song numerous times and I always love singing this song because of that powerful truth. By God sending His Son for us we also have victory because Christ lives in us. This song has power in the way it was written to proclaim that victory when the chorus breaks down and holds out the beat throughout, proclaiming that the victory is His.

      Kingdom Come by Elevation Worship

      This one is not very new because we have been singing it for a few months, but it still has great impact for the life of Fellowship Church today. We may be the only Jesus people see and if we are constantly praying that God would rise us up to show the world how He loved we can change the culture around us from Baldwin, GA. I pray that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If we all constantly pray that and seek God to be the church that lives out His desire and what He designed the church to be we will see a great move of God on our behalf. Always remember the fight was won on the cross and He overcame the world.


      Set List 10/10

      40 Days-wk 6

      Rain Down-Delirious (Melissa Wise Version)
      Yours Is The Victory-Newspring
      Arms Open Wide-Hillsong (Brett Younker Version)
      God Of This City-Bluetree (Tomlin Version)

      What a great day as we learned from the story of the Good Samaritan.  A special thanks to David Godzisz for coming and bringing the Word.  Next week we will conclude our 40 Days message series talking about Missions.  Don't miss this. 

      Some exciting things are going down at FC.  We are going to announce this week that we are going to have another worship night on Nov. 3rd, so be looking for that announcement (some would say I just announced it).  There are more details to come, so heads up. 

      See you Sunday

      Monday, October 4, 2010

      Set List 10/3

      40 Days-Wk. 5

      Your Love Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture
      Glory to God Forever-Fee/Vicky Beeching
      Everything-Tim Hughes
      Cannons-Phil Wickham
      It Is Well With My Soul-Horatio Spafford

      If you were there Sunday you know that it was very different, and I have heard a lot of great comments about the acoustic set.  It is always fun to change things up and know that it doesn't matter how we worship the creator.  This week however we will go back to cranking it up, and I can't wait for Sunday as we learn about serving.

      See Ya Sunday


      Wednesday, September 29, 2010

      New Song #4 and #5

      You Deserve by Hillsong

      We introduced this song last Sunday and I’m really excited about this one.  We sing this song because it is about what Christ did on the cross and that He deserves all the honor, glory, and praise for that.  God has saved us, not by anything we have done, but by His grace.  For that reason we should live our lives for Him.  If you have crossed that line of salvation than you know the feeling in the bridge of this song that says, “I can’t image a life without you, cuz it’s all for You”.  Let’s get behind the lyrics of this tune and sing it out.

      Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture (Chris McClarney)

      Nothing can separate us from the love of the Father.  That is an amazing concept to think about in a world that uses the word love very flippantly.  This song tells us that God stays the same through the ages and His love never fails.  That is why Jesus came for us to give us life in Him.  So no matter what you may be going through in your life God is there and will work all things for your good even when it seems there is no way that could happen.  Just remain in Him and go after Him with all your heart.


      Tuesday, September 28, 2010

      Set List 9/26

      40 Days Wk 4

      You Deserve-Hillsong
      Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture (Chris McClarney)
      Everything-Tim Hughes
      Jesus Paid It All-(Kristian Stanfill version)
      The Anthem-Planetshakers

      Great Day of singing and hearing the word of God on how we should belong in fellowship/family with each other.  Special thanks to our good friend, Brian Wilson for filling in the drums.  Show him some love on Facebook by clicking here

      Looking forward to a great Sunday it's going to be different.  We will have a little bluegrass, country, jazz, blues feel this Sunday, so don't miss it.   Also will be posting some more new songs that we have been doing, so look for more of those.


      Tuesday, September 21, 2010

      New Song #2 and #3

      Anthem by Casey Darnell

      Recently I was at a conference and the speaker said it is our job to bring up the next generation, to disciple them to be the church of the future.  No matter what age you are if you are 80 or 8 and you are in the kingdom it is your job to foster that next generation.  So this song is a prayer for God to raise up a generation for His glory of His salvation.  I pray that the words of this song be the “Anthem” for Fellowship Church in the days to come.  We have the greatest message known to man, “that our God is greater, our God is stronger”.  May His heartbeat be our heartbeat to proclaim His glory and raise up a generation for Him. 

      Arms Open Wide-Hillsong and Brett Younker

      Don’t confuse this song with that song from the early 2000’s “Arms Wide Open”.  This is a prayer for our lives to be about Jesus and nothing else.  When we sing this let’s ask God to make the lyrics of this song true in our lives. “Take my hands and make them clean, keep my heart in purity, that I may walk in all you have for me”.  The ending of the song is a cry back to God declaring that we will surrender our lives to Him and that He would have His way in our lives.  Let’s proclaim that our lives would be a reflection of Jesus and that we will stand “Arms Open Wide” for He will do in our lives


      Monday, September 20, 2010

      New Song 1 Our God

      Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.  We serve a God that is like no other, and we should sing this and proclaim it everywhere we go.  This song is sort of our “theme song” as we proceed into the fall and on. We have already played this numerous times and have had great response in singing this song.  I love the bridge of this song that simply states Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, than who can ever be against us”.  We have said as a staff and leadership that if God isn’t leading us there then we don’t want to go.  “If our God is for us than who could ever stop us and if our God is with us than what could stand against”.  Let’s sing this and proclaim it in the days and months to come.  Let us know how this song has resonated with you.


      Sing a New Song

      As you have probably noticed we have been doing a lot of new songs lately and you are probably wondering why and I wish they would sing songs that I know. So here is an explanation why we are singing so many new songs. Well the main reason is Psalm 96 tells us to sing a new song and to praise His name and I believe God is constantly growing and changing us and giving us new songs to sing. And when I say sing I mean SING and SING LOUD to proclaim His name great. So over the last 2 months we have introduced around 10 new songs that we are going to be singing in the coming season. Over the next few days I’m going to be posting why we are singing them and what they will mean to us in the coming weeks as we continue to learn these songs and sing them out to the creator of the universe.

      Here is a list of the songs and check back for a little more on each of these:

      1. Anthem-Casey Darnell
      2. Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture
      3. Our God-Chris Tomlin
      4. Hallelujah (The Anthem)-Planetshakers
      5. Desert Song-Hillsong
      6. Arms Open Wide-Hillsong
      7. Yours Is The Victory-Newspring
      8. You Deserve-Hillsong
      9. Kingdom Come-Elevation Worship
      10. Give Me Faith-Elevation Worship


      Set List 9/19

      40 Days wk 3

      Yours Forever-Hillsong
      You Deserve-Hillsong
      Arms Open Wide-Brett Younker
      Our God-Tomlin
      The Stand-Hillsong

      Awesome Sunday and a great message to go along with what we are singing about.  Don't miss the next two weeks.  Josh is getting married Saturday and my good friend Brian Wilson will be playing the drums for us.  Always a pleasure to get to hang out with him and he loves coffee so when you see him get him some coffee.  Then the following Sunday we are going to do a little acoustic jam.  Hope to see you guys there. 


      Wednesday, September 15, 2010


      A small company in Vermont has produced a toaster that burns the image of Jesus Christ onto every slice of your daily bread. Just when you thought you had "seen it all". The americanizing of religion continues to pour out more confusion. I will take mine with strawberry jam. Enjoy your daily bread.

      Monday, September 13, 2010

      New and Improved T-Shirts

      T-shirt Front
      I'm really excited to announce that we have a new t shirt design and they should be here soon.  We are going to take pre-orders on these shirts and they will be priced at $12.00 each.  We have partnered with Render Apparel from Nashville, TN.  The great thing about partnering with them is each t-shirt that we sell a portion of proceeds goes to help an organization that helps other people who cannot help themselves. 

      Pre orering is easy all you have to do is use our paypal system located on this page to the right, or you can email the church office with sizes and quanity, but shirts will not be held until they have been purchased.  If you are using paypal please specify in the "add special instructions to seller" the sizes and quanities you would like to purchase. 

      New T-shirt design back
      The shirts should be here in roughly 10 days.  So I hope everyone can get and help spread the word and support Fellowship Church. 

      Set List 9/12

      40 Days of Purpose-wk 2

      Meant to Live-Switchfoot
      God Is Alive-Fee
      You Reign-Hillsong United
      Grace Will Be My Song-Fee
      The Anthem-Planetshakers

      Great Sunday.  Thank so much for worshipping with us.  Look forward to next week as we continue our 40 day journey together and we talk about worship.  See you then

      Thursday, September 9, 2010

      Monday, September 6, 2010

      Set List 9/5

      40 Days of Purpose wk 1

      Anthem-Casey Darnell
      How He Loves-John Mark McMillan
      Yours Is The Victory-Newspring
      Arms Open Wide-Hillsong (Brett Younker Arrangement)

      Thanks for a great Sunday.  I'm really excited where God is leading Fellowship Church through this 40 Days study if you have not signed up for a small group you need to do it right now right HERE.  The next 6 weeks could transform your life in ways you could have never imagined.

      Also thank you to all who came last Wednesday night for our Night of Worship, it was an incredible evening of worship and fellowship.  For those who have been asking if we will do it again the answer is YES.  For when the answer is WE DON'T KNOW.  Hope that helps.  But it was a great evening and it was really encouraging to see everyone promoting and praising the evening on Facebook and Twitter.

      This Sunday don't forget to bring your friends or family members who don't attend church on a regular basis.  Our goal for this Sunday is 400.  Get them to church, get them in a 40 days small group and let God take over.  It's that simple.  Remember if someone says no they are not rejecting you they are rejecting Jesus.  Go for it.


      Thursday, September 2, 2010

      Chattahoochee Mountain Fair

      The fair is opening next week and Fellowship Church will be attending. Go to the sign uo page "CLICK HERE" to insure your entry. Our booth will be again the coolest place to hang out at the fair. We will have a coffee bar and bistro tables. h This years handout will be a CD info kit. Check out the following link for all the Fair details to help you plan what night to attend.

      Monday, August 30, 2010

      Set List 8/29

      Epidemic Pt. 5

      Yours Is The Victory-Newspring Church
      Anthem-Casey Darnell
      Glory To God Forever-Fee
      Our God-Chris Tomlin
      No One Higher/The Stand-Fee/Hillsong

      Great Day of worship and pumping our fists.  We wrapped up our Epidemic series with a powerful message about being contagious.  If you missed it you can check out our podcast here.

      Don't forget this Wednesday at 6:30 we will have a Night of Worship.  You won't want to miss this night it will be a lot of fun.  If you are coming make sure you bring someone with you.  We look forward to seeing you there.


      Thursday, August 26, 2010


      As you probably have noticed this month we have been introducing some new songs for Fellowship to sing.  This week we will do the same.  The song that we are going to introduce Sunday is called “Anthem” by Casey Darnell.  This is the title track off of Casey’s most recent release.  Go get it on itunes if you don’t have it yet.  I must say this song is exactly what the title of the song says it is an Anthem.  The lyrics of this song are a cry for “God to raise a generation for the glory of you salvation”.  My prayer is that this song will be become our Anthem, that His heartbeat that is living in us will Awaken us.  I’m super excited about this tune.  So this Sunday bring your loud singing voices so we can proclaim this Anthem as one body together.  Below are the Lyrics and a live video of Casey singing Anthem.  Enjoy


      Lyrics to Anthem:
      You are living in us, You are the hope we found 
      Stirring deep within us, The time is here and now

      Awaken us Awaken us 

      God Raise up, a generation 
      For the glory of, your salvation
      Every heart is now, Awakening 
      The anthem for, All our days
      We will tell the world, In Jesus name 
      Every heart is now, Awakening 

      Your love now compels us, Your spirit is alive 
      Let the world be shaken, You’re kingdoms unified 

      Your heartbeat is living in us 
      Awakening us, Oh whoa oh, Oh whoa oh