Friday, October 15, 2010

What a Bunch of Jerks!

Here is one that caught the attention of my co-workers. They shared the sign and wanted to know what I thought. (Oops) I told them the sign was right (with a straight face) . Scoured looks came my way then I asked them the question. Why isn't it true. We are the meanest bunch on Sunday at the local restaurant, the most impatient when being served by the public, seen as judgemental, hating (your most disgusting sin) and so on.
The Rest of the Article

Three years ago I read Unchristian, Gabe Lyons and Dave Kinnaman joined together to study the perceptions of 16-29 year olds thoughts on Christianity. They confirmed the experienced actions of Christians stood in opposition to what they believed Jesus stood for. The PDF found here

The guys have released a new work,
It helps to discover how things are changing. A must read.
Discover more click here

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