The Game Time initiative we unveiled on Sunday outlines the goals for how we will see this Vision happen. Over the next 14 months there are 5 objectives we are believing God wants us to accomplish. In the next several days I will post one objective and open up the comments for questions and answers. You can also call me at any time to ask your questions.
Today I recieved an email that encouraged me and excited me about Game Time and how God is using our church to reach people. I was so excited about it I didn't get permission to share the mail, but I am sure it will be Ok. I have removed the names until I get permission.
I can't wait for Sunday, How about you?
To Fellowship Staff,
WOW, what a night of great worship we had Wednesday night. God is doing amazing things at Fellowship Church and I’m so glad that I’m apart of it.
My friend __________ (a fellowship member) introduced me to Fellowship Church back in May of this year. The devil was working on me and I put off going many times. I knew I needed to be in church because _____________ (son) was getting older and I wanted him apart of a church like I was growing up.
I grew up in a Baptist Church that my grandmother took me to. I was saved and baptized when I was 13. I really did not understand back then what God wanted or needed from me. The devil really worked on me after a got saved. I got in with the wrong crowd, lied to my mom, drank, did all the things that I should not have been doing at that age. When I met John my husband in 1998 that’s when I settled down. It wasn’t till after I had Jonathan in 2002 that I realized that I need to get back in church and start living the right way.
I visited a church in Lula a few times after we moved there in 2004 but something was missing, I did not feel at home. When Christy told me about Fellowship Church about how it was a little different than the normal church setting I didn’t know what to expect.
I new immediately that the Lord was in that building. I enjoyed the band and thought wow what a way to start your blood pumping. Craig started preaching and I was shocked. The message that Sunday was about the spiritual battle. Satan will do everything to tear you down and that we have to put on our armor and stand our ground for Christ. It was like Craig knew what was going on in my life and was talking directly to me. He knew that I had a battle raging in me and that I needed to surrender myself back to Christ.
It was that first visit that I knew that I had found my church and my home. Thank you Craig you are a wonderful preacher and I thank God everyday that he led me to Fellowship Church. Your preaching led me back to God so please never give up because Fellowship Church has changed my life. (I paid them to say these things, Craig)
I’m so glad that the church introduced me to small groups for 40 Days of Purpose. That was my first adventure going to small groups and I enjoyed it very much. The book taught me how to live like God wants me to and that I do have gifts that I can use for him. I want to thank Mickey for letting me use my graphic abilities to help him and also for God. Mickey you are a very multi-talented guy and you inspire me to learn more things and give it all to God. (I didn't pay her for this comment, Mickey must have)
I’m looking forward the the Discover 101 class and I can tell you already that I have found my home and that I will sign on the dotted line. I hope you would be willing take a sinner like me that has finally found God after all these years.
Thanks guys for all that you do and if you need anything please let me know.
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