Monday, May 11, 2009

We're Back!

Hey Fellowship Family,

It was great to get to take a Sunday and spend it with family. Tina, Nathan and I went to Dublin, GA to share mother's day with Tina's mom. It was great to just get away to relax and enjoy family.

While away we visited New Vision Church in Dublin, GA. Will Cooper is the pastor and we had a chance to spend Sunday afternoon encouraging he and his wife. New Vision is a church plant getting ready to make a difference in Dublin, GA like never before. Will, know that Fellowship Church is praying for you and we can't wait to hear the great stories about the work of God at New Vision.

On the way down we saw something really crazy. We went through Commerce on 441 and as we cross I-85 at the Denny's there were about 30 men with suites and ties holding signs that said things like:
Gays go to Hell!
Jesus hates fags!
Repent or you will burn!

I can't tell you how I felt. I was embarrassed at first, mad next and then broken over how people will hijack the message of Jesus to hate people. I really wanted to turn around and go speak to them, but the better part of judgment told me it was not time well spent.

Question: Does God hates gay (homosexual) people? The quick answer is no, but careful consideration brings us full circle to the fact that God hates sin, and any person who chooses to live a sinful life is being rejected by God. So careful review tells us any sin is rejected by God. Their signs should have said, God hates adulterers, God hates liars!, etc. But does that mean we should use the fact that God hates sin to reject people? No! It is not our place to judge people, but our job is to tell people about Jesus. What they choose to do with Jesus is there deal, not mine! Some will reject, so be it, some will receive it. Who you might ask? I don't know and you don't know so let's focus not on the sin (sin is God's problem to deal with) and let's focus on loving everybody, it just might make a difference.

I can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Have a great week.


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