As many of you know, I love to watch the TV show House. I believe it's one of the coolest and most of the box Television shows. To believe that someone can be so intelligent and yet so unhappy, to think that someone could have such ridiculous ideas and belief, and come up with a crazy different case while trying to intertwine the lives of these doctors week after week is mind blowing!!! By far one of the best shows ever created.
What do you think?
Just the other day, there was a House marathon on. I had them all recorded. This meant I got to watch House back to back, without commercials, and without having to wait a week!! I loved it!!!
That's not why I wanted to talk about House. See Craig and I were discussing House the other day. He mentioned how he really enjoys the show and watches it every week, but he's not 100% into the show. I mean he likes it, but not enough to remember names and past history of the characters. For me, I enjoy getting involved in the lives of the characters, understanding the cases, and trying to figure them out...which I never do!!!
But the other day something happened, when the patient came into the hospital, I started to apply his symptoms to my life!!! I started to think I was dying. As I sat there hooked by this patient’s outcome, I started to think what in the world am I going to do!!! Should I dial 911??? Call Brittany and tell her one last time that I love her??? I was freaking out!
As we all know I didn't die, it was just a bad case of Taco Bell! This made me think. Why don't we do this on Sunday? Week after week we come to church, watch Craig, and then go home. What would happen if we got involved in the message, as I get involved in House? What if we started taking the symptom of Christianity that Craig talks about and start to measure them up to our lives? Would we be changed?
The book of James speaks about how the Word of God is like a mirror, and how foolish that person is who looks into it sees a problem but doesn't fix it. James 1:25 says-But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
So do you forget? I hope this Sunday people across the whole church listen to the sermon in a different light. I pray that people are so freaked out about their sin that they are compelled to change and worship God! I know that when I write this blog, I'm compelled to change, how about you?
Nate out...
1 comment:
On House and things: my deepest regret in life
Sometimes the most unobvious can inspire our thoughts to something glorious. House gave you a thought, a card game gave me one.
Recently I discovered a game on my computer that I hadn't played in years. When I used to play, I was domineering - the champion of the game. I could play for hours and hours and never lose a hand.
But when I began playing the other day, I didn't bother to read the instructions because I thought I knew everything about the game. I didn't take time to analyze my moves, I just kept blundering my way through each situation. Each turn was disasterous. Every game was lost.
Consequently I lost many times until I realized my error. I confess, I hadn't been thinking the right way. I had not been playing the game to win, just playing. When I thought about my mistakes and turned from my patterns of failure, I began to win.
As I began to win the statistics slowly began to rise: 33%, then ever so slowly to 34%, and even slower to 35%, and, well you get the picture. Progress was very slow.
Watching the statistics slowly rise I had an epiphany! I would have to win hundreds of games, hundreds of battles, to statistically earn a 100% correct. That's when it hit me - my deepest regret in life.
As a young Christian I felt secure in my eternal life, but I didn't study the instruction (so plainly written in God's Holy Word). I didn't mark my steps or analyze my moves. I began to blunder my way through life, making mistakes, one after another. It seemed that one mistake led straight into another.
I didn't dive into the Word of God. I didn't use those words of wisdom and commands to guide by choices or to live my life. I didn't take time to hide His Words in my heart. I didn't have His Words in my mind to guide my thoughts or actions.
Many bad habits and negative reactions were formed. With each bad situation that I allowed myself to become entangled, more negative patterns were born. Years of this counterproductive behavior developed a deep distrust of people and a deep cynical perspective.
I am sure of my eternal salvation, but daily have to fight within my heart to release these old stinking patters, these negative behaviors so that I can be effective for Christ. To be cliche, I had a lot of weighty baggage.
Satistically I would need to win hundreds of games, hundreds of battles, through the grace of God to reach that point of perfection in my soul, as Jesus commands, to reach 100% in my spiritual development.
If I had taken the time to read His instructions, memorize His Words and hide them in my heart and mind to guide my life, I would only have to play the game one time to be 100% effective for Him.
And thanks to a silly card game FreeCell, I realize that is my deepest regret in life!
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together ... but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:23-25
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