Friday, May 15, 2009
Craig's message Sunday will be on generosity. We have a chance now to help one of ours who is in need. As many of you know, Brent Clark's house was destroyed in a fire on Wednesday evening. We need your help in supporting this family during this time. Brent's daughter, Emilee, is 8 years old and in need of some clothes. She wears a girls 14/16 shirt and girls 16 pant. Any help will be greatly appreciated for this family. You can drop off items at the church (706-894-1500) or call me at 706-968-2059 and we will arrange a way to get these items to Brent & Emilee.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

As many of you know, I love to watch the TV show House. I believe it's one of the coolest and most of the box Television shows. To believe that someone can be so intelligent and yet so unhappy, to think that someone could have such ridiculous ideas and belief, and come up with a crazy different case while trying to intertwine the lives of these doctors week after week is mind blowing!!! By far one of the best shows ever created.
What do you think?
Just the other day, there was a House marathon on. I had them all recorded. This meant I got to watch House back to back, without commercials, and without having to wait a week!! I loved it!!!
That's not why I wanted to talk about House. See Craig and I were discussing House the other day. He mentioned how he really enjoys the show and watches it every week, but he's not 100% into the show. I mean he likes it, but not enough to remember names and past history of the characters. For me, I enjoy getting involved in the lives of the characters, understanding the cases, and trying to figure them out...which I never do!!!
But the other day something happened, when the patient came into the hospital, I started to apply his symptoms to my life!!! I started to think I was dying. As I sat there hooked by this patient’s outcome, I started to think what in the world am I going to do!!! Should I dial 911??? Call Brittany and tell her one last time that I love her??? I was freaking out!
As we all know I didn't die, it was just a bad case of Taco Bell! This made me think. Why don't we do this on Sunday? Week after week we come to church, watch Craig, and then go home. What would happen if we got involved in the message, as I get involved in House? What if we started taking the symptom of Christianity that Craig talks about and start to measure them up to our lives? Would we be changed?
The book of James speaks about how the Word of God is like a mirror, and how foolish that person is who looks into it sees a problem but doesn't fix it. James 1:25 says-But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
So do you forget? I hope this Sunday people across the whole church listen to the sermon in a different light. I pray that people are so freaked out about their sin that they are compelled to change and worship God! I know that when I write this blog, I'm compelled to change, how about you?
Nate out...
Monday, May 11, 2009
We're Back!
Hey Fellowship Family,
It was great to get to take a Sunday and spend it with family. Tina, Nathan and I went to Dublin, GA to share mother's day with Tina's mom. It was great to just get away to relax and enjoy family.
While away we visited New Vision Church in Dublin, GA. Will Cooper is the pastor and we had a chance to spend Sunday afternoon encouraging he and his wife. New Vision is a church plant getting ready to make a difference in Dublin, GA like never before. Will, know that Fellowship Church is praying for you and we can't wait to hear the great stories about the work of God at New Vision.
On the way down we saw something really crazy. We went through Commerce on 441 and as we cross I-85 at the Denny's there were about 30 men with suites and ties holding signs that said things like:
Gays go to Hell!
Jesus hates fags!
Repent or you will burn!
I can't tell you how I felt. I was embarrassed at first, mad next and then broken over how people will hijack the message of Jesus to hate people. I really wanted to turn around and go speak to them, but the better part of judgment told me it was not time well spent.
Question: Does God hates gay (homosexual) people? The quick answer is no, but careful consideration brings us full circle to the fact that God hates sin, and any person who chooses to live a sinful life is being rejected by God. So careful review tells us any sin is rejected by God. Their signs should have said, God hates adulterers, God hates liars!, etc. But does that mean we should use the fact that God hates sin to reject people? No! It is not our place to judge people, but our job is to tell people about Jesus. What they choose to do with Jesus is there deal, not mine! Some will reject, so be it, some will receive it. Who you might ask? I don't know and you don't know so let's focus not on the sin (sin is God's problem to deal with) and let's focus on loving everybody, it just might make a difference.
I can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Have a great week.
It was great to get to take a Sunday and spend it with family. Tina, Nathan and I went to Dublin, GA to share mother's day with Tina's mom. It was great to just get away to relax and enjoy family.
While away we visited New Vision Church in Dublin, GA. Will Cooper is the pastor and we had a chance to spend Sunday afternoon encouraging he and his wife. New Vision is a church plant getting ready to make a difference in Dublin, GA like never before. Will, know that Fellowship Church is praying for you and we can't wait to hear the great stories about the work of God at New Vision.
On the way down we saw something really crazy. We went through Commerce on 441 and as we cross I-85 at the Denny's there were about 30 men with suites and ties holding signs that said things like:
Gays go to Hell!
Jesus hates fags!
Repent or you will burn!
I can't tell you how I felt. I was embarrassed at first, mad next and then broken over how people will hijack the message of Jesus to hate people. I really wanted to turn around and go speak to them, but the better part of judgment told me it was not time well spent.
Question: Does God hates gay (homosexual) people? The quick answer is no, but careful consideration brings us full circle to the fact that God hates sin, and any person who chooses to live a sinful life is being rejected by God. So careful review tells us any sin is rejected by God. Their signs should have said, God hates adulterers, God hates liars!, etc. But does that mean we should use the fact that God hates sin to reject people? No! It is not our place to judge people, but our job is to tell people about Jesus. What they choose to do with Jesus is there deal, not mine! Some will reject, so be it, some will receive it. Who you might ask? I don't know and you don't know so let's focus not on the sin (sin is God's problem to deal with) and let's focus on loving everybody, it just might make a difference.
I can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Have a great week.
Friday, May 8, 2009
What's Happening this Week at FC
1) Don’t forget that we are heading to LACI tomorrow night. If you have signed up to attend this special Mother’s Day Worship Event, remember we are leaving the church at 5:30 p.m. Also, a few things that we can and cannot do:
a) We cannot wear shorts or tank tops;
b) You must have a picture ID in order to be allowed into the prison;
c) You cannot bring anything with you. This means purse, etc. You will be asked to leave your keys at the check in counter; and,
d) Please pay attention to what Warden Howerton says regarding movement once the ladies begin arriving in the gym.
We have some special events planned for the ladies and we cannot wait to love on these moms.
2) Sign Ups for Summer Semester of Fellowship Connections will begin on Sunday. We have revamped the lineup for this semester only to help Fellowship Church and the members and attendees grow. There will be a sign up table located in the back together with Facilitators available to answer any and all questions you may have. We are excited about the way this has unfolded and cannot wait to see lives changed this summer!
3) Next Sunday we have a busy day planned.
a) If you are facilitating a small group for Fellowship Connection this Summer, we will be hosting a training session beginning at 4 p.m. This will help you understand the 201 Class, answer any questions you may have, and we will also be doing a mock run through of a class. We will be providing child care; and, once again, if you would like to help with child care, please let me know.
b) As Craig has been mentioning, we have decided to rethink the way we handle Communion Services. We don’t want to just tack this onto an event; we want this to be the special time it is suppose to be. We will be hosting a special evening Communion Service beginning at 6:30 p.m.
4) If you have been attending Fellowship Church and would like to make the next step, we will be hosting another Discovering the Joy of Membership Class on May 31st at 5:30 p.m. here at the church. We will be providing a meal and child care for you if needed. You can sign up at the Information Table on Sunday or by emailing me back. Also if you would like to provide child care for this class, please let me know as well.
5) We are in the process of making CDs of the Elephant in the Church Series. If you would like to purchase a CD set, you can do so by signing up at the Information Table. The cost for the series is $15. Please make sure if paying by check that you mark in the Memo line for Elephant Series. If paying by cash, please place in an envelope and indicate for Elephant Series. These should be ready in the next couple of weeks.
6) We have downloaded the Town Hall for Hope DVD message from Dave Ramsey. If you would like a copy of this DVD, please go by the Guest Service Counter. There is no cost for this DVD.
We have some very exciting news to share with you! As Craig mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we have been in talks with The Journey Church in New York regarding a mission opportunity this summer. Those plans have been finalized. The mission trip will be from June 13-19th. The cost is $500 per person. This does not include meals or other expenses you will be occurring. If you are interested in attending, you can sign up at the Information Table. We are asking for a $50 commitment deposit by May 24th. Also, we need a minimum of 10 people in order to attend. This should include 5 men and 5 women. For more information, you can pick up a flyer on the Information Table.
Also, Nate is preparing some fun activities for the children and youth this summer. Just a heads up for the Youth:
a) June 22nd—You will be going to Helen to tube the river. The cost will be $15 plus food and tube rental. We will leave the church at 8:30 a.m. and get back around 5 p.m. Sign up sheets are on the Information Table. Deadline for sign ups is June 14th.
For more exciting events, please pick up the flyer on the Information Table!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!
Amanda Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Fellowship Church
P. O. Box 10
230 Industrial Park Rd
Baldwin, GA 30511
FAX: 706-778-0966
a) We cannot wear shorts or tank tops;
b) You must have a picture ID in order to be allowed into the prison;
c) You cannot bring anything with you. This means purse, etc. You will be asked to leave your keys at the check in counter; and,
d) Please pay attention to what Warden Howerton says regarding movement once the ladies begin arriving in the gym.
We have some special events planned for the ladies and we cannot wait to love on these moms.
2) Sign Ups for Summer Semester of Fellowship Connections will begin on Sunday. We have revamped the lineup for this semester only to help Fellowship Church and the members and attendees grow. There will be a sign up table located in the back together with Facilitators available to answer any and all questions you may have. We are excited about the way this has unfolded and cannot wait to see lives changed this summer!
3) Next Sunday we have a busy day planned.
a) If you are facilitating a small group for Fellowship Connection this Summer, we will be hosting a training session beginning at 4 p.m. This will help you understand the 201 Class, answer any questions you may have, and we will also be doing a mock run through of a class. We will be providing child care; and, once again, if you would like to help with child care, please let me know.
b) As Craig has been mentioning, we have decided to rethink the way we handle Communion Services. We don’t want to just tack this onto an event; we want this to be the special time it is suppose to be. We will be hosting a special evening Communion Service beginning at 6:30 p.m.
4) If you have been attending Fellowship Church and would like to make the next step, we will be hosting another Discovering the Joy of Membership Class on May 31st at 5:30 p.m. here at the church. We will be providing a meal and child care for you if needed. You can sign up at the Information Table on Sunday or by emailing me back. Also if you would like to provide child care for this class, please let me know as well.
5) We are in the process of making CDs of the Elephant in the Church Series. If you would like to purchase a CD set, you can do so by signing up at the Information Table. The cost for the series is $15. Please make sure if paying by check that you mark in the Memo line for Elephant Series. If paying by cash, please place in an envelope and indicate for Elephant Series. These should be ready in the next couple of weeks.
6) We have downloaded the Town Hall for Hope DVD message from Dave Ramsey. If you would like a copy of this DVD, please go by the Guest Service Counter. There is no cost for this DVD.
We have some very exciting news to share with you! As Craig mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we have been in talks with The Journey Church in New York regarding a mission opportunity this summer. Those plans have been finalized. The mission trip will be from June 13-19th. The cost is $500 per person. This does not include meals or other expenses you will be occurring. If you are interested in attending, you can sign up at the Information Table. We are asking for a $50 commitment deposit by May 24th. Also, we need a minimum of 10 people in order to attend. This should include 5 men and 5 women. For more information, you can pick up a flyer on the Information Table.
Also, Nate is preparing some fun activities for the children and youth this summer. Just a heads up for the Youth:
a) June 22nd—You will be going to Helen to tube the river. The cost will be $15 plus food and tube rental. We will leave the church at 8:30 a.m. and get back around 5 p.m. Sign up sheets are on the Information Table. Deadline for sign ups is June 14th.
For more exciting events, please pick up the flyer on the Information Table!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!
Amanda Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Fellowship Church
P. O. Box 10
230 Industrial Park Rd
Baldwin, GA 30511
FAX: 706-778-0966
Thursday, May 7, 2009
All Jacked Up!

This picture is not an endorsement or critic of modular homes, just used for fun!
I'm Jacked up like a Alabama Mansion (please don't get mad, laugh you know you want too!)
I love Fellowship Church! I hope you know that I love you all! WOW ain't God good!
Well you might think I am excited, but that would be an understatement. I am crazy excited about how things at Fellowship Church are going.
1. God has given me some incredible peace, peace like I have never seen. Some of you know that I don't sleep, one of the things I believe is I can sleep when I'm dead. Well lately I can't get enough sleep. I have been resting like never before. Now before you go drawing up any conclusions, it's not that I am not resting at night. I am, it's just I am fully at peace with where I am. I have said for years that I am becoming more of what God wants me to be than ever before. I love it!
2. I am watching you guys step up in incredible ways. This is really why I am jacked up today. Today in the office, we are putting the finishing touches on the Fellowship Connection booklet for Sunday. For those who don't know, we are doing something different for the Summer. We will be hosting Fellowship Connection at the church in a large group time, then breaking into smaller groups for discussion (you will hear more about that later). The thing that jacks me up is when I pitched the idea to the small group leaders, we have received an amazing response.
In the last day or so I have received so many phone calls and emails with buy ins, and that just encourages me to no end. Thank you for allowing me to lead, I realize that sometimes it's hard to understand us but thank you, thank you, thank you for trusting in us.
I can't wait to see how God uses Fellowship Connection this Summer.
All Jacked Up!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fellowship Ambassador's Wanted

It's me again, I know how in the world could I post twice in one day. Well I get these blog burst and can't wait to share with you.
Just checking to see if there are any Ambassador's for Fellowship out there. To get this post you will have to read the last one I posted and then go to Brian's blog to get it.
I'm in!
See ya
You gotta read this!
Hey gang,
Do you ever have times when you try to express something, but no matter how hard you try to communicate you just don't seem to do it justice. Well, this morning I read a something that I hope every member of Fellowship Church will read. Seriously, tell everyone you know that is connected with Fellowship Church about today's post, it just may the best thing I could point you to.
So what is it I read, Click this link Brain's Blog. Without a doubt I think we could all learn to see things like this guy does.
Thank you God for pointing me to it this morning.
Love you all,Craig
Do you ever have times when you try to express something, but no matter how hard you try to communicate you just don't seem to do it justice. Well, this morning I read a something that I hope every member of Fellowship Church will read. Seriously, tell everyone you know that is connected with Fellowship Church about today's post, it just may the best thing I could point you to.
So what is it I read, Click this link Brain's Blog. Without a doubt I think we could all learn to see things like this guy does.
Thank you God for pointing me to it this morning.
Love you all,Craig
Friday, May 1, 2009
Fellowship Members must read!
I read several blogs during a given week. This week I came across Perry Noble's blog and thought every member of Fellowship Church should read it. (And I don't care if you think we are trying to be like NewSpring, we aren't, but we are learning from them)
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 1
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 2
Four Wishes for Church Leaders PT 3
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 4
I hope you will take the time to read it.
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 1
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 2
Four Wishes for Church Leaders PT 3
Four Wishes for Church Leaders Pt 4
I hope you will take the time to read it.
Learning some valuable lesson's lately.
It has been a few days since I posted anything on the blog, mostly because it has been a very crazy couple of weeks, however I have seen God do some amazing work.
Let me give you some insight to what I have been learning: Yesterday one comment came from a group of pastor friends whom I meet with monthly to encourage me and it hit me that God was stretching me lately. I am so grateful that God loves me and wants to make me a better person. So here's the comment:
You will never grow your church beyond the pain you are willing to bear! WOW! WOW! WOW!
Until I am ready to endure the next level of pain I am not ready for what God wants to do in my life. I have seen this to be true and also heard it before just differently. Steven Furtick spoke at Catalyst and his message talked about the fact that God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you. We can't get to the prepared place until we are prepared people. Moses had to spend time away from Egypt in prep for leading Israel to the Promised Land. Abraham (whom we have been talking about) had to spend over 20+ years roaming Canaan before God brought him a son to complete the promise of God to make him a great people. Jesus spent three years enduring great disappointment and pain in preparation for the Cross. Now before you blow off, I did not liken myself to Moses, Abraham and certainly not Jesus, I am just using their lives as an example of the truth I have learned.
Often times we think life should be pain free, but I remind you that pain causes us to:
1. Appreciate being painless.
If we never had pain we would get comfortable with the status quo. God never promises us a perfect passage, but He does promise getting us to the desire destination.
2. Acknowledge situations and circumstances in our lives.
Without pain we would know something is wrong. When you cut a finger the pain tells you it is cut, without this sensation you would bleed to death. God in His infinite wisdom provided pain as a protective measure helping us see things as they are.
3. Adjustments made to make us better.
No pain no gain. Pain, if viewed from the right prospective will help you and get better. I remember as a kid being at my great-grandmothers house in Carnesville. It had coal burning heaters, often we would be warned that the heaters would burn us, but until I actually experienced the pain I didn't believe it burned. I touched it once and became a believer.
So what does that have to do with you?
Simply this, if you want to walk closer to Jesus tomorrow then you must be willing to endure pain. Sunday we will be talking about Endurance. So many people quit just before the payoff. We give up and miss God's best.
Ladies accept second best for a mate and end up regretting a marriage.
Men take another job for the greener grass, but end up missing a greater promotion.
Athletes take illegal substances in hopes of winning it all, but fail to realize their potential was greater than the goal.
What pain have you been enduring? Get ready the payoff is coming. I promise, I have seen it more lately than ever before and I am thankful for it.
Oh and by the way. I am ready for the pain. I want Fellowship Church to be even greater and would never want to hinder the work of God for self.
Love you all and see you Sunday
Let me give you some insight to what I have been learning: Yesterday one comment came from a group of pastor friends whom I meet with monthly to encourage me and it hit me that God was stretching me lately. I am so grateful that God loves me and wants to make me a better person. So here's the comment:
You will never grow your church beyond the pain you are willing to bear! WOW! WOW! WOW!
Until I am ready to endure the next level of pain I am not ready for what God wants to do in my life. I have seen this to be true and also heard it before just differently. Steven Furtick spoke at Catalyst and his message talked about the fact that God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you. We can't get to the prepared place until we are prepared people. Moses had to spend time away from Egypt in prep for leading Israel to the Promised Land. Abraham (whom we have been talking about) had to spend over 20+ years roaming Canaan before God brought him a son to complete the promise of God to make him a great people. Jesus spent three years enduring great disappointment and pain in preparation for the Cross. Now before you blow off, I did not liken myself to Moses, Abraham and certainly not Jesus, I am just using their lives as an example of the truth I have learned.
Often times we think life should be pain free, but I remind you that pain causes us to:
1. Appreciate being painless.
If we never had pain we would get comfortable with the status quo. God never promises us a perfect passage, but He does promise getting us to the desire destination.
2. Acknowledge situations and circumstances in our lives.
Without pain we would know something is wrong. When you cut a finger the pain tells you it is cut, without this sensation you would bleed to death. God in His infinite wisdom provided pain as a protective measure helping us see things as they are.
3. Adjustments made to make us better.
No pain no gain. Pain, if viewed from the right prospective will help you and get better. I remember as a kid being at my great-grandmothers house in Carnesville. It had coal burning heaters, often we would be warned that the heaters would burn us, but until I actually experienced the pain I didn't believe it burned. I touched it once and became a believer.
So what does that have to do with you?
Simply this, if you want to walk closer to Jesus tomorrow then you must be willing to endure pain. Sunday we will be talking about Endurance. So many people quit just before the payoff. We give up and miss God's best.
Ladies accept second best for a mate and end up regretting a marriage.
Men take another job for the greener grass, but end up missing a greater promotion.
Athletes take illegal substances in hopes of winning it all, but fail to realize their potential was greater than the goal.
What pain have you been enduring? Get ready the payoff is coming. I promise, I have seen it more lately than ever before and I am thankful for it.
Oh and by the way. I am ready for the pain. I want Fellowship Church to be even greater and would never want to hinder the work of God for self.
Love you all and see you Sunday
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