Monday, August 16, 2010

Serving God Matters Pt.1

On Sunday we talked about how Jesus taught about serving others when he washed the disciples feet.  You can read about it in John 13, it's a great story. You can listen to the message here: Epidemic: Infusion

Here is what we learned:
  • Serving begins with a hear of love.
  • Serving others is not an obligation, but a privilege
  • Serving others is proactive, not reactive
  • Serving other will signify our relationship with Jesus
  • Serving will require wholeness and holiness
  • Serving prepares us for worship
  • Serving is about dying to self so others can live for Christ
So for the next few weeks I will keep the challenge to serve before you by giving you some ideas of where you can serve.

Today I want to share with you an incredible opportunity to mentor children.  As many of you know we have become the Partner in Education with Baldwin Elementary.  One of their needs is mentors, men and women who are willing to give about an hour a week to encourage, challenge and lead a child at the school.  As I stated yesterday in my message, "the time to reach people is not when they are 18, but when they are in elementary school."  It is important to note that many of these children come from homes where there is little parent involvement and all they need is to know someone cares.  Anyone can do that!

If you are interested in finding out more about the mentoring program please go to our website and click on the Serve link, look on the left for mentoring and fill out the online registration.  It's that easy.

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