Several years passed and our family moved on. My mother worked and cared for me and my brother Keith. She did everything she could to provide a safe, happy home as she sought someone to become her companion for life. During this time, my brother and I became little men and did our part in protecting our home (the best we could).
One day mom brought a man home to meet us, his name was David Turner. When we first met him, he seemed to be a decent guy. In time we learned that he drove trucks for a living and had been divorced for several years. During his first marriage he had a daughter who's mom just one day walked away. Following what seemed like a brief time, mom sat my brother and I down and announced that they would be married in a double wedding with my mother's mother and her new boyfriend (this was a hugh surprise).
I wished I could tell you things went well, however I did not like the thought of another man coming into my life, in fact I hated (I know) it. In the days and years that followed, David, my new step-dad, did all he could to make me feel comfortable. I did everything I could to make him uncomfortable, I didn't like him. As the years passed we would spend holidays with David's family and over time family bonds began to be built.
As time passed I came to understand that David really did love me and desired to be a father to me. It wasn't until I grew into a man that I began to fully understand his love for me. Slowly I allowed myself to begin to get close to him and today I call him my "dad", although he is not my biological dad, he is my real dad and I am thankful for that!
This past week David lost his oldest brother Charles, he was in his early 70's. David has three brothers and they often spent their time together hunting, fishing and eating together. It hurt to see David hurt at the loose of his brother and I prayed through the two days of mourning for him to be comforted.
During the funeral and family reception I learned to be thankful for my family. I took a moment to visit with Coreen (spelling?), Charles' wife. I told her that Tina and I had been praying for her and her response really touched me in ways I can't explain. She told me how proud she was of me and thanked me for my prayers. I moved to the back of the tent in the pouring rain and pondered the day.
I realized that I am loved by people that have accepted me into their family. In these 30+ years I have ceased to be a step-child and become a part of a loving and different family. For that I am most grateful and thankful. I am proud to be counted as a Turner!
One last thought to the family. As I have grown, one area that I struggle is with how I show love and emotion. I have been hurt so much that I protect that in my life. I tend to be an extrovert and not very talkative. Thanks for not giving up on the relationships. I love you very much and wish I could share it more, I one day hope to let go of the fear of opening up and loving others. I am proud to be counted a part of your family and know that you are prayed for often and loved very much.
To David, Thank you for not giving up on me and letting me be me and loving me anyway. You will never know what you mean to me and what I have learned from you. Your impact will be carried down to my children and their children and continue into eternity. I will alway remember that you were the one who saw to it that we went to church and I trusted Christ in the Turner family church (Mount Calvary). God called me into ministry as a result of your faithful influence, your impact will be felt for generations to come. In my ministry God has allowed me to see hundreds trust in Jesus, you had a part in each of those lives. Some might consider a man who didn't finish high school, who drove a truck, worked on trucks and enjoyed hunting and fishing not to be a success, however in my book you are a hugh success and the rewards of Heaven await you. THANK YOU!
1 comment:
Craig, I am very moved by what you have written about David. He sounds like a wonderful man. It was a blessing to you and Keith to have this man step in and take the place of someone who should have been there. All things happen for a reason. I believe you are a wonderful person and I am thankful that we all became better people than the example we had. Much love..
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