As I sat waiting for my time to talk, I felt the Spirit impress on me that He was working today in a special way. I have experienced this before and knew that I would be using I Thes. 5, one part talks about not hindering the Spirit. I challenged the church that we should be the church and stop talking about the church. It was on!
Mickey and the praise team joined me and sang, How He Loves Us. I presented the gospel and invited people to respond. Several people came to pray and one of our members asked to stand in the gap for the young man who had OD'd. I invited people to come pray and almost everyone came forward. Then it hit. When all was said and done we had three confirmed decesions to follow Christ, one rededication and a lot of people touched in ways they never expected.
All I can say is WOW.
Here are two of the stories from today: When I moved to north Georgia I met a young man who ran a pet shop. Immediately God placed a burden on my life to pray for him. On many occassions I would encounter he or his wife and I would pray for them. Three weeks ago he started attending Fellowship and today he came during the pray, sobbing he asked Jesus into his life. AWESOME!
Following worship I noticed a young lady I have been praying for talking to her parents at the back. I could she was dealing with God as she was very broken. I stopped to talk and she shared her story. I then asked her about trusting Jesus and she prayed to trust Him. Immediately we went to the Harvest Wall and she and her family X'd out her name. Then her mother said this, "This is the greatest Valentines gift ever!" I agree.
If you missed this mornings 11:00 am service then you missed an amazing time of the presence of God. I pray we experience this every week.
See you Sunday!
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