Have you heard about Miss California? Proof that Satan is never happy and always up to no good.
During the televised Miss America Competition on Sunday night, Miss California answered a questions from one of the judges. It just happens that the judge is a raging male pro-homosexual activist that not only wants everyone to acknowledge his lifestyle, but demands that everyone accept his and many other peoples lifestyle of homosexuality. You can read more about his arrogant and abusive shock jock lifestyle by googling his name, Perez Hilton.
Here is the question he asked, "What do you think about gay marriage?" Miss California responded with her belief not that gay marriage was wrong, but that marriage should be reserved to a man and woman. Some have suggested her comments cost here the Miss America crown?
On Monday Perez Hilton showed his true colors when he called Miss California a "dumb b_ t _ h", really classy don't you think. So because she believes differently than the judge she suddenly becomes dumb and a _________? Talk about lacking tolerance!
Satan is never happy with anything that goes against his wreckless agenda. His main focus is to steal, kill and destroy and you can be sure he will resort to whatever works to support his cause.
Thank God for Miss California not being a prostitute of truth for a earthly thrown and crown. She has learned a lesson that all Christ followers will one day face, when you stand for Jesus it will cost you something.
What has your faith cost you lately?
1 comment:
You know, that is correct: Satan does suck. He truly is evil. And whenever you boldly say that he will send obstacles for you to overcome. Here is something to think about: Satan is actively recruiting.
Satan and his army are constantly, not continually, but constantly working to defeat those who follow Christ. That is why we need to fall on our knees in prayer to help each other - to defend our faith with our spiritual weapons.
It is time that we who do follow
Christ wake up and realize that Satan does not sleep and he will never give up. Remember, Satan is like a roaring lion seeking those he can destroy. (I Peter 5:8) Have you ever watched National Geographic show a roaring lion?
If a lion were constantly chasing you, would you live your life the same as you did today?
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