Just a little reminder that auditions sign up for the worship team will end this Sunday May 3rd. If you are interested in signing up please pick up a commitment form at the table by the door in the worship center.
Also you are not going to want to miss this Sunday we start are new series called Heroes and for the first time every person children to adults will be learning the same thing. We are very excited about this and what it could create in your homes as you discuss what you learn at church (I hope you are doing this). The band is working up some great songs for this series too so you will probably hear some different songs that pertain to Heroes.
One last thing I love being a part of Fellowship Church it is awesome to see God working in so many people's lives. None of it would be possible without each person doing their part for the kingdom. Thanks. Until Sunday
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
What's Happening at FC
Baldwin Clean Up Day---IS NEXT SATURDAY, MAY 2nd!!!! If you haven’t signed up, please do so this Sunday. Here is a breakdown of what we need help with:
Times will be 8:30 am-1:30 pm.
(1) We need someone to come by on Friday and get the coolers. You can go by Quality Foods to get them filled with ice. If you can do this, please email me back and let me know.
(2) We need help in preparing the building (stacking chairs, getting everything out of the worship area, setting up tables and black chairs, etc). If you can come by Tuesday night, please let me know.
(3) If you are helping with food (serving, etc), we need you here around 8:15 a.m. We are not serving breakfast this year, but we are having coffee and juice available to everyone.
(4) Tony and his crew will be preparing BBQ. We will be having the BBQ, chips, slaw, bread, and drinks.
(5) If you are helping with cleaning up the church afterwards, please know that this means you will be here past 1:30. We need your help with sweeping, mopping, emptying trash, cleaning bathrooms, putting chairs back out, and whatever else is needed to get the sanctuary ready for Sunday morning. This is really important and the more people we have helping, the faster it will go!
(6) The kid’s area will be locked. Please help us in making sure no kids go in the back and that no kids go behind the curtain.
LACI Worship Night—We have scheduled our next worship experience at LACI for Saturday, May 9th. This is Mother’s Day weekend and we felt that it would be a great opportunity to love on these ladies. We will have forms to fill out and also an Expectation Sheet on the Guest Counter for you to fill out and return. Even if you went last time, you will still need to fill out another form.
Fellowship Connection—Summer is just around the corner! Our Summer Semester classes begin filling on May 10th. There are several important days coming up that are important. We will be having a meeting on Sunday (April 26th) at 4 p.m. here at the church for anyone who is interested in facilitating a small group. Also on May 17th, we will be hosting a training session for all Facilitators. This is a very important class to help you. Please let me know if you are planning on attending both events.
Communion Service—We are planning on having a communion service on May 17th at 6:30 p.m.
Joy Class---Our next Discovering the Joy of Membership Class has been scheduled for May 31st at 5:30 p.m. here at the church. You can sign up at the Guest Service Counter or by emailing me back.
Fellowship Praise Band Auditions---Auditions have been rescheduled to May 13th. You can sign up at the Guest Service Counter (when you do, please also pick up a Commitment Form as well). Stan or Mickey will contact you to schedule an audition. Deadline to sign up is May 3rd.
Everyone enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend!
Times will be 8:30 am-1:30 pm.
(1) We need someone to come by on Friday and get the coolers. You can go by Quality Foods to get them filled with ice. If you can do this, please email me back and let me know.
(2) We need help in preparing the building (stacking chairs, getting everything out of the worship area, setting up tables and black chairs, etc). If you can come by Tuesday night, please let me know.
(3) If you are helping with food (serving, etc), we need you here around 8:15 a.m. We are not serving breakfast this year, but we are having coffee and juice available to everyone.
(4) Tony and his crew will be preparing BBQ. We will be having the BBQ, chips, slaw, bread, and drinks.
(5) If you are helping with cleaning up the church afterwards, please know that this means you will be here past 1:30. We need your help with sweeping, mopping, emptying trash, cleaning bathrooms, putting chairs back out, and whatever else is needed to get the sanctuary ready for Sunday morning. This is really important and the more people we have helping, the faster it will go!
(6) The kid’s area will be locked. Please help us in making sure no kids go in the back and that no kids go behind the curtain.
LACI Worship Night—We have scheduled our next worship experience at LACI for Saturday, May 9th. This is Mother’s Day weekend and we felt that it would be a great opportunity to love on these ladies. We will have forms to fill out and also an Expectation Sheet on the Guest Counter for you to fill out and return. Even if you went last time, you will still need to fill out another form.
Fellowship Connection—Summer is just around the corner! Our Summer Semester classes begin filling on May 10th. There are several important days coming up that are important. We will be having a meeting on Sunday (April 26th) at 4 p.m. here at the church for anyone who is interested in facilitating a small group. Also on May 17th, we will be hosting a training session for all Facilitators. This is a very important class to help you. Please let me know if you are planning on attending both events.
Communion Service—We are planning on having a communion service on May 17th at 6:30 p.m.
Joy Class---Our next Discovering the Joy of Membership Class has been scheduled for May 31st at 5:30 p.m. here at the church. You can sign up at the Guest Service Counter or by emailing me back.
Fellowship Praise Band Auditions---Auditions have been rescheduled to May 13th. You can sign up at the Guest Service Counter (when you do, please also pick up a Commitment Form as well). Stan or Mickey will contact you to schedule an audition. Deadline to sign up is May 3rd.
Everyone enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend!
Be Careful.........
Hello everyone,
So this week I'm in New Orleans to do some school work and the last two days have been sitting in a classroom with 15 other worship leaders from the Southeast and we have been discussing our ministries and how we can become better worshippers. I've enjoyed hearing what God is doing in the life of other churches around the area. One of the things that troubles me is how quick some of us are to criticize others ministries because their methodology doesn't line up with what their church does or what they feel the church needs to do. The message does not change, Jesus is still the Savior and he still rose again, but how we convey that message may be different. We have got to be careful what we say and how we act when we speak about ministries, WE ALL HAVE ONE GOAL IN MIND-TO REACH LOST PEOPLE.
This morning I read Numbers 14 this is a story about how the Israelites rebelled against God and the leadership God place over them(Moses and Aaron). They cried out that they would have been better off as slaves in Egypt, and that God led them out in the wilderness to be miserable. So what did they want to do, overthrow the leaders and get a new one. Then Joshua stood up ripped his clothes off and told them they are crazy, but they still didn't listen. What happened next is amazing God told Moses "How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst?" WOW. So God did all these miraculous things for them and they still did not trust God and believe He would deliver them. The bad news is there are consequences for our actions. So God then brings down his judgement by not allowing the Israelites who are over the age of 20 to experience the Promised Land.
You might be asking where do I fit in? Well have you ever sat around talking about the people who are leading people in the correct path, but not doing the way you have always done it. This may be someone on TV, down the street, at work, or it may be your pastor. We learn from this passage in Numbers that God calls us to get behind the people He has appointed as leaders. This goes beyond just the church, and includes every aspect of our lives the workplace, the home, or school. God has placed these people in leadership for a reason respect it and treat him the same way away from work or school as you do sitting at the table with them. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not good at this. I sometimes think there is no way an old hymn can still work, but it does every Sunday across the world. I challenge you to be careful when you speak about another church or your church.
See Ya'll Sunday
So this week I'm in New Orleans to do some school work and the last two days have been sitting in a classroom with 15 other worship leaders from the Southeast and we have been discussing our ministries and how we can become better worshippers. I've enjoyed hearing what God is doing in the life of other churches around the area. One of the things that troubles me is how quick some of us are to criticize others ministries because their methodology doesn't line up with what their church does or what they feel the church needs to do. The message does not change, Jesus is still the Savior and he still rose again, but how we convey that message may be different. We have got to be careful what we say and how we act when we speak about ministries, WE ALL HAVE ONE GOAL IN MIND-TO REACH LOST PEOPLE.
This morning I read Numbers 14 this is a story about how the Israelites rebelled against God and the leadership God place over them(Moses and Aaron). They cried out that they would have been better off as slaves in Egypt, and that God led them out in the wilderness to be miserable. So what did they want to do, overthrow the leaders and get a new one. Then Joshua stood up ripped his clothes off and told them they are crazy, but they still didn't listen. What happened next is amazing God told Moses "How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst?" WOW. So God did all these miraculous things for them and they still did not trust God and believe He would deliver them. The bad news is there are consequences for our actions. So God then brings down his judgement by not allowing the Israelites who are over the age of 20 to experience the Promised Land.
You might be asking where do I fit in? Well have you ever sat around talking about the people who are leading people in the correct path, but not doing the way you have always done it. This may be someone on TV, down the street, at work, or it may be your pastor. We learn from this passage in Numbers that God calls us to get behind the people He has appointed as leaders. This goes beyond just the church, and includes every aspect of our lives the workplace, the home, or school. God has placed these people in leadership for a reason respect it and treat him the same way away from work or school as you do sitting at the table with them. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not good at this. I sometimes think there is no way an old hymn can still work, but it does every Sunday across the world. I challenge you to be careful when you speak about another church or your church.
See Ya'll Sunday
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hang in There...
9 So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9
Oswald Chambers My Utmost For His Highest
April 22, 2009
The Light That Never Fails
We all, with unveiled face, beholding . . . the glory of the Lord . . . —2 Corinthians 3:18A servant of God must stand so very much alone that he never realizes he is alone. In the early stages of the Christian life, disappointments will come— people who used to be lights will flicker out, and those who used to stand with us will turn away. We have to get so used to it that we will not even realize we are standing alone. Paul said, ". . . no one stood with me, but all forsook me . . . . But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me . . ." (2 Timothy 4:16-17 ). We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails. When "important" individuals go away we are sad, until we see that they are meant to go, so that only one thing is left for us to do— to look into the face of God for ourselves.
Allow nothing to keep you from looking with strong determination into the face of God regarding yourself and your doctrine. And every time you preach make sure you look God in the face about the message first, then the glory will remain through all of it. A Christian servant is one who perpetually looks into the face of God and then goes forth to talk to others. The ministry of Christ is characterized by an abiding glory of which the servant is totally unaware— ". . . Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him" ( Exodus 34:29 ).
We are never called on to display our doubts openly or to express the hidden joys and delights of our life with God. The secret of the servant’s life is that he stays in tune with God all the time.
For Paul it was a dangerous time to be a Christian. (The Romans were making sport and snuffing them) But when is it safe? Let's not be safe but dangerous for spreading the gospel. Again, Galatians 6:9 So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit.
Oswald Chambers My Utmost For His Highest
April 22, 2009
The Light That Never Fails
We all, with unveiled face, beholding . . . the glory of the Lord . . . —2 Corinthians 3:18A servant of God must stand so very much alone that he never realizes he is alone. In the early stages of the Christian life, disappointments will come— people who used to be lights will flicker out, and those who used to stand with us will turn away. We have to get so used to it that we will not even realize we are standing alone. Paul said, ". . . no one stood with me, but all forsook me . . . . But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me . . ." (2 Timothy 4:16-17 ). We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails. When "important" individuals go away we are sad, until we see that they are meant to go, so that only one thing is left for us to do— to look into the face of God for ourselves.
Allow nothing to keep you from looking with strong determination into the face of God regarding yourself and your doctrine. And every time you preach make sure you look God in the face about the message first, then the glory will remain through all of it. A Christian servant is one who perpetually looks into the face of God and then goes forth to talk to others. The ministry of Christ is characterized by an abiding glory of which the servant is totally unaware— ". . . Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him" ( Exodus 34:29 ).
We are never called on to display our doubts openly or to express the hidden joys and delights of our life with God. The secret of the servant’s life is that he stays in tune with God all the time.
For Paul it was a dangerous time to be a Christian. (The Romans were making sport and snuffing them) But when is it safe? Let's not be safe but dangerous for spreading the gospel. Again, Galatians 6:9 So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What does it cost?

Have you heard about Miss California? Proof that Satan is never happy and always up to no good.
During the televised Miss America Competition on Sunday night, Miss California answered a questions from one of the judges. It just happens that the judge is a raging male pro-homosexual activist that not only wants everyone to acknowledge his lifestyle, but demands that everyone accept his and many other peoples lifestyle of homosexuality. You can read more about his arrogant and abusive shock jock lifestyle by googling his name, Perez Hilton.
Here is the question he asked, "What do you think about gay marriage?" Miss California responded with her belief not that gay marriage was wrong, but that marriage should be reserved to a man and woman. Some have suggested her comments cost here the Miss America crown?
On Monday Perez Hilton showed his true colors when he called Miss California a "dumb b_ t _ h", really classy don't you think. So because she believes differently than the judge she suddenly becomes dumb and a _________? Talk about lacking tolerance!
Satan is never happy with anything that goes against his wreckless agenda. His main focus is to steal, kill and destroy and you can be sure he will resort to whatever works to support his cause.
Thank God for Miss California not being a prostitute of truth for a earthly thrown and crown. She has learned a lesson that all Christ followers will one day face, when you stand for Jesus it will cost you something.
What has your faith cost you lately?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Expose' of the Enemy
I have been watching with interest the discontent in our world. It seems that everyone is out to get everyone else. In 1776 when the founding Fathers of this great country signed the Declaration of Independence the dream was a United States putring their faith in God. It shouldn't surprise us that when God is at work, the enemy, Satan is working as well. If you want to know how the enemy works look no further than our country and the turmoil we find within our government. It seems we could be defined as dis-unified more so that unified.
How do we recognize the enemy from God, truth from lie and disunity for unity? I think it begins by listening to scripture about the work of the enemy:
The enemy will be angry when God is at work -
Psalms 18:48 (MSG)
48 He rescued me from enemy anger, he pulled me from the grip of upstarts, He saved me from the bullies.
The enemy is filled with malice toward the people of God -
Psalms 49:5 (MSG)
5 So why should I fear in bad times, hemmed in by enemy malice,
Don't worry the enemy will find you -
Psalms 143:3 (MSG)
3 The enemy hunted me down; he kicked me and stomped me within an inch of my life. He put me in a black hole, buried me like a corpse in that dungeon.
The enemy will gloat in our defeat -
Lamentations 1:9 (MSG)
9 She played fast and loose with life, she never considered tomorrow, and now she's crashed royally, with no one to hold her hand: "Look at my pain, O God! And how the enemy cruelly struts."
The enemy will attack you -
Luke 10:19 (MSG)
19 See what I've given you? Safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions, and protection from every assault of the Enemy. No one can put a hand on you.
And Jesus gives us the finishing thoughts about the enemy:
John 10:10 (MSG)
10 A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
The thing I want you to remember is the enemy is out to defeat the work of God. He will do anything he can to cause harm to God's Kingdom. There is no safe ground!
Are you ready? Have you been walking and talking with Jesus? I can promise you the enemy is waiting for just the right time to attack and if we prepare and pray we can be sure that God will guide and protect us.
Until next time, Satan, you suck and I don't like you one bit. I hope by exposing you I can help others avoid your rotten dirty tricks. In the name of Jesus you are defeated!
How do we recognize the enemy from God, truth from lie and disunity for unity? I think it begins by listening to scripture about the work of the enemy:
The enemy will be angry when God is at work -
Psalms 18:48 (MSG)
48 He rescued me from enemy anger, he pulled me from the grip of upstarts, He saved me from the bullies.
The enemy is filled with malice toward the people of God -
Psalms 49:5 (MSG)
5 So why should I fear in bad times, hemmed in by enemy malice,
Don't worry the enemy will find you -
Psalms 143:3 (MSG)
3 The enemy hunted me down; he kicked me and stomped me within an inch of my life. He put me in a black hole, buried me like a corpse in that dungeon.
The enemy will gloat in our defeat -
Lamentations 1:9 (MSG)
9 She played fast and loose with life, she never considered tomorrow, and now she's crashed royally, with no one to hold her hand: "Look at my pain, O God! And how the enemy cruelly struts."
The enemy will attack you -
Luke 10:19 (MSG)
19 See what I've given you? Safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions, and protection from every assault of the Enemy. No one can put a hand on you.
And Jesus gives us the finishing thoughts about the enemy:
John 10:10 (MSG)
10 A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
The thing I want you to remember is the enemy is out to defeat the work of God. He will do anything he can to cause harm to God's Kingdom. There is no safe ground!
Are you ready? Have you been walking and talking with Jesus? I can promise you the enemy is waiting for just the right time to attack and if we prepare and pray we can be sure that God will guide and protect us.
Until next time, Satan, you suck and I don't like you one bit. I hope by exposing you I can help others avoid your rotten dirty tricks. In the name of Jesus you are defeated!
Lego Jesus

Lego Jesus - A church in Sweden celebrated Easter on Sunday by unveiling a 6-foot-tall statue of Jesus.
Parishioners of the Oensta Gryta Church in Vaesteras had built it out of 30,000 Lego blocks.
It reportedly took those 40 volunteers nearly 18 months to put all the tiny plastic blocks together. Their finished product is a standing Jesus facing forward with his arms outstretched.
I am thinking we could do the following project a little quiker and then spend time getting out in the community to share Jesus.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Looking Back to Look Forward
25 All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. 26 I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! 27 I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself. I Corinthians 9:25-27
Easter Sunday is in the books and part of recent history. All the preparation and planning is now past and we can look back to help us look forward.
When we set our attendance goal of 500 little did I know that we would actually hit that goal and surpass it. Wow!
What's more when the day was done we baptized 6 and had another 10 or so acknowledge a decision to follow Christ. I am amazed and blessed at the same time.
I started this blog with a verse that I believe has application, when we work hard and prepare to the best of our ability God honor's our labor. At times we have had some talk about us being to programmed and planned, but I believe that is why God is using Fellowship to make a difference in our community. He honor's those who labor for the Kingdom. It's important to point out that we don't do what we do to get honor for ourselves, but we are working to build up the Kingdom of God and for Him to receive the honor.
One story you might enjoy: For the past few months God has put one man in my path. From the beginning he attended Fellowship from a distance with his wife. One Sunday several wweks ago his wife approached Tina and I to ask us to pray for him, he was not a believer and didn't really want to come to church, but enjoyed being here. I started to talk to him at the ball fields, in the community and then he invited me to go to a hockey game last week. At lunch a couple of weeks ago I gave him specific Bible passages to read and let God do the work. Well to make the long short, Sunday he gave his heart to Jesus in the 11:00 service and then called to follow up on Sunday night, thanking me for the investment. You will meet him soon and I can't wait to celebrate his taking the next step.
This is why we do what we do at Fellowship Church. We are here for those who don't know Jesus yet, in hopes that one day we can introduce them to Jesus. Yeah God!
Easter Sunday is in the books and part of recent history. All the preparation and planning is now past and we can look back to help us look forward.
When we set our attendance goal of 500 little did I know that we would actually hit that goal and surpass it. Wow!
What's more when the day was done we baptized 6 and had another 10 or so acknowledge a decision to follow Christ. I am amazed and blessed at the same time.
I started this blog with a verse that I believe has application, when we work hard and prepare to the best of our ability God honor's our labor. At times we have had some talk about us being to programmed and planned, but I believe that is why God is using Fellowship to make a difference in our community. He honor's those who labor for the Kingdom. It's important to point out that we don't do what we do to get honor for ourselves, but we are working to build up the Kingdom of God and for Him to receive the honor.
One story you might enjoy: For the past few months God has put one man in my path. From the beginning he attended Fellowship from a distance with his wife. One Sunday several wweks ago his wife approached Tina and I to ask us to pray for him, he was not a believer and didn't really want to come to church, but enjoyed being here. I started to talk to him at the ball fields, in the community and then he invited me to go to a hockey game last week. At lunch a couple of weeks ago I gave him specific Bible passages to read and let God do the work. Well to make the long short, Sunday he gave his heart to Jesus in the 11:00 service and then called to follow up on Sunday night, thanking me for the investment. You will meet him soon and I can't wait to celebrate his taking the next step.
This is why we do what we do at Fellowship Church. We are here for those who don't know Jesus yet, in hopes that one day we can introduce them to Jesus. Yeah God!
Fellowship Church Softball Schedule
I hope everyone will come out and support our softball team.
I am posting the schedule for everyone:
Date Day Time Field Opponent
04/16/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Torch 1
04/23/2009 Thursday 9:00 PM Field 4 Bethlehem
04/27/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 First Baptist
04/30/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hillside
05/04/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Life Church
05/07/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Torch 3
05/14/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Hazel Creek
05/18/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Level Grove
05/21/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Torch 1
05/22/2009 Friday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hazel Creek
05/28/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Torch 3
06/01/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hillside
06/01/2009 Monday 9:00 PM Field 4 First Baptist
06/04/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Bethlehem
06/04/2009 Thursday 9:00 PM Field 4 Life Church
06/05/2009 Friday 9:00 PM Field 4 Level Grove
I am posting the schedule for everyone:
Date Day Time Field Opponent
04/16/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Torch 1
04/23/2009 Thursday 9:00 PM Field 4 Bethlehem
04/27/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 First Baptist
04/30/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hillside
05/04/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Life Church
05/07/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Torch 3
05/14/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Hazel Creek
05/18/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Level Grove
05/21/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Torch 1
05/22/2009 Friday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hazel Creek
05/28/2009 Thursday 7:00 PM Field 4 Torch 3
06/01/2009 Monday 8:00 PM Field 4 Hillside
06/01/2009 Monday 9:00 PM Field 4 First Baptist
06/04/2009 Thursday 8:00 PM Field 4 Bethlehem
06/04/2009 Thursday 9:00 PM Field 4 Life Church
06/05/2009 Friday 9:00 PM Field 4 Level Grove
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Your Worship
Here is a blog that I read on Thursday and I thought it would be a good one to post here for this weekend. It is from Casey Darnell who is a worship leader from Atlanta. Read it and take it to heart on the very special weekend. And you gotta love the part about the V-neck.
A Challenge for this Good Friday and Easter Sunday:
To Just Worship.
Worship without critiquing.
Without analyzing.
Become more engaged by what HE thinks of you and has done for you.
…and grow less concerned or caring about the music or style or genre.
Look at the stage, but don’t see the worship leader (V-Neck and all)…don’t see the band…or the lights or production.
Don’t talk or go home & blog about the worship leader’s style…
…don’t be concerned if he wears a v-neck or not and his style is maybe “metro-sexual.”
Let all those things fade into the background as they create an opportunity to allow you to reflect…the same opportunity you had before you walked in the door…when you woke up this morning…all day long as you lived and breathed.
Remember your worship doesn’t start when the band cracks the 4 count and starts the first song…and it doesn’t end when they play the last chord or the last verse is read or the message ends and the house lights come up.
Let styles or worship become a thing for other people to talk about…but NOT you.
Not now in the moment when you realize Jesus was crucified for you…And all your opinions seem waisted.
So let go of opinions and a nature to criticize. Resist the temptation.
Let go of the deep rooted bitterness or hurt that causes you to use your tongue in ways that only bring YOU attention…and to critique or judge the attention others may get, realizing they are their to point the attention to Jesus.
So do that.
Give Jesus your attention.
Give Him your song and your sorrow and your hurt and bitterness and resentment and confusion and doubts…
…Give Him everything that you are holding onto and fighting to keep to yourself.
Give Him your worship.
The very thing He wants…but no one else can give for you….or sing for you…
…or create a moment in a service BIG ENOUGH to dare rival…the simple surrender of YOUR HEART.
I hope for us this will be a challenge so much bigger then this weekend.
Less talk about the worship leader. Less talk about the music style.
Less talk about your favorite song. Less of YOU and ME.
More of Him.
A Challenge for this Good Friday and Easter Sunday:
To Just Worship.
Worship without critiquing.
Without analyzing.
Become more engaged by what HE thinks of you and has done for you.
…and grow less concerned or caring about the music or style or genre.
Look at the stage, but don’t see the worship leader (V-Neck and all)…don’t see the band…or the lights or production.
Don’t talk or go home & blog about the worship leader’s style…
…don’t be concerned if he wears a v-neck or not and his style is maybe “metro-sexual.”
Let all those things fade into the background as they create an opportunity to allow you to reflect…the same opportunity you had before you walked in the door…when you woke up this morning…all day long as you lived and breathed.
Remember your worship doesn’t start when the band cracks the 4 count and starts the first song…and it doesn’t end when they play the last chord or the last verse is read or the message ends and the house lights come up.
Let styles or worship become a thing for other people to talk about…but NOT you.
Not now in the moment when you realize Jesus was crucified for you…And all your opinions seem waisted.
So let go of opinions and a nature to criticize. Resist the temptation.
Let go of the deep rooted bitterness or hurt that causes you to use your tongue in ways that only bring YOU attention…and to critique or judge the attention others may get, realizing they are their to point the attention to Jesus.
So do that.
Give Jesus your attention.
Give Him your song and your sorrow and your hurt and bitterness and resentment and confusion and doubts…
…Give Him everything that you are holding onto and fighting to keep to yourself.
Give Him your worship.
The very thing He wants…but no one else can give for you….or sing for you…
…or create a moment in a service BIG ENOUGH to dare rival…the simple surrender of YOUR HEART.
I hope for us this will be a challenge so much bigger then this weekend.
Less talk about the worship leader. Less talk about the music style.
Less talk about your favorite song. Less of YOU and ME.
More of Him.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Number 500

Today I am going to post little know facts about 500:
500 is the number between 499 and 501. It would never be recognized unless you were counting to 501 and you can't get there without thinking about 499.
America has a $500 dollar bill, I have never seen one, but I hear they exist.
There are a lot of people who race 500 miles for money way bigger than $500 dollar bills.
An Italian care Fiat 500
Ford had a car named Ford Five Hundred, which reminds me.
Five Hundred spelled out.
In time you would consider 500 a.d. and 500 b.c.
5:00 could be considered 500.
There is a card game 500 and a yard game 500.
There is a slang name for 500, Monkey, never heard that before.
There's the Indy 500, Daytona 500 and there used to be the Atlanta 500, now its called the Cobalt 500. The 500 denotes the number of miles the cars race.
500 is a harshad number, meaning it a given number base.
500 is Fellowship Church on Sunday, can't wait!
See ya
The Baja 500
Every year for the last 41 years a group of over 400 participants descend on the California peninsula known as Baja. This desert land plays host to one of the most grueling races known to man. This event draws people from all around the country and from all types of racing. You will find cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's and the like.
So what does the Baja 500 have in common with the church. Well it all comes down to endurance. Paul, the writer of much of the NT taught us about finishing well when he said, "Let us run with perseverance the race set out before us." Perseverance is one thing most people who follow Christ lack. For some reason we set out like a race horse busting through the gate, but somewhere along the way we tire out and want to quit. It's kinda like riding a bike for a long distances or running, everyone will reach their wall, the place where there body wants to give up. But if you push through and don't quit what you will find is you can go much farther than you thought and finish the course.
Some of you are weary, you have been fighting with all your might and you feel like giving us. DON'T! Dig in and don't let go. God has some amazing things just on the other side of your trouble. As I have told you a lot lately a statement Steven Furtick used in his message at Catalyst this year, "God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you!" You can make it if you try.
Sunday when we worship together for Easter what a wonderful time to celebrate the endurance Jesus taught us on the cross. It can stand as an ever present reminder that we win with Jesus.
See ya Sunday
Oh and don't forget to invite someone so we can celebrate with 500.
So what does the Baja 500 have in common with the church. Well it all comes down to endurance. Paul, the writer of much of the NT taught us about finishing well when he said, "Let us run with perseverance the race set out before us." Perseverance is one thing most people who follow Christ lack. For some reason we set out like a race horse busting through the gate, but somewhere along the way we tire out and want to quit. It's kinda like riding a bike for a long distances or running, everyone will reach their wall, the place where there body wants to give up. But if you push through and don't quit what you will find is you can go much farther than you thought and finish the course.
Some of you are weary, you have been fighting with all your might and you feel like giving us. DON'T! Dig in and don't let go. God has some amazing things just on the other side of your trouble. As I have told you a lot lately a statement Steven Furtick used in his message at Catalyst this year, "God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you!" You can make it if you try.
Sunday when we worship together for Easter what a wonderful time to celebrate the endurance Jesus taught us on the cross. It can stand as an ever present reminder that we win with Jesus.
See ya Sunday
Oh and don't forget to invite someone so we can celebrate with 500.
Galaxie 500

How many of you remember the Ford Fairlane 500? Our family had a restored Fairlane 500 that we shared among us kids. I can remember driving that car on dates, to school, to work and just for fun. Let me remind you I started driving in the early 80's so a car from the 60's was an antique, but man wouldn't she get some looks.
When I think about driving that Fairlane 500 I think about speed and power. It had a 289 ci. motor with a three speed automatic transmission. It was loaded with a vintage 8 track tape player and naugahide seat covers. We thought we were uptown! There were even some nights that I would race to see how fast it would run. Won some and lost some. I recall one night when I was acting like a teenage fool and wanted to race. My opponent and I line up and the flag dropped, but not as fast as the transmission in the only car I had to drive at the time. As I took off the line, I revved the engine and jerked it in gear, with a loud and painful noise parts went everywhere. Needless to say I lost.
So what does this have to do with church and Easter Sunday. Well, I think the thing I would encourage you to remember is new things are good. Today we have cars that are decked out with all kind of conveniences. We have CD players and now you can have multi-disk changers. Leather seats (we ran out of them nauga's, went to using cows) with heat that blows onto your behind. Power windows and locks and even connections for our Ipods, GPS and power ports. Things change and so should church.
As time passes the church must change to meet the demand of culture. Careful now that you don't think I mean changing the message. Jesus never changes, but I am so glad we can use more up to date tools to get the message across.
This Sunday (Easter Sunday) will be a chance for you to invite your friends to check Fellowship Church out. We pride ourselves on being different and cutting edge. When we began we decided to do church like no one else in our area to attract people who would not ordinarily go to church. Like automobiles we have taken the basic concept (the Gospel) and re skinned it with today's technology. I for one and glad I am not driving that Old Fairlane 500.
Oh you might ask what happened to that ride of the past. Today it sits in one of our cousins yard (and he actually lives in GA) with a blown engine and wrecked body. Sometimes things just have to change or die. Also the pic above is not the car, it looked way cooler than that, black with cragar mags, yeah baby!
I can't wait til Sunday, I am believing God will do some incredible things with out New Model.
Fortune 500 and Fellowship Church

As I thought about what to write today I perused the 2008 Fortune 500 rankings from 1955-2008. When it comes to all things 500, Fortune Magazine seems to have a corner on the business rating business. Wow! Can you guess what company is at the top? Walmart, good ole Wally World, the super market of the red neck world.
It's no wonder that Walmart is now on top, their company strategy is to provide the best product for the lowest price. Their company motto is "Save Money. Live Better."
It doesn't matter what you think about Walmart (and I know there are haters out there) you can't help but see them as an amazing company that has risen from a mom and pop dime store to the nation and maybe even the world's largest retailer.
How does it happen and why? I remember reading a book several years ago written about the founder of Walmart, Sam Walton. In the book it chronicled a man who put customers first and the desire to provide the best product at an affordable price. He view his competition as vultures robbing from the good people in American cities all across America. Their company model was to open new stores in small cities and bring about a competitive marketplace that would drive value.
So what can we learn from the top Fortune 500 Company, Walmart?
1. People matter - On Sunday as we host the largest crowd ever at Fellowship Church, we need to remeber that people matter, because people matter to God. When we relegate our world down to just numbers and forget that behind every number is a person in need of a deep relationship with Jesus, we have missed the greatest opportunity to change our world. Sam Walton believed in people and invested in much in making sure people were cared for.
2. People matter - That's not a typo, Sam Walton treated not only his customer's right, but he treated his employee's right. Rather than calling them employee's he referred to those in his stores as associates. The title associate give ownership and responsibility. This coming Easter Sunday we don't have a lot of people just doing jobs we have partners investing in the future of Fellowship Church. Each one plays an important part in the success we see.
3. Value is important - Behind people Sam Walton believed that value was vital and in the beginning provided only American made products. Unfortunately and against what some may think Mr. Walton realized that sometimes value in American products was hard to come by. Mr. Walton had to turn from an important principle to provide the best for his customer. It seems the American work force choose the dollar over quality and it showed. Thankfully this change in direction has caused some manufacturing in American to rethink quality to be competitive in today's market place.
4. Competition is not your enemy - We often think in church that we are in competition with other churches. Mr. Walton believed that competition made everyone better. I need to be careful here so that some of you don't mis-understand, we believe in good competition, not competing for people, but against the enemy. When Fellowship Church grows and makes a difference in the community other churches will begin to believe they can do it to. As one friend likes to say, "When the lake level raises, all the boats raise to the same level. For us to see Kingdom work happen in our community we need to raise the lake. Raise expectation from the community leaders and residents.
5. Criticism is normal - Why would we think otherwise? When you are doing something that no body else is doing, people will be critical. We just have to keep doing what we believe God has called us to do.
6. Larger is OK - In the last few years Walmart has moved from a small mom-and-pop center to the SuperCenter model. In churches we see a mentality that small is good, but at Fellowship Church we believe that large is pleasing to God. If we ever forget that God desires us to grow, we are doomed.
I am sure there are other things we can learn but that is the quick list. I also found this online, Sam Walton's Ten Commandments of Business, its good:
10. Avoid Conventional Wisdom
9. Swim Upstream
8. Control Your Expenses Better Than Your Competitors
7. Exceed Your Customers Expectations
6. Appreciate What Your Associates Do
5. Listen to Everyone in the Company
4. Communicate All That You Know
3. Motivate Your Partners
2. Share Your Profits
1. Of Course...Commit to Your Business
Til tomorrow, 500 is the goal, see ya Sunday
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Going the Distance with the Indy 500
As many of you know, the Indy 500 is an open wheel race. It's considered one of the best races to take place in a year. Each winner receives a trophy and the bottle of milk. Its an American tradition.
One thing you might not know is that NASCAR holds a race that same weekend. Only a few drivers have attempted to compete in both races. Tony Stewart is the only driver who holds the title of competing and finishing both races in a single day!

It hard to think of someone pushing themselves to the brink for just a silly race. Stewart worked very hard and only a small number knows that he accomplished this task. It's the same as our relationship with Christ. Christ has called us to push ourselves to the brink of our Christian walk. We need to run the race he has set before us. This Sunday we're calling all of you to bring someone you know. 500 people!!! How small a task with such a BIG God!!
One thing you might not know is that NASCAR holds a race that same weekend. Only a few drivers have attempted to compete in both races. Tony Stewart is the only driver who holds the title of competing and finishing both races in a single day!

It hard to think of someone pushing themselves to the brink for just a silly race. Stewart worked very hard and only a small number knows that he accomplished this task. It's the same as our relationship with Christ. Christ has called us to push ourselves to the brink of our Christian walk. We need to run the race he has set before us. This Sunday we're calling all of you to bring someone you know. 500 people!!! How small a task with such a BIG God!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Story from Texas
Hello Fellowshipians as many of you may know I’m in Mission, Texas this week leading worship for a group of middle and high schoolers from Cedar Crest Church in Acworth. I’ve heard reports that Sunday’s service was really good and thanks to the worship and tech team for stepping up in my absence you guys are awesome. I can’t wait to get back for Easter I think it is going to be really awesome this Sunday.
I wanted to share a story of a girl I met here yesterday(Sunday) after church. Her name is Keila Pedraza, she is the worship leader for San Isidro Baptist Church, which is the church we are partnering with this week in Texas. She sang and played the guitar for worship and let me tell you she was incredible. She could rival any singer in music today, and has never had any formal music training. I was blown away and the good part was I didn’t have to follow her. She came to the U.S. from Mexico and I asked her how she started singing and leading worship. Her story was so fascinated and real, I wanted to share it with you:
She grew up in a pastors home in Mexico and learned English by listening to American radio Stations when she was 15 she moved to America to go to school and her dad had a job offer as a magazine editor. She went to college and her dad told her if she majored in music and he paid for her school she would have to use her talent to make money (i.e. get a record deal in the music industry outside of the church). She told her dad if that was the case I will major in something different and just sing in the church. So she is majoring in graphic design. A few months ago she needed to get a job to help support herself in college and could only find a job singing in a bar in McAllen, TX. This was not the ideal job for her but she needed money.Two days before she was supposed to start her job the pastor from San Isidro BC was at the Baptist Student Assembly at her college and heard her sing and was also blown away by her talent and passion for worship he offered her a part time worship leader position at his church making more money than she would have at the other job.
God is good and is faithful. The best part about it was every time I complimented her she did not thank me she thanked God for giving her that gift, and made it a point even correcting herself one time when she said “thank you, no thank God” I learned a lot from my 30 minute conversation with this girl and I want to challenge you: WHAT TALENTS OR GIFTS HAS GOD GIVEN YOU THAT YOU NEED TO USE FOR HIS GLORY AND THANK HIM FOR AND NOT OTHER PEOPLE WHEN THEY PRAISE YOU?
I wanted to share a story of a girl I met here yesterday(Sunday) after church. Her name is Keila Pedraza, she is the worship leader for San Isidro Baptist Church, which is the church we are partnering with this week in Texas. She sang and played the guitar for worship and let me tell you she was incredible. She could rival any singer in music today, and has never had any formal music training. I was blown away and the good part was I didn’t have to follow her. She came to the U.S. from Mexico and I asked her how she started singing and leading worship. Her story was so fascinated and real, I wanted to share it with you:
She grew up in a pastors home in Mexico and learned English by listening to American radio Stations when she was 15 she moved to America to go to school and her dad had a job offer as a magazine editor. She went to college and her dad told her if she majored in music and he paid for her school she would have to use her talent to make money (i.e. get a record deal in the music industry outside of the church). She told her dad if that was the case I will major in something different and just sing in the church. So she is majoring in graphic design. A few months ago she needed to get a job to help support herself in college and could only find a job singing in a bar in McAllen, TX. This was not the ideal job for her but she needed money.Two days before she was supposed to start her job the pastor from San Isidro BC was at the Baptist Student Assembly at her college and heard her sing and was also blown away by her talent and passion for worship he offered her a part time worship leader position at his church making more money than she would have at the other job.
God is good and is faithful. The best part about it was every time I complimented her she did not thank me she thanked God for giving her that gift, and made it a point even correcting herself one time when she said “thank you, no thank God” I learned a lot from my 30 minute conversation with this girl and I want to challenge you: WHAT TALENTS OR GIFTS HAS GOD GIVEN YOU THAT YOU NEED TO USE FOR HIS GLORY AND THANK HIM FOR AND NOT OTHER PEOPLE WHEN THEY PRAISE YOU?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Fellowship 500 and The Daytona 500

Every year Nascar begins their season with the Daytona 500. It has become the Superbowl of auto racing. Thousand descend to the beaches of Daytona to watch race team qualify for the Great Race. Then comes Sunday, when 43 owners, crew members and drivers put it on the line to win a piece of History and the Harley J Earl trophy.
I have a lot of memories of Daytona and had the joy of attending one race there back in the late 90's. As I walked out of the tunnels into the racing arena I was in awe at how big and ready it all seemed. Every detail had been thought about and the day was on as 100K+ people crowded onto uncomfortable bleachers to watch cars go fast (wow how easily we are entertained).
Today I want to challenge your thinking. If Daytona is that important to our nation and its sporting community, how important is it to do church well and be ready for those God sends us. It just might be that next Sunday when we announce "Ladies and Gentlemen start your engines!", God may have plans for things our minds could never imagine.
The Fellowship 500 is in the planning stages, come Sunday its live and we must do all we can to put Jesus in the poll position, I am believing that many will be hear to cross the finish line of faith.
Here's how you can help: Invest, Invite and Encourage
Invest in someone you know that does not attend church. We don't want church members from other churches, we are partners in ministry and we want to see all churches grow. Invest in those who are far from God. Spend time talking to them, people want to know you care. Help them know Jesus because they know you.
Invite that person to attend church with you. 80% of those surveyed said they would attend church if someone would invite them. When you invest and earn the right to invite, you will be surprised how successful you are.
Encourage people to pursue a relationship with Christ not church. We don't want people to come just to connect with Church, we want people to connect with Jesus. If they connect with Him their lives will be so much better. The world is filled with hateful people who are connected with church, we don't need more of those. But when a person come to Jesus it changes everything.
Lastly, what happens when you do these things and they don't come? Satan wants you to believe you have failed and that it is a waste of time. He is a liar! It may take years for the person you are investing in to come, let them come on their time table and that's all you need to worry about. But I think you will be surprised at how often you see them come. Also remember we live in the Bible-belt, actually the buckle, so don't worry if they reject you, they have had church pushed down their throat's, let God do the work.
Well that's about it for today. Don't forget the count down to green in the Fellowship 500 has begun. See ya Sunday April 12 at 9:15 and 11:00 am.

Let's Get it Started
Once again I find myself so busy, that taking the time to write a blog is very consuming and troublesome. Nate ask me everyday, "have I blogged, today?" No!
Well this week I will be blogging everyday leading up to Easter. Why?
I believe we will experience Sunday just a glimpse of our potential. I am praying that we have 500 in attendance for Sunday worship. Here's how we can do that. If every ministry partner will invite an unchurched friend then we can hit our goal and go beyond.
Studies tell us that most people will attend church if someone would just ask them. 80% say they have never been asked! Let's now no ask. Could it be that you have a family member who wants to come, but they are waiting to see if you will invite them. Do you have a co-worker who needs some of Jesus, then invite them. Your invite just might be the thing that gets them to Jesus.
Fellowship 500
I can't wait to see what God will do with Sunday, see you then!
Well this week I will be blogging everyday leading up to Easter. Why?
I believe we will experience Sunday just a glimpse of our potential. I am praying that we have 500 in attendance for Sunday worship. Here's how we can do that. If every ministry partner will invite an unchurched friend then we can hit our goal and go beyond.
Studies tell us that most people will attend church if someone would just ask them. 80% say they have never been asked! Let's now no ask. Could it be that you have a family member who wants to come, but they are waiting to see if you will invite them. Do you have a co-worker who needs some of Jesus, then invite them. Your invite just might be the thing that gets them to Jesus.
Fellowship 500
I can't wait to see what God will do with Sunday, see you then!
Sunday Set List
A wonderful day of worship was on today at Fellowship Church. Justin Spillers was worship leader for several songs today and Celeste and Carley both had solos. Johnny and Terry had solos too.
You're Worthy of My Praise
Shout Unto God
Might King of Love
Set the World on Fire
Thanks folks for a wonderful Worship X2
You're Worthy of My Praise
Shout Unto God
Might King of Love
Set the World on Fire
Thanks folks for a wonderful Worship X2
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Crazy Sundays and Mission Trip
Hello Everyone! Well this week started with a bang. Sunday was crazy the 1st service we had a little technical difficulty with the mics. Kudos to Chip White, Greg Stephens, and Bryan Jarrard for getting the problem straightened out for the second service. Those guys are awesome and Sunday's would not be possible without them. The rest of the day was incredible. We saw 3 people give their life to Christ during our Joy Class Sunday evening which never gets old. I have said from the time we moved into the building we are in God is only beginning to work at Fellowship Church and I can't wait to see what he is going to do next.
As some of you may know I have been asked to go on a mission trip next week to lead worship for a group of about 55 workers and 100 people in a church in Mission, TX. which is right on the border of U.S. and Mexico. If any of you have been watching the news you probably know there is a lot going on along the border right now. So please I am asking everyone to please pray for me and group going. We will be leaving Friday afternoon and coming back on the 10th. Thank you so much for prayers and support.
See ya on Easter
As some of you may know I have been asked to go on a mission trip next week to lead worship for a group of about 55 workers and 100 people in a church in Mission, TX. which is right on the border of U.S. and Mexico. If any of you have been watching the news you probably know there is a lot going on along the border right now. So please I am asking everyone to please pray for me and group going. We will be leaving Friday afternoon and coming back on the 10th. Thank you so much for prayers and support.
See ya on Easter
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