Sunday will be fun! The Circus Elephant is arriving. Wear your red shoes and buckle up as Fellowship Church continues the series "The Elephant in the Room". The pass several weeks have hit the subject square in the head. I know many times I need to be presented with the truth, even if it hurts. The gossip series was very
timely. On Thursday staff meeting Craig shared the message. This was different than what had been planned earlier and that afternoon I knew another reason why. I had gone for a hair cut and the person cutting shared with me their distaste for gossip and being hurt in the church. (No names given.) I was then able to share the short version of the message and meet someone who wasn't sure if a Church existed that would be bold in the subjects that have been taught over the past few weeks. Pray for this Hair Stylist to come and see a Church does exist that will be bold in following Christ and love all that come.
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