WOW, what a week!
God is incredible and faithful. But you probably already knew that. Yesterday was the largest non-holiday service and second largest service in Fellowship Churches 3 and 1/2 year old history. Can you believe we had 387 in worship, I am blown away.
I find myself talking a lot about numbers lately, however I want you to understand what we do is not about numbers, but about people. When you hear a number don't think for a minute we are only counting heads. Yesterday we had 387 people who worshiped with us. Real people with real struggles, heart aches and concerns. My prayer is that Fellowship Church will continue to grow, but may we never grow past the fact that people are important.
One consideration I have pondered is to not greet everyone at the back door, but I just can't seem to let go. I want to sincerely thank each person who attends for spending their precious time worshiping at Fellowship Church. In Habersham County there are over 100 church, and they chose us, Thank you for that privilege.
There is one more reason we count and keep track of people, we believe the message of Jesus is so precious we want to make sure we share Jesus with everyone we can. Each week when I arrive for Sunday worship, I often wonder who will be with us.
Are they looking for a church home?
How did they find us?
But most of all I wonder if they know Jesus. If we didn't count or consider who attends we would never know how affective we are being at sharing Jesus. As we grow I pray that God will consider us faithful with His most gracious message and will continue to send people who are far from God to worship with us. I also pray that God would bless us with harvest.
The last thing I want to talk about this morning is the decisions that were made in yesterday's service. We had 4 people come forward in the service who prayed to receive Jesus. Yes! There we also about 8-10 others who acknowledged their need for Jesus. Will you join me in praying for these people. For the New Believers pray for protection and direction, for the one seeking God, pray that He will reveal Himself in their lives and we can celebrate with them as a church.
In worship I introduced you to one of the people who prayed to receive Christ in the Joy Class last week. Benny Wyrick has become a great friend, now he has become a brother in Christ. Welcome to the family Benny, God has great things in store for you. I know Matt is incredible proud of what God has done with his father.
Fellowship Church, have a great week. Tell someone about what God is doing at Fellowship Church and get ready for next week.
Hey let's all work together and see if we can have 400 next Sunday. We only need 13 more to attend. Invite a family member or coworker, we can do it. Where will we put them? Believe me we can figure it out. See ya Sunday.
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