Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Blog

We have a new blog.  The blog address is much easier to remember.  All of the information and posts will remain here, but from now on all posts will be made on the other blog.  So make sure you check it regularly for updates


Friday, November 11, 2011

Yes folks, we did it

Sunday 11-6 we broke the goal with 351 folks attending Fellowship Church. That is Because We Understand That Found People Find People . I was excited as 4 of my invites led to 9. There are over 34 thousand people in Habersham county that do NOT attend any church. The harvest is plentiful and by inviting people to church you are inviting them to a relationship with Christ. Now, you may be saying, I didn't have any of my invites attend. I invited 3 people that didn't make it to Fellowship Church, but they might come this week. The point is, keep inviting. Every Sunday is an opportunity to invite people to church and Jesus.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11-6___325___The principles apply

Hey folks here is a blog published by Perry Noble yesterday that will help you understand and be successful following Christ to build the church.


We may not reach 100k soon but the 325 is not the end goal either. The facility we occupy would easily meet the needs of 600 to 800 with multiple services. This is only .2% of our current county's population of 44,000. If we reach 10% of the county that equals 4400 changed lives! That would surely change what happens in our community. The church attendance of Habersham would be almost double from the current 5000 reported currently. Read the blog, invite people, pray, invite people, serve, invite people. Together we can bring more to Jesus.

#1 – Because We Understand That Found People Find People
#2 – Because We Understand That Saved People Serve People
#3 – Because We Understand That Growing People Change
#4 – Because We Understand That We Can’t Do Life Alone
#5 – Because We Understand That We Cannot Out Give God

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy and the church...

Recently the news media has been buzzing with stories about the Occupy groups all around the country.  Amazingly when they interview individuals from these groups there seems to be no unity of purpose.  One wants to boycott big business, another is upset at a court ruling in the area, and Wall Street seems to get it's hits as well.  This morning while listening to the news about how the mayor of Atlanta cleared Woodruff park last night by arresting 50+ people, it got me thinking about the church.

Below are several of my thoughts:

1. What if the people in the church, members who claim to be fully devoted Christ followers would Occupy the church.  Unfortunately most only attend.  At Fellowship Church we encourage all partners to participate in the ministry by serving.  Those who are involved in the Occupy movement are taking ownership and willing to give up their time to make their voices heard.

Where are you Occupying at Fellowship?  What specific role do you play in the ministry to those who are far from God?  God created you with gifts that only you can use as a partner of Fellowship and we need you, to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus.  Will you consider Occupying with us?

2. The Occupy movement has been all about others joining what started on Wall Street.  The church should be a place that is so passionate about Jesus it should be contagious.  When others see the amazing life change that God can do in your life if you let Him, they will be curious and it will open doors for you to invite them to join.

On November 6th we are encouraging all partners of Fellowship to invite others to attend.  I have been struggling over the message for that day and this morning I believe God shared with me a special message that will be a challenge to us all.  Please, Please, Please invite someone for Nov. 6th.  I can't begin to tell you how important that day is for the future of Fellowship.

3. The core of Occupy was willing to go to jail for what they believed.  I choose not to go into my beliefs about the Occupy movement at this time, suffice it to say I am not with them, however I do honor them for standing up for what they believe.  Last night in Atlanta at least 50 people were so committed to it that they were arrested and face criminal charges for standing firm.  While I do not believe God would be pleased with us breaking laws to make our point, I do believe we should be more bold in our faith.  In fact to be bold in our faith does not require breaking any laws, but it does require breaking some social norms.

Does the work of Jesus in your life warrant being different so others will see Jesus?  Is your love for Jesus greater than you love for this world?  I am praying that Fellowship becomes a place where the unlovable are loved and they began to become so different in Christ that it causes a stir in our community.  One that encourages others to check out what we are doing at FC.

My burden:

Over the last several weeks God has been allowing me to struggle and be burdened for Fellowship.  Are we accomplishing what God wants for Fellowship Church?  Am I doing all I can to be right with God as I lead Fellowship Church?  How can I better prepare for Sunday's and the messages God is birthing for you each week at FC?  What is the missing link for us to grow and be a healthy Bible Church?

I invite you to join me in praying daily for Fellowship Church.  Not just a quick two minute, "God bless FC, Amen", but a cry out to God for his favor and blessing.  If God does not move at FC then we are wasting our time and God's time.  I don't know about you but I want to be right where God wants me and no where else.  I want to be pleasing to Him and to be lifting Jesus name up for others to see.  I am begging God for life change, for souls to be saved and repentance to be seen.

Pray with me, seek with me, fast with me and let's see God move.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Answers To Some "Why" Questions

Hello everyone it’s not that often that I blog usually because of the simple fact I’m usually being sarcastic or joking 95% of the time.  Since we are coming to the end of our Why series, which has been incredible, I figured I would blog a little and answer some of the “Why” questions I get from time to time.  As worship pastor most of the questions I get are about music but there are times when I do get some other questions mainly about our church.  Here are some of the questions:
  1. Why do you do what you do?   The easy church answer would be Jesus, isn’t that the answer to all church questions.  But for me, while that is the correct answer, I do what I do because of what Jesus has done in my life.  Before I started attending Fellowship Church I was typical 20 something male who loved Jesus but was not in love with Jesus.  I was radically transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit through our church and I know there are other people just like me who need a radical transformation.  Trust me the rest of their life depends on it.
  2. Why is it that every time I come to your church your stage looks different?    Remember I told you I was sarcastic.  The answer to that would be you need to come more often.  We have had two stage changes since Easter.  Everyone remembers the white boxes and then our current set up.  But truthfully we attempt to bring every visual element possible to engage congregants.  Currently our stage has newspaper clippings of tragic events that have happened in history.  Each one was cut out and tied together with yellow string.  That idea came from one of our creative team members that she borrowed from the movie “Conspiracy Theory”.  Sometimes we will transform the entire worship center to fit the theme of our current series.
  3. Why is the music so loud?  This is probably the number #1 question I get.  The first reason is that it’s commanded in Scripture, Psalm 33:3 tells us to play skillfully and loud.  Also when the walls of Jericho came down the Israelites weren’t worshipping softly they had to play pretty loud to bring those walls down.  Ultimately, we believe God enjoys when you worship loudly.  On the other hand that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate you worshipping in silence either.  But after all, if you read Revelation it says that heaven is going to be loud.  If you don’t like it loud now you might hate heaven because that is a lot longer than 30 minutes a week.
  4. Why is it so dark during church?  This honestly I continue to explore whether it’s better to have it blacked out during worship or have the lights on.  I have talked with other church leaders who believe both sides work the best.  Lately, we have been trying to keep the house lights up more because it’s pretty tough to see when you first enter the building if it’s completely black in the room.  There may not be a perfect formula for this but we will continue to try anything to make people feel more comfortable during church.
Ok this is the #1 “Why” question I get

      5. Why do you wear v-necks and skinny jeans?  
        Well I’m just going to leave that up for people to still  
         talk about.  

I hope this helps if any of you have asked me one of these questions or if you have wanted to ask me one of these questions.  If you have any other “Why” questions you would like to ask feel free to email me or comment on this post.  Thanks

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Invite Someone to Church

I found this post through a Perry Noble twitter.  On Nov. 6 we are challenging Fellowship Church in a high attendance push.  Click the link below for a post with some great advice for how to Invite Someone to Church...

Gwinnett Church - How to Invite Someone to Church

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Communication Improvements

We are trying to better our communication to you.  Each day, I will be blogging about different ways we are trying to improve this process.

Today's focus is our text message system.  You should have received a text message today from FC.  If you did not, you can click here to be connected to txt signal, where you can enter your name, cell phone number and phone carrier and be added to our list to receive periodic messages.

Monday, October 3, 2011

New Calendaring System

As you know, the goal in the last year has been to make you, our partners, more aware of upcoming events, news, announcements, etc that is happening in and around Fellowship Church.  We are launching a new calendaring system this week that will be on our webpage.  This calendar will be in real time and will show you all important dates that are coming up at Fellowship Church.  It will also let you know if you need to sign up online or just show up, as well.

To preview the calendar--What's Happening at FC?

If you have any questions with the new calendar, please email Amanda ( or call the church office (706-894-1500).

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Invest and Invite

I would like to ask you to join us for the next 35 days by investing and invite your friends to Fellowship Church on 11-6. The message "Praise You In the Storm" will be sure a message that will be life changing!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How much do we have to hate...

I came across this video on a blog and it real rocked me when I watched it.  It is the atheist Penn (of Penn and Teller fame) telling about receiving a Bible from a man.  The line that struck me was when he said, "if you believe someone was going to Hell, how much would you have to hate them to not tell them?"  Wow!

If we really believe what we say we live, then why do we not tell others.  Penn suggest that to not tell them is to hate them.  Messes with our theology on being missional.  Watch and be challenged:


On Tuesday I was on the way to the office and was listening to the radio when a song played that stopped me in my tracks.  The song was Blessing by Laura Story.   I found out the song was released in April of this year.  Here is the lyrics:

We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching(s) of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise

Starting Sunday I will begin a new message series entitled "WHY".  We will explore the truths of God's Word as it pertains to bad in the world.  I hope you plan on being at Fellowship Church as I believe God is going to heal some past hurts, prepares us for future hurts and help us understand God's grand plan for man.

I can't wait to see you Sunday and until them click here to listen to Laura Story sing Blessings.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bill, Buster, Gas and God

Now that title probably has some of you wondering what this is about, I can only hope that it will cause you to read the blog in it's entirety as I believe you will be blessed.  No, this is not about people who ate bad food and smell really bad so get over that one.

It all started as we packed up out camper and headed home from Pigeon Forge.  The family and I took the weekend to spend some time together and enjoyed the rain (no really we did enjoy the fact that we just rested although we did get a little wet at times).  We crossed the Smoky Mountain's with ease and entered Franklin, NC, as we did I noticed my gas hand getting close to the 1/4 tank level and mentioned we would need gas.  I even had Tina look up the best gas prices on our route.  We continued on our way.

As you might imagine now some of what this story is about.  As we passed through Franklin, I decided to go on to Dillard for gas about 15 miles further, no problem given just under 1/4 tank of fuel right?  WRONG!  The truck began to sputter like it was out of gas, but the gauge reads as if I have fuel.  I have never had a problem with the gauge before.  The engine shut off and I wiggled like a Nascar driver hoping to suck enough fuel up to get us to the next gas pump.  We coasted probably 3 miles before it completely died.

I sat there wondering what to do next as it was raining very hard at the time.  I decided to walk up the drive way of the home we stopped in front of to ask for help.  This is where the story really begins to make me understand what was happening.  I knocked at the door and no one responded, so like most people I knocked again (not really I just didn't want to get wet walking to get gas).  Anyway I heard some stumbling and a man answered the door.  He told me he was sorry but had just had knee surgery and it took him a few minutes to get to me.

Embarrassed I told him about my dilemma and asked for his assistance.  He said he could help due to his health but offered to call someone for me.  After calling several people and getting the same no answer response he said, "I can't let a fellow camper down when they need help" and began to put his shoes on, to which I objected.  We walked to the door and saw that someone had stopped to help.  I expressed my appreciation and walked down to the truck to see what kind of help I was getting.  There I found Bill talking to Tina through the window and we introduced one another.  Bill offered to take me to Dillard for gas and off we went, while his wife and kids waiting with Tina in another car as they were traveling separate.  Come to find out Bill was raised in Habersham as a boy and we talked about some of his family, he even told me about coming to Christ under the leadership of pastor Billy Burrell.  He had seen me coming up the hill at Dillsboro and had stopped for something in Franklin, passed us broke down and turned around to help.  I was amazed at how God placed someone to help me just when I needed it.

But that is not the story that I want you to know.  I realized after I talked to Buster, the man's house the truck finally quit in front of.  When the truck started to run out of fuel it kept running for several miles to his drive way and I believe it was for a reason.  How do I know?  Well I run out of gas more than the average person and I know my truck.  When I have run out of gas before it just dies and will not restart.  That is why I could not believe I was on empty because it ran for so long before completely dying.  Anyway God had plans for me and that is why my gauge is off this time.

During my time with Buster, before Bill stopped, he told me about his life.  He was recovering from knee replacement a week before.  He had a camper behind his house and I asked did he camp and he said not anymore.  He then told me why.  Buster's wife of many years suddenly began to hurt in her back and upper chest about 8-10 months ago.  He took her to NEGMC and they found she had cancer.  She died 18 days later.  He said, "I just can't imagine camping without her!"  My heart connected with Buster and it broke for his pain.  We had more conversation and I learned in 15 minutes all about Buster a man on the mend.

Bill had taken me back with the fuel and I put it in the truck, it cranked right up and sure enough it was out of gas, go figure.  Bill assured me he would follow me home "as insurance" he told me, I asked for his contact information and we shock hands.  As I turned I saw Buster on the porch of that old house waving, I looked at Bill and said, "You know Bill, God orchestrated this whole event, Buster needed me to stop by his house today".  Bill looked at me really crazy, but I think he got it.

Before I left that front yard I ran up the yard to Buster's front door.  He was standing there watching the crazy guy who ran out of gas in front of his house.  I told Buster I had thought about him as we went for gas and prayed for him.  He said thank you and I asked if I might pray with him there on his porch, he responded with delight and we prayed together.  I said good bye, returned to the truck and off we went to our home.

Bill called several times along the way to check on us and I am thankful for his generosity.  He told me as we rode for gas, "I don't do this ever, my wife told me not to, but something caused me to turn around!"  I know what it was, it was God working out all the details for me to meet Bill and Buster to get gas.

Starting this Sunday September 11 I will begin a new series called "WHY".  Why does bad things happen and what role do we play in God's master plan.  I hope you make plans to be there every week.

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Class FREE!


Do you want to check out the Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace Class, for free. Click on the following link (CLICK HERE) to register for the Free Class or (Click Here) to join the group.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Haiti Day Three Aug 11

Day Three (Monday)
The work week for Haitians is in full swing as the traffic we experienced was a little bit crazier than our previous outings.  I can say for sure it was not near as bad as my last trip to Haiti.  Today would have us visiting a tent city called Canaan. Just about 2 miles from the Mission House one of our interpreters got sick and had what he defined as a weird feeling, we turned around and returned to the house.  John our guide talked with the interpreter and found out he had talked to a brother who warned him that a voodoo practicer would get him if he continued his work.  Haiti’s type of Christianity includes voodoo.  As in most Creole cultures voodoo witches and doctors are prevalent and the people believe it is real.  As Christ followers we know that there is no force that  can harm us unless God allows it.  Our group gathered around the interpreter and prayed for him, it was a special time and I think it grew our team.   In American we don’t take spiritual warfare seriously, in Haiti Satan is at work all the time.  I Peter tells us Satan is seeking to destroy us and he will use anything it takes.  Following our prayer we began our journey again. We took the road into Port Au Prince and then cut our way through the many little cities along the way to Canaan.  As I noted before the ride is some of the best experiences for the senses.  As you ride along your eyes see hundreds, maybe thousands of people going somewhere.  Along each street their are entrepreneurs selling their wears.  A lady selling spices for the cooking, there was salts, peppers and cumin, each sack opened revealing the scents of their nature.  Next would be a child (maybe 10) selling “lou” or water as we know it in little plastic containers that looked like zip lock bags.  One would bit the end and squeeze the water into your mouth for refreshment.  Down the road a little you might find a chicken shop, where you can buy cooked or fresh chicken for you next meal.  Strangely there is no refrigeration to protect the raw meat from ruining in the 95+ degree heat.    Some carried their stores on their head.  As in many third world countries  this culture has learn to use their heads.  A small hanker-chef like cloth would be wound into a bowl shape, then the item being carried would rest on the flat top,  some used their hands to carry their whatever and others would not.  One man was selling bike parts, another cell phone cigarette chargers, then another fresh vegetables.  Once at Canaan we had prayer and broke up into 2 teams.  Each team would go from home to home praying and sharing with those who lived there.  The particular village we visited was situated with rows and rows of 12x15 one room houses with a small porch on the front and doors on the front and back with two windows.  Silver metal tin covered the roof and hurricane anchors were nailed for protects.  Not insulation, no floor covering, no glass windows (wood panel doors) and no interior walls.  It was surprising to see smiling faces at almost all the homes.  From door to door we would hear new stories and new troubles for us to consider.  There was one lady who had lost her husband, living with three kids and as she washed her clothes (front porch with two big pans) she shared how useless she felt and unneeded.  We talked with her for a while, prayed with her, shared verses with her and hugged her.  Another family invited us in, to sit down and talk, their story intriguing and sad, but their hope in Jesus strong and true.  She even asked if we would come again tomorrow and then the next day.  It was nothing for little children to be running around naked playing as normal children would play, but clothed in America.  We continued to pray with people in their homes and we privileged to see one young man come to Jesus.  As we visited we gave out candy to the children.  It was amazing how fast news travels without wires in a small village when candy is introduced.  Soon we had a large group of children with smiles and excitement wanting candy.  We were glad we could give candy to all the children who asked.  It seemed like we had just arrived with it was time to go.   From Canaan we traveled to the mass burial site in Haiti.  I had been on this ground before and it still seemed to have a saddening affect on me.  It is hard to believe that 250,000 people were buried below my feet and covered with stone.  I can’t help but wonder how many of them knew Jesus and then the thought of how many may have not.  If the Bible is true the gate is narrow and the lose was great.  The horror the thought sickens me as I walk this ground.  The travel home was quitter than normal as I think our team was considering what they had seen.
We would now travel through the most dangerous city in Haiti, City Solie.  This is the place where children have been known to carry guns.  As we drove through I prayed for the people I saw and wondered what must they be thinking.  Our tour would take us through the city and into downtown Port Au Prince.  We visited the Catholic church that was destroyed and then the National Palace which will have to be rebuilt.  More tours and we returned to the Mission House for the evening.

Haiti Day two August 11

Haiti Day Two
This morning starts as most days in Haiti with one exception, it’s Sunday, The Lord’s Day.  In Haiti there are many churches and many attend them.  Our team got up and dressed, loaded up the truck and off to church we went.  It is about a 15 minute ride to the church.  As we drove out of the compound and into the main roads we saw several families who had dress for church (Sunday best) and were walking.  To the best of my knowledge they would walk out to the main road (some miles) and catch a tap tap (Haitian taxi, an asian truck with a cattle bed all decorated up), then they would arrive at their church.  As we traveled up the main road a we encountered a large crowd along the side of the road and when we got closer we realized it was a funeral.  The streets were filled with people dressed for church walking to their places of worship.  My mind wondered how we in American would react to walking to church.  Further up the road we arrived at the church, it was packed.  We greeted and were greeted and then an usher took us to the front of the church and sat us as guest of honor.  As we entered the building I could tell we were fixin to have church.  The Spirit of the Lord was there and as the pre-service music played I watched as family after family filed in with smiles on their faces and they were dress in their best.  They were ready for worship and hearing the Word of God.  Amazingly the church was outfitted with all the equipment we have, the instruments were up to date, the sound system was kicking and their video projector shared the latest news and songs for all the see.  Promptly at 9:30 the choir director stood at the podium and he music changed.  The staff and elders all marched in from the back and it was on.  I expressed to our group later that even though I could not understand the words they were singing, I worshipped with them.  Some of the song were familiar tunes and I sang along in their language, it was uplifting to Jesus.  I was greatly blessed on this day to share in Communion with the church as it does every first Sunday.  It was very orderly and worshipful.  At this point we were about an hour and 10 minutes in and I thought the service was ending, but it was just beginning.  More music announcements, and welcome then the message.  Pastor Judes  preached from I Peter 1 a message entitled How to remain clean in an unclean world.  It was amazing and convicting.  I can see why this church in Haiti is growing.  Following church we were greeted by the congregation.  Pastor Judes was a very humble man and I felt blessed to be in the presence of a saint of God.  Pastor Judes wife is still in the states following a 3 month kidnapping, pray for her as she recovers.  We left the church and go changed and headed to a restaurant called Hot Fresh.  We all ordered and in Haitian fashion it too about 2.5 hours for us to eat lunch.  The food was ok but the conversations were priceless.  Our next journey took the team to the lookout point of Haiti.  From the top of the mountain you can over look the entire city of Port Au Prince.  Visually you see where the earthquake impacted the city and then you see seas of blue tarps everywhere.  This is my second trip to the point and my mind drifts back to the same thing, In Matthew Jesus was standing on a hillside and the Bible tells us that He looked on this with compassion, helpless, hurting and like sheep without a shepherd.  Haiti for me is that, a hurting nation flailing helplessly in red tape of government bureaucracy and international influence that keeps it from being a successful country.  The decent from the lookout point was interesting as we had planned to pick up Domino’s pizza for supper and had a little trouble finding it.  It did allow for us time to tour some of Port Au Prince and see several roads multiple times, but fun none the less.  Our day would end with the team sharing thoughts from their day.  Ready for day three.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Haiti Day One Aug 2011

Haiti day one.
We flew out this morning at 7:00 from ATL.  Leaving the church at 3:00 am was awful, even when we prayed Jesus was in bed and didn’t hear us (just kidding for those of you who can’t get it).  Our flight to Miami was uneventful.  It was fun to watch Kim McConnell and Nathan Lee fly for the first time.  But I think in the end they both really enjoyed flying.  The landing in Miami was crazy.  At first everyone thought we were on the ground and them we hit and bounced about five times and then stayed on the ground for the taxi.  We hit the ground and within 15 minutes we were boarding for Haiti.  Probably the fastest turn around every from me.  Once in the air you could tell that the low pressure system formally known as Emily was in the air, pretty bumpy but not all that bad.  Definitely not the worst turbulence I have ever experienced.  We did get to fly with two famous people going to Haiti.  Sean Penn and Tao Cruz?  They said something about a movie star and a rapper, both which I have no idea, guess I should have been impressed.  We found our way to the Guest House, I have to say the traffic was not bad at all.  I did see a woman begging at the same corner on the ride in, in fact you can see her picture at the church on the Haiti wall, she is looking in the back of the truck.  I told her it was great to see her and we went on.  Got our stuff in the house and ate a sandwich.  Soon we would be on our way to the Children’s Home.  There I found familiar friends in the children I had love on before.  This time I could see the growth in the children, even got to hold the two boys we picked up in City Solie who were near death.  They both had put on a lot of weight and looked great.  It was a little concerning that the children all seemed to have some type of colds.  Sniffles and low fevers, by the time we left some seemed to feel better.  We road back to the guest house and had a wonderful dinner.  Macorroni and cheese with bacon, french fries and tacos.  The lemonade was amazing.  Looking forward to an even better day tomorrow.  Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

And Chief said, "We did what?"

Last Thursday Chief (Benny Wyrick) and I worked in the office preparing for the upcoming Fall Small Groups and more. As of now we have 11 group offerings, some are continued small groups, a new Study on John ( the remaining chapters) and New Fun Groups! You can see them here!
Chief noticed a list of missions and events on the wall. He noted that we had done a great deal in the first half of this year and thought it good to share this with you.

Wrapping Presents at K-Mart, Baldwin Elementary Staff Week, Reverse Yard Sale (+60 Families ), Community Service Day, Circle of Hope, City of Baldwin Cleanup Day, Gas Card give away, Senior Adult home/ yard repairs, Children's Area remodel (Saturday, August 13 tentative to finish), Spring Fling, Family Fun Night at Pine Forest Apartments, Baldwin Elementary Pencil/ Eraser drive (In Progress!)

Look for even more opportunities to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus this fall.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How We Can Best Support Fellowship Church.

 Here are some things you can do to fully support the ministry of our church…
  • RADICAL PRAYERS – Acts 4:32 32-33The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind! They didn't even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, "That's mine; you can't have it." They shared everything. The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them.
  • INVEST AND INVITE – Don’t give up one someone, remember…God didn’t give up on you!!!
  • GENEROUS GIVING – Resources, Time and Talents.
  • UNSELFISH ATTITUDES –Acts 4:22-24 22-24"But there is another urgency before me now. I feel compelled to go to Jerusalem. I'm completely in the dark about what will happen when I get there. I do know that it won't be any picnic, for the Holy Spirit has let me know repeatedly and clearly that there are hard times and imprisonment ahead. But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.
This  brings back an excitement I want to share,

Friday, July 8, 2011

Real hope for Haiti Website

Here is a link for Real Hope for Haiti

Please remember to be praying for our fellow FCer's journey to Haiti.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Priorities - sad what we value

Today I have been studying away from the office.  I will be doing this for the next few days in an attempt to get ahead with my studies.  I have found that the staff is encouraged and assisted in their work when I work ahead.  During this time away I will be putting together our next study on the Gospel of John.  Beginning on June 5 and ending just before school starts back in August we will journey through the four book of the Gospels.  I hope you will make plans to be here as we grow together.


What defines your priorities?

What makes certain things important for you?

As American's we have been born into wealth.  Now, some of you may be responding with indignation, "I'm not wealthy!"  However following my trip to Haiti last week I have come to realize that all of us who live in Habersham County and for the most part of America is wealthy.

I am sitting here in my camper on the lake in middle Georgia.  I brought my black lab, Midnight, to hang out with me as Nathan played around and spends some time with his grandparents.  Tonight as I was reading and thinking the TV was playing the background.  I had stopped on the Speed Channel earlier in the day and the Barrett Jackson Auto Auction was on.  Tonight's show was focused on Corvette's, those American iconic hotrods that most every man would enjoy.

I glanced over at the screen at just the right time I guess, a time when I my mind was drifting back to the experiences of last week.  On auction block was the most beautiful deep blue Corvette.  As the auctioneer told about the car it became clear it was something special.  A not yet released 2011 Chevy Corvette LS7 Z06, this would be the first delivered corvette for the 2011 model year.   The bidding started and the buzz grew as several men fought it out to see who would conquer this beast.  Now the typical retail price of this car would be in the $85,000 price range.  To my amazement two men bid for several minutes and the final price was well over $210,000.00.  Going once, going twice, sold while children around the world die.

Immediately my heart broke and I wondered what the hungry and hurting of the world must think about our priorities.  Next came my wonder at what God must think about our priorities.  James 1:27 tells us that one who is a real Christ follower will care for the orphan and widow.  $200,000 would open two orphanages for a year that could house up to 75 children each.

I pray that you and I would take a close look at our priorities and take on the priorities of God.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Last day in Haiti

Haiti day six This day would start with a new adventure for me.  The host asked me to drive the truck to the airport to turn in the rental van.  I can check that one off my bucket list.  To say I had a great time would be an understatement. The next stop this day was the tent orphanage.  My wondering from the days before about the rain in the compound would be answered.  The tents were flooded and water standing everywhere.  The children had moved their meeting place to higher ground in the compound. Once again they were singing praise songs and smiling with joy.  One would wonder if this were part of the leaders attempts at making outsiders think the situation was better than it looked, but I can say to the best of my abilities these children were happy. The next hour or so we spent time with the children.  Since it was our last day on the ground I took all my snacks and we gave them to the children.  As we handed it out, it was amazing to watch the children sharing.  One child even went to a care taker who was washing clothes and made sure she had some.  Following the snack we played with the children.  I became a two armed merry go round and a climbing tree.  I sat on their bench playing like I had went to sleep while they piled on and them I suddenly awoke to scare them.  The chuckles and screams were precious.  At this point I had about 8 children, sometimes more tickling me and me tickling them.   We had a blast! During our play time doc was treating a set of triplets, yes three babies born in a third world country, two boys and one girl.  We had been told about them because the girl had pulled an oil lamp over on her and she was severely burned with 2nd and 3rd degree burns scattered all over her body.  It was heart wrenching to see, but also amazing to witness survival at it's best.  Doc said other than the burns the family was doing a great job caring for the children. Leaving is always difficult in this country.  Your heart is given to those who you are working with and you want to stay as long as you can.  The children I was playing with all gave me bear hugs and we said our goodbye's.  I would be lying if I said it was easy, my heart hurt to know that I may never see these children again.  I wonder what will become of them? How long will they endure?  Will they find homes soon?  My mind was flooded, I am overwhelmed and hurt!  Lord give me understanding and peace. The second part of our day was a ride through port au prince city.  We saw the broken buildings and the palace building and downtown.  I have never seen so many people, people everywhere.  Later in this writing I will tell more about this. On this day we would stop for lunch, your not gonna believe what we had, dominos pizza.  A third world country that has a Dominos! Following lunch we drove for what seemed like hours up the mountain.  Arriving at the top the temperature was much cooler and the homes much nicer.  Our trip would take us to an overlook of the country of Haiti.  As i looked off the mountain down on the city my mind wondered to Matthew 9:35&36.  Jesus was on a mountain looking out over the people.  He saw they were hurting, helpless and like sheep without a shepherd.  Earlier in is day as I sat in the mission house these verses we part of my morning devotion and reading.  God used my time with Him to show me my day.  Haiti is a country filled with people God loves, I wonder what Christ followers will do about it. Coming down the mountain was an event in Haiti traffic.  Stop and go for what seemed like several hours.  In my pictures that will be posted on Facebook when I get home it became a time to see people and what they do along the streets.  Since unemployment is at around 80% most peoplenbuy and sell good along the street.  One can purchase spices, water, veggies, and yes meats of all kinds.  One man pushed a wheel barrow by our truck with a hog that had been gutted, the ladies in or group were shocked.   The funniest thing we saw was a truck filled with cattle and people that had goats hog tied along the side, this truck would make PETA proud!   The next stop on our tour today was at the khadasha orphanage where Whitney and josh's babies where.  It was where we spent one day earlier on the week.  We reunited with the familiar child and began to play.  Jr. Went to sleep in my arms and we took him to his room.  As soon as my hands were free other children longing for love came to my side.  We played and enjoyed each others company.  A little girl about 6, one whom I had played with earlier found me and came to my arms.  We played and then she wanted me to hold her.  She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged my as tight as I have ever been held.  We played, I tickled her and she tickled me, i think I enjoyed it as much as she did.  As we wrapped up our visit she hugged tighter and said one word that rocked me more than anything that happened all week.  "daddy!". Now I am messed up, I began to weep.  I had to peel her arms from around my neck and walk away, it was the hardest thing I think I have ever done.  I am in Haiti, 6'6", 275# blubbering redneck, but I was blessed and possible touched by an angel. In His faithfulness, God sent His Word to me.  If you have done these to the least of them, you have done it for Me.  Ah, the father was giving me a glimpse of how he feels when I wrap my arms around Him and say, "daddy!" Our ride back to the mission house was difficult, I couldnt help thinking about my day.  Wow, I am blessed. We had dinner, shared as a group and began to pack for the trip home the next day. Although I have enjoyed my time in Haiti, I am ready to see my wife and kids.  And I can't wait to begin planning for my next trip to see the children God has blessed me with.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Haiti day five

Haiti day five The morning started out with a ham and cheese omelet, watermelon juice, a roll (formed like a cinnamon roll) with a grapefruit preserve.  Wow! The first part of our day took us to the future retreat center for the orphanage on the coast.  The site is three acres with about 100 ft of Caribbean  water frontage.  incredible view and location.   We worked on clearing the water of broken bottles, plastic bottles, and trash that had washed up on shore.  I used one of the machetes to clear brush that had grown along the ocean front.  We built a fire and burned the brush and trash.   Several of the guys went snorkeling in the ocean but I just sat reflecting on the days gone by.  Haiti has changed me, it has broken me, it has hurt me and I am asking God what I should do about it. It was time to head back to the mission house and I road in thie front of the van with Greg, our host.  We talked about the potential future of the relationship between fellowship and the ministry to children here. Tomorrow I think we will be back in the orphanages and preparing for our trip home.  Although I wished I could stay, I long to see Tina and Nathan. Until tomorrow let me encourage you to pray for what you and I are supposed to do with what I am experiencing.

Haiti day four

Haiti day four Today began with an oatmeal breakfast and a large, ice cold bottle of coke.  Can't get enough of that cane sugar coke. We loaded up the flat bed truck and headed out for an over night trip.  Traveling through town we experienced the normal crazy drive and stopped by the airport to rent a large van for the 2+ hour drive to the coast.  Once on the van we experienced our first detour of the day as it was flag day in haiti.  Parades and traffic slowed our progress. As we left port au prince we came across a bottom country that overlooked a mountain range.  As we came to the end of the road we were introduced to the tent city called Canaan.  200,000 people call this home following the earthquake.  I couldnt help but wonder what their night was like in the rain. A left turn put us on the coastal road to our destination.  About ten minutes into our ride we made a right turn and I saw a large cloth cross with a wooden cross at the top on a hill side.  We drive-up the road and began to see hundreds of little brown crosses.  The van stopped and Greg our host began to tell us about the mass grave yard before us, the place where it is estimated to hold the remains of 300,000 people who lost their lives in the earthquake.  A strong sense of surreal wonder and heart break filled my soul.  I began to wonder how many didn't know Jesus?   I wondered how many mothers and fathers were hurried without their children were laid there?  How many children were buried in the deep mass pit of bodies?   We loaded the van and off we went.  As we drove my mind began to speed along with thoughts about why God would allow such devastation?  I wonder why so many had to die in one crack of the earth.  The questions flooded my mind.  But the one thought that permeated my mind, what could Christ followers do to better care for the world so when this happens so many will not be lost.  It doesn't explain the why, but it does cause us to action. We arrived at our accommodations and several of us left for another orphanage.  We arrived to find several children lying on the concrete pavilion floor on a blanket.  A small Haitian dog was lying under a table and a 12 year old girl was overseeing the group of 8 kids.  We interacted with the children and waited on the director who was at the beach for a day retreat with the rest of the kids.  Whitney picked up a baby who was crying and didn't have much luck getting it quiet.  I noticed a bracket on the child and when I enquired was told the child belonged to a voodoo witch.  They mark their children with beaded brackets, and she was dropped off at the orphanage frequently for her mother to party. We greeted the other kids as they arrived from the beach and then returned to our hotel.   Our group enjoyed a great coastal dinners and then went out on a Oceanside gazebo for a small worship time.   Time for bed and the end of day four.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Haiti day three

Haiti day three Today by far was the most bitter sweet.   We loaded the truck and took a 45 minute ride to our first work of the day.  The ride alone can take it's toll on a new bee.  Probably only 25 mile, however the road was filled with bumps, deep potholes and many drivers. As we made our way into the deep country we were told that it was the most dangerous community in Haiti.  It is know that 12 year old boys walk around with ak's or shot guns.   Finally at our destination we pull up to a lot with tarpons fencing and a rickety gate.  The camp leader met us with the familiar bomjour, however he was carrying a 14" machete.  To say it was a little unnerving was an understatement but our translator assured us he was friendly and wanted us there.   My for the moment was to watch out for the ladies in our group as they entered the camp.  As we waited for our host to finish a call in the truck I heard children begin to sing songs that I did not understand but knew as a familiar children's songs.  Our host joined us at the gate and we entered. A group of about 30 children were huddled into a small tarp covered bench filled area as the older children played drums and gouged in the songs.  I took a moment to greet the children and even received a few hugs.   We were asked to do some cleanup and then we started the clinic.  Soon I was working with the doc as his pharmacist, dispensing his PWRs tiptop is and putting the interpreters instructions in a baggy for the home mother.   I noticed a few of or group huddled into the largest tent, an army surplus green field tent with one end open and the sides just blowing open as the tropical breeze blew through.  I walked over to find tow boys in malnourished condition sitting alone in the sweltering heat, each maybe 6 months old, slowly responsive and lathargic.  My heart sank, these two boys, near death save our days efforts to rescue them (literally).  Two of our ladies picked the boys up and we moved them to a cooler tree and then bathed them and offered them food and water.  On this day they would retur. To the mission house with us for care and possible adoption.   This orphanage houses 76 children who's parents have either to the earth quake, died of disease or just abandoned .  The tents they lived in were just a covering with no pallet, sheets or blackest.  The ages range from 6 months to 16.   In the clinic we treated wounds that were infected, respirator sickness, infections of ears and many other normal childhood illnesses.  Each child received their turn with Doc steve.  It took about 1  1/2 hour to see everyone. Then we had some fun.  We gave them new soccer balls and each child got a surgical glove.  We  made blow the gloves up and drew faces on them.  Then I took one of the gloves and filled it with water, bit a hole in one of the fingers and started spraying the children, it was on!  Smiles and a joyful spirit filled the air.   Our time at this orphanage came to an end and we said our goodbyes.  Many of the children hugged our necks and a few tears were shed.  We were able to take the two boys back to the mission house for nourishment.   To say that we are blessed in American is an understatement.  For some reason I was born who I am and I must wonder why.  I don't think I can explain all I am feeling as I write this.   Before I move to our next adventure Josh (our new children's directors husband) and I are sitting in the mission house listening and watching it rain.  We both wonder what the children in the tent community must be experiencing tonight.  It is lightening, are they scared?  Are they dry?   It is now around 1 pm, no lunch for us and no complaining from me.  We moved on to town to pick up the mattresses we ordered yesterday.  Then we delivered them to the orphanage we visited yesterday with the cholera outbreak.  When we arrived the spirit was better and the building was ready for us to install the bedding.  We continued to help in the clean up efforts and then headed back to the mission house. Supper was incredible, sphagetti with hotdog wieners and spices.  Um um good!  And the cokes in bottles are out of this world. That's all for now.  I can't wait for all God wants to show me tomorrow.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Haiti day two

Haiti day two This morning I was awaken by the shower flowing next to my bed.  The whole room was a buzz at 5:00 am. What?  These Christian hedonist wake up to early.  I got up and took my turn at the shower.  The water was only a trickle and ice cold but refreshing.  No complaints here just trying to give you a fill of my journey. Breakfast time.  Eggs and fresh fruit. Following breakfast we prepared for the day ahead.  We traveled to a medical clinic to drop off Dr. Steve.  Traveling by car, truck or motorcycle in this country is an adventure.  No lanes no signals and no right of way.  People pass you on every side, we even had someone pass us on the sidewalk.  Ricky bobby would be proud.   We then traveled up the road to our first orohanage.   There we found 12 children ranging in age from 8 months to 1 years old.  As I walked in a little girl about 2 took me by the hand and escorted me around on the tour.  When we finished I sat on the porch and she sat in my lap for the next couple of hours.  We played with the children and did some teaching.  They ate lunch and we snacked until about one.   Michelle (the wife of our host) came to us and told us about another orphanage that had a child come down with cholera.  For Haitians cholera is deadly and for americans it causes a very difficult illness.  We were asked to go help disinfect the building.  We were not prepared for what we found.  The house had no water inside, roaches were infesting the clothing and beds.  The care takers had taken all the mattresses off the beds and moved them to the roof to be sprayed with clorox.  I asked about new mattresses because most of them were torn and tattered beyond being useful and then committed to buy as many as needed.  We need 33 at $25.00 each.  The mattresses are made here in Haiti and will be ready tomorrow.  We cleaned the inside of the house and then burned the old bedding and most of their clothes.  What a challenging day. By now it was dark and we had been told to stay in after dark, the ride home was really fun and uneventful.  We arrived safely to our mission house. Dinner tonight was off the hook.  Beef tenderloin, green beans, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.  The highlight was the freshly juiced orange mango drink, yummy. Well that wraps up our day two in Haiti.  Most of what you will read is unedited so give me some grace here.  Looking forward to tomorrow and the opportunities God sends our way.  Unfortunately I can't upload pics at this time. God bless 

Haiti Day One

Haiti day one The day started early to get to the airport.  Security was not to bad.  I did get the scan and body pat down. The flight down was good, the landing felt like we were shot down.  I think I slept for most of the flight but came to life with the touchdown.   We had a two hour layover in miami and had some lunch.  Following lunch we sat at our gate and I met a girl name elizabeth who is a native of Haiti.  At first she was skeptical but the. Opened up to us.  After about an hour talking we talked about the Lord.  I asked her two questions   What was Gods purpose?    What was her purpose?   We exchanged emails and then said goodbye. We boarded about 30 min late in Miami and had a good flight to Haiti.  Once again I thought we got shot down, very rough landing.    Once off the plan we boarded a bus to immigration.  The bus was filled with almost everyone on the plane.  Let's just say it was crowded.  We filled out our paperwork and waited in line.  Once cleared we were bombarded by people trying to carry our bags.   Our driver found us and we had to walk about a half mile to our ride, my suitcase (new) broke and I had to carry it.  Then we got to the truck and loaded (I will post pics).  It is a flat bed truck with metal mesh siding and a metal roof like a goat truck.  The ride to the mission house was crazy. There are no lines, no speed limits and no police.  People just pass you when ever they can.  I thought New York was off the chart but haiti beats it.  While driving we had people beating on the truck begging for help.  One woman with a baby cam up asking for a dollar. Following a 30 minute goat track ride we arrived at our mission head quarters.  You should know that we passed chickens and cows all along the road, sharing the road.  As we passed it was as if there were no boundaries, but there it.   The earthquake damage was visible everywhere.  One buy,ding destroyed and right next door nothing wrong.  People homeless everywhere. Tent cities all along the route.  Definitely there is great need here. The mission house is a concrete mansion type house painted pastel colors and gated and walled in.  The driver blew then horn and the house hands opened the gate.  The walls are block and concrete with rolls of barbed wire molded to the top.  The landscape is very lush and tropical.  Today's weather was cooler than they normally have. It is high 70s with a cool breeze.  The huse sits along a ridge looking back at a mountain range. We settled in our room, a large room with 8-9 beds with one light and fans everywhere.  The bathroom has two showers, a toilet and sink.  We have a verandah that over looks the valley of cows and people walking everywhere The house keepers were cooking dinner, beef (not sure what kind) rice with beans ( the staple) spiced with a slight heat to it.  Platans fried and a salad.  Oh yeah they have real old type coke in the big old style coke bottles. We encountered our first time with babies.  Two sets of twins orphans  sweet babies. Held them for some time.  They are being adopted to a better life.  That may seem harsh but that is what their parents say and want.  Really sad and eye opening.  In the days to come there will be many more children who need loving couples who would consider adoption as an option.  Both sets of twins were 1 year old and 9 months old, they all weighted around 10 lbs.   Had a group meeting and settled in for the night.  Slept good.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Church Out of Church MAY 22, 9AM

In an exciting partnership, Fellowship Church and community volunteers will serve making Habersham County Better on Community Service Day, Sunday, May 22.

Located at 230 Industrial Park Road, Fellowship Church is no stranger to leading community events. In the past 5 years they have helped sponsor Peachy Clean Day for the City of Baldwin, handed out Free Cold Drinks on Hot summer days, wrapped Christmas Presents, free garden plant give away and recently gas cards.

“This is going to be an exciting day for Fellowship Church and the broader community. We’re encouraging everyone to get out there and do a service project during the weekend," said Stan Crump, Campus Pastor. “There’s something for everyone, so I hope to see a great mix of individuals, families, students, teachers, seniors, non-profits, service organizations, faith-based groups, and members of the business community join me in volunteering on this day of service.”

Fellowship Church events are fun for the whole family. No experience is required. Start time is at 9: AM May 22 and lunch will be served. Preregister by emailing or call 706.894.1500

Monday, March 21, 2011

Set List 3/20

Sun Stand Still-wk 4
Sun Stand Still-Elevation
The Time Has Come-Hillsong
Like A Lion-Kristian Stanfill
You Are Holy-Elevation
Next week we start a new series called Comfortable you are not going to want to miss this series.  It’s going to be one of the best series’ we have done.  Get here Sunday and bring a friend
Also this Saturday night our band is going to perform at a Kyran Turner benefit battle of the bands at HCHS.  It starts at 5:00 and we will go on between 7-8.  It’s $5 to get in and all the money goes directly to Kyran who is battling cystic fibrosis.  Please is you can come out and support us and this cause come on out.  Plus it will be a great warm up for Sunday morning.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Nothing, you see, is impossible with God.

Luke 1

So many others have tried their hand at putting together a story of the wonderful harvest of Scripture and history that took place among us, using reports handed down by the original eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives. Since I have investigated all the reports in close detail, starting from the story’s beginning, I decided to write it all out for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt the reliability of what you were taught.

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to the Galilean village of Nazareth to a virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David. His name was Joseph, and the virgin’s name, Mary.  Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her: Good morning! You’re beautiful with God’s beauty, Beautiful inside and out! God be with you. She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that. But the angel assured her, “Mary, you have nothing to fear. God has a surprise for you: You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus.

 He will be great,

be called ‘Son of the Highest.’

The Lord God will give him

the throne of his father David;

 He will rule Jacob’s house forever—

no end, ever, to his kingdom.”

 Mary said to the angel, “But how? I’ve never slept with a man.”

 The angel answered,

The Holy Spirit will come upon you,

the power of the Highest hover over you;

Therefore, the child you bring to birth will be called Holy, Son of God. “And did you know that your cousin Elizabeth conceived a son, old as she is? Everyone called her barren, and here she is six months’ pregnant!
 Nothing, you see, is impossible with God.”

Are you allowing God to do the impossible in your life?

Join us Sunday @FC to learn more!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Move your clock forward 1 hr Saturday Night!

Monday, March 7, 2011

We Got Shopped!

A little over two years ago I started meeting with a group of pastors from South Carolina.  Greg Oraham, pastor of Foothills Community Church in Seneca; Austin Porter, pastor of Revive Church in Shelby, NC; Mark Bagwell pastor of Golden Corners in Walhalla, SC; Eddie Cox pastor of Marathon Church in Powdersville, SC and Dean Herman pastor of 5Points Church in Easley, SC.  These men have been a great source of encouragement and help as we have met.

During one of our meeting I asked the group to consider coming to Fellowship one Sunday to evaluate how we are doing to provide an environment for people to follow Jesus.  On Friday night of last week Dean called to tell me he would be here on Sunday to give us a look.  We scheduled a lunch following the service to talk and hear what he thought.

So, we got shopped on Sunday.  From the signs pointing the way to our church to the message, Dean gave us a thorough look.  You can find his report on his blog at

Thank you Dean for loving the Kingdom of God enough to take a Sunday off to help us make a difference in Habersham County.

Set List 3/6

Sun Stand Still-wk 2

Like A Lion-Daniel Bashta
Alive and Running-Kristian Stanfill
Desert Song-Hillsong
Give Me Faith-Elevation

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Invite and Invest

Recently I had some time talking with some folks about how they arrived at Fellowship Church. One had previously  attended for a Baptismal Service. Enjoyed the service but wasn't ready for church. The other person wasn't looking for church when he the two met. One day talking the agreed they needed to attend church. She remembered Fellowship Church and the Baptism Service and suggested that they attend. Along came another for a visit. The second Sunday Jake, having been invited by Heather, crossed over from attending church to Jesus' arms.
What can happen by a simple invitation?
LIFE CHANGE for eternity with Jesus.

Who can you invest and invite?

Bring them to church and let them meet Jesus.

Fellowship Church, providing and environment for people to follow Jesus.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Leviticus 20:22-26

 “Do what I tell you, all my decrees and laws; live by them so that the land where I’m bringing you won’t vomit you out. You simply must not live like the nations I’m driving out before you. They did all these things and I hated every minute of it. “I’ve told you, remember, that you will possess their land that I’m giving to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. I am God, your God, who has distinguished you from the nations... Live holy lives before me because I, God, am holy. I have distinguished you from the nations to be my very own.

A holy life is treasured by God. Look at the last line and hear God say "to be my very own". Wow God wants me and you to be His very own. Now you may ask isn't it all His anyway? Yes but He has given me the choice to accept His gift.
The story here comes from when the Israelites were yet in the promise land. In the earlier chapters God had given instruction on how to live God honoring lives. The Old Testament has 600+ laws that the people used to live by, that may seem like a lot but we have exponentially more.

God gave Israel land that had belonged to other sinful people. He warned the Israelites that the expulsion for sin could be repeated. We face the same today as the consequences for sin still remain.

God told the Israelites He expected them to live holy lives and the land flowing with milk and honey would be their land. God promises us today a land like this, Heaven.

Pray for forgiveness of sin in your life and allow the God of the universe give you the promised land.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Did you hear that?

1 Samuel 3

1 The boy Samuel was serving God under Eli’s direction. This was at a time when the revelation of God was rarely heard or seen. One night Eli was sound asleep (his eyesight was very bad—he could hardly see). It was well before dawn; the sanctuary lamp was still burning. Samuel was still in bed in the Temple of God, where the Chest of God rested. Then God called out, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel answered, “Yes? I’m here.”
Then he ran to Eli saying, “I heard you call. Here I am.”
Eli said, “I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” And so he did.
God called again, “Samuel, Samuel!”
Samuel got up and went to Eli, “I heard you call. Here I am.”
Again Eli said, “Son, I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.” (This all happened before Samuel knew God for himself. It was before the revelation of God had been given to him personally.)
God called again, “Samuel!”—the third time! Yet again Samuel got up and went to Eli, “Yes? I heard you call me. Here I am.”
That’s when it dawned on Eli that God was calling the boy. So Eli directed Samuel, “Go back and lie down. If the voice calls again, say, ‘Speak, God. I’m your servant, ready to listen.’” Samuel returned to his bed.
Then God came and stood before him exactly as before, calling out, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Samuel answered, “Speak. I’m your servant, ready to listen.”

Last week I was awaken earlier than normal. I like to think I am beating the system by setting my alarm clock 15 minutes fast. This allows me to snooze two extra times, who doesn't wanna snooze two extra times a day.
I had gotten up and was dressed, not to be the only one up early I started to wake my family and then the phone rang.
Mom called saying Dad had fallen, "please hurry to the house". I told Missy I knew why I had been awakened early that day. Slipping on my shoes and I jumped into the car, flashers engaged and hit the road. Arriving I found "Pop" with a cut on his arm and shaken from the fall.
He was going to be OK. I bandaged his wound and stayed a while.
What If I had giving in to my snooze? I wouldn't have been ready for the call.
Samuel was being awaken by the voice of God. He went to Eli each time then Eli got it. THe voice must be God's. Eli's instructions are important for us today. Many times we spend time in prayer just praying away. Then we go away never stopping to say, “Speak. I’m your servant, ready to listen.”

Are you Listening, really Listening for God's voice when you pray.
Pause now and listen.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thank You

January 3, 2011

Dear Mrs. Betty Gaines and members of Fellowship Church

The staff at Baldwin Elementary appreciates so much the generous support you gave ____________, ____________, _____________ and _______________ at Christmas!  Your thoughtfulness helped to make the holidays extra special for the _____________ family.  Thank you very much!!!

Most sincerely,

The Baldwin Elementary Christmas Committee 

***Names omitted***

Monday, January 24, 2011

Car Giveaway

If you weren't at church this past Sunday you missed our first ever car giveaway.  But there is good news you can watch it here:

Set List 1/23

Survivor-wk 1

Rise and Sing-Fee
The Church-Elevation
Yours Is The Victory-Newspring
Your Love Never Fails-Jesus Culture

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

when you begin to know the son

                                                                                John 8:12
                                                                              (The Message) 
Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”

Getting to know Jesus can and should be the most enriching experience of your entire life! Can you say in your life that you are passonate about your faith and that you are truly following him. I truly hope you are but if you are preoccupied with other things ,or if your that one day of chuch a week is good enough for me, then you need a major spiritual makeover.

Jesus does not want you to be a lukewarm believer, it says he will spew you from him mouth (not a great picture huh). He wants you to be a new creation through him. Shouldnt you want that for yourself also? Nothing is more important than your relationship with the creator and his son. Your faith can never be an afterthought. It has to be your ultimate priority, your ultimate possession and your ultimate passion!

Think about this. When Jesus endured his sacrifice on the cross he paid the ultimate price for you. So what price are you willing to pay for him.

Later, Anthony

Its a matter of Life or Death

Yes it is that important. I was reminded this week that what we do to bring people to an environment where they can follow Jesus is of the utmost importance. Fellowship Church is a great place to bring your unchurched friends to hear the message of hope through Jesus. Our teams work hard each week to be ready for the attendees. Parking, First Impressions, Guest Services, Cafe, Care Ministry, Worship Team, Creative Team and Craig. 
I want to encourage you to invite those you know need Jesus, You don't have to "pray about it" because they have already been on your heart. Identify who they are and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to invite them, this Sunday.

But wait....there's more! Invest in those you invite, remember people don't care how much you care until they see how much you CARE!

Pray, love, encourage and stay consistent with those God has given you.

You have the power to change a death back into life by the time you spend investing and inviting. Over 80% come to church because you invited them. We see this each week on the communication cards in the line how did you come to FC. Thank You to those who have invited. If you haven't invited. Start today and make Investing and Inviting a regular part of your day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Set List 1/16

Set List-The Lamp pt. 3

Anthem-Casey Darnell
Lead Me To The Cross-Hillsong
Our God-Tomlin
Came To My Rescue-Hillsong

What a great morning and great series as we learned how important God's Word is in our life.  I hope all of you are beginning your journey thru the Bible.  I can't wait to hear the stories of how your life was transformed thru Scripture. 

Just for your enjoyment and to allow you to continue to worship thru out the week I'm posting video of the band doing "Our God".  Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks, Mickey

Our God from Fellowship Worship, GA on Vimeo.

Your living within God's boundaries when....

You acknowledge his presence

2Chronicles 15:2 (the message)
2 He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.

Do you ever wonder if God is really right here right now? Do you ever wonder if he hears your prayers or if he understands your feelings. Or if hear really knows your heart? If you think like this your not alone. There are alot of people who feel the same way you do. Even some of the greatest hero's of the bible had plenty of doubts. So when you have these doubts try and remember this: God is not on a coffee break, hasn't left the country,on a vacation or snoozing on his couch. He's right here, right now, listening to your every thought and prayers and watching your every move.

If you would like to get to know him better and live safely within his boundaries remember that he is always there ready to listen to your prayers and ready to speak to your heart.  Are you ready to listen to him, if not what are you waiting for?

Hope everyone has a great night and rest of the week, and just remember he is always there for you. Sometimes you just got to be still and listen to what he is saying to you.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Five Secrets to the First Century Church

Hi folks,
Radical has started at Fellowship Church and small groups will be launching out this week. Exciting times we are living in. I read this blog at Bill Easums regularly and would like to share it with you. I also would like to comment on the five things Bill found and allow you to comment and discuss also. Check it out HERE!
1. Life is meant to be given away.
Bill is right and we all agree in theory. It is in practice where we fail. We do not plan times to give away life and we do not go expectantly. If I think about looking for ways to give away life, God is good to provide me with ample opportunity. I have to be willing to join Him when and where He offers. Guarantee it will not always be what I had in mind but as I attach myself to his call I discover it to be better.
John 10:17-18 17 This is why the Father loves me: because I freely lay down my life. And so I am free to take it up again.18 No one takes it from me. I lay it down of my own free will. I have the right to lay it down; I also have the right to take it up again. I received this authority personally from my Father.”

I can please God when I lay down myself and give it to him.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Set List 1/2

The Lamp-Week 1

The Church-Elevation
Anthem-Casey Darnell
Alive and Running-Kristian Stanfill
Give Me Faith-Elevation