Friday, June 25, 2010

Mission Accomplished

We made it to Florida to drop off the Dawn Soap. We met some nice folks including Jacques Boudreau. He and Blanche own "The Loose Caboose" at Boca Grande. They work hard not only at serving great food but with the locals to preserve wildlife(Dogs and Cats, too). They were very appreciative to the donation of dawn. They have been having classes on the island to prepare for the clean up. They also are working on how to lay boon around the island if needed. From the head waters of the Chattahoochee to the Gulf of Mexico, we are neighbors taking care of the environment. Thanks to all at Fellowship Church for your donations!.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thanks for the thanks...

Check out the link below

Here is a very nice letter for the efforts you (Fellowship Church) did to minister to the staff at Baldwin Elementary. We are in the planning stages to do more in the fall.
Currently we have opportunity to pressure wash the front side walk and paint the school bell. If you would like to help please sign up Sunday at the Summer of Serving table or email

Thanks folks!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Video page

Hello everyone I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new video page on Vimeo.  We are transitioning from Youtube to Vimeo because they allow larger files to be downloaded.  This video channel will have worship videos, baptism videos and any other church related videos.  So go check it out Thanks

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Interview Videos

Here are the interviews from Casey and Josh.  You can listen to the entire service on our podcast.

Casey's Interview/The Broken & The Tired from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.

Josh Perry Interview/Came To My Rescue from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Notes from Sunday

If you missed church yesterday, you missed a wonderful message!  Yesterday began OnePrayer 2010.  If you don't know what OnePrayer is, 1200+ churches from around the world are uniting globally to Share.Serve.Give.  This year's theme is "Unstoppable".  We watched a video message from Scot Longyear, a pastor from Maryland Community Church in Indiana.  He talked about the Unstoppable Presence of God.  Here are some notes from his message:  

Have you ever wondered if God is everywhere, why does it seem like He is no where?

Mark 6:45-52.  Discussed the disciples after just witnessing the miracle of feeding the masses with a loaf and bread and some fish and being halfway to Bethsaida facing a headwind and then seeing Jesus walking on the water.  

Several statements made by Scot really stood out during his teaching on this passage.  

Some of the toughest places to be is halfway there. vs. 47 the boat was in the middle of the lake.   We start something, whether it be a long trip, dieting, a battle with an addiction, getting out of debt, etc. and we struggle through the first half of it and then halfway there we realize that all the struggles we have just went through and we are only halfway there.  Have you just wanted to give up at this point?

Jesus had to reintroduce himself to the disciples.  vs. 50 "Take courage!  It is I.  Don't be afraid."  Many times in our lives, we wander away from God, but to just know that He is always there...he may just have to reintroduce Himself to us when we least expect it.  We focus so much on the circumstance instead of Jesus because we look at the wind and waves more than we do at God.  I have a mental image of God waving his arms and jumping up and down like a little kid trying to get your attention..."HEY!  Remember me!  I'm always here!  I LOVE YOU!" 

Another statement was: Remember what God has done in the past to remember the things He is going to do in the future.  vs. 52 for they had not understood about the loaves.  The disciples, who saw His miracles numerous times had forgotten and needed to be reminded.  Sometimes we just need that reminder of something God brought us through to know that He will never leave us and in the end WE WIN!

The wind that is against us is not as big as the GOD who is for us.  If God is for us, who can be against us!

Thank You Notes from Baldwin Elementary Teachers

Amanda Gosnell Anderson wants to thank everyone who volunteered their time and talents (food) today at Baldwin Elementary! It was a huge success!!!

June 3 at 2:54pm ·  · 
Rachelle Woodruff
Rachelle Woodruff 
I want to say thanks to that too!!! guys are WONDERFUL and we felt the love! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day for us! We LOVE you all!!!!!
Saturday at 9:52am · 
Marisa Whittington
Marisa Whittington 
Yes, thank you all so much for a wonderful lunch and for all of the love that we have felt from you guys! WE all appreciate everything that your church has done for us in the past couple of months. We love you all!!!
God is good and HE has blessed us with an amazing Partner in Education!! :)
Saturday at 9:58am · 
Sara Alice Tucker
Sara Alice Tucker 
I can't remember when a "teacher appreciation" lunch has been more welcome and enjoyed. Heartfelt thanks to every helping hand. And will somebody please tell Celeste that my bangs are PERFECT!!
Saturday at 11:29am · 
Holly Payton Adams
Holly Payton Adams 
Fellowship Church is amazing!!! We at Baldwin are so happy to have you as a Partner in Education. You guys are AWESOME!!!! Thanks so much for all of the love shown to us this year!
Saturday at 2:30pm · 
Rhonda Copeland Card
Rhonda Copeland Card 
All of you at Fellowship are a true blessing! thanks so much for all you did for us. The lunch was amazing and so are you.
Saturday at 2:33pm · 
Jana Taylor Rose
Jana Taylor Rose 
Thank you, Fellowship Church! You guys are wonderful! We really appreciate all you have done for us. :)
Saturday at 2:59pm · 
Carrie E Trotter
Carrie E Trotter 
Thank you, Thank you!!! It was such a special treat to have such a wonderful lunch that was served with a smile! I really appreciate all of the treats we have received the past couple months - it really helped get me through the end.
Saturday at 3:40pm · 
Stella Price
Stella Price 
Thank you Fellowship Church! Lunch was great! It is so nice to have such a great partner. You really made us feel loved and special this year.Thanks for everything.
Saturday at 4:38pm · 
Terri Beacham Wood
Terri Beacham Wood 
Thanks for caring about us in a time when we needed it the most.
Saturday at 9:53pm · 
Kelly Suzanne Williams
Kelly Suzanne Williams 
would also like to thank Fellowship Church! You have been so good to us this year, and we appreciate you all. God knew that we needed you guys. God is good.
He knows our every need.
Yesterday at 12:57pm · 
Ruby Dooley
Ruby Dooley 
May I also say how grateful I am for just thinking of us but all the attention to detail is very humbling for me personally. Thank you seems so inadequate to express our feelings.
Yesterday at 2:12pm · 
Karen Batson Simpson
Karen Batson Simpson 
You are right Amanda, it was a huge success. Thanks to everyone and Stan makes great french fries. I loved that big french fry cooker.
11 hours ago · 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Rewind

Today we began One Prayer, a united effort of some 1200 churches with over a half million people to pray for God to do something incredible in His church.  One Prayer was the dream of Craig Groeschel pastor of in Oklahoma, we have sharing in this summer event since it's inception 3 years ago.  The idea is for churches to partner locally, nationally, and internationally in one theme, this years theme is "Unstoppable".

Today we watched a message by Scot Longyear of Maryland Community Church entitled "Unstoppable Presence".  In this message Scot contrast the truth of scripture that teaches God is everywhere, but sometimes in our circumstances He is nowhere, or it seems.  I love the fact that Scot didn't just do a podium message but presented the message in a rest area with the elements all around.  Personally when I feel like God is far from me, it seems the noise in my life is very loud, so I got it.  Scot had several great lines in his talk, but the one that spoke to me the most was, "Remember the wind in your life is not bigger than the God in your life!"  Good Scot!

Here are a few more thoughts from today:

  • Good crowd for summer, excited to see the good attendance.
  • Enjoyed being back home with FC people.
  • Had a friend visit, Mr. Arial, Sammy Arial's father, I bet he was as surprised at our environment as I was at his coming, glad he did!
  • Encouraged by our New Believers class, we had three new attenders, one of which accepted Jesus last week, PTL!
  • Enjoyed worship this week, really good song set.
  • The best thing today is we had one young lady who asked Jesus into her life, it never gets old!
Final thoughts:
  • Next Sunday we will hear a message from Kevin Thomas of church in Australia.  I promise it will bless you.
  • The next Sunday we will watch Craig Groeschel, whom I believe to be one of America's top pastors will share his thought on One Prayer.
  • Then the last Sunday of the month I will share the four things that are truly "Unstoppable", can't wait, it should be fun.
Vacation!!!!!  I will be in the office all this week, but will be leaving Friday for a two week vacation.  Me and the family are headed to the beach for to rest, relaxation and refreshment.  Although I will miss you all, I need some time to refresh my batteries.  Pray that we have a great time away.  Let me also encourage you to make time this summer to get away for rest.  We all need it!

See you soon!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What scent do you emit?

Billboard emits smell of cooking steak

Published: June 3, 2010 at 1:03 PM

MOORESVILLE, N.C., June 3 (UPI) -- A North Carolina grocery store's highway billboard for a new line of beef is drawing the attention of commuters by radiating the smell of grilling steak.
The Mooresville billboard for Bloom grocery stores is wafting the scent of steak along River Highway, using a system created by ScentAir of Charlotte, N.C., The Charlotte Observer reported Thursday.
Bloom spokeswoman Christy Phillips-Brown said the sign is scheduled to emit the scent every day from 7 to 10 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. until June 18.
ScentAir marketing director Murray Dameron said the project represents the first roadside advertisement for the custom-scent company, which has designed fragrances and delivery systems for facilities including casinos and hotel lobbies. He said the steak smell is created using a high-powered fan that blows air over cartridges containing fragrance oil.
"It's basically a blend of black pepper and kind of a charcoal grilling smell," Dameron said. "It smells like grilled meat with a nice pepper rub on it."

© 2010 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.

Carley Interview From Sunday

MickeCarley's Interview From this past week's Storytellers Sunday hope you enjoy:

Carley Interview/Set The World On Fire from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Johnny Holbrook Interview

Here is Johnny's Interview and song from Sunday.  Hope you enjoy:

Johnny Interview/From The Inside Out from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oswald Today

He said to me, ’Son of man, can these bones live?’ —Ezekiel 37:3

Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Can a twisted life be made right? There is only one appropriate answer— “O Lord God, You know” ( Ezekiel 37:3 ). Never forge ahead with your religious common sense and say, “Oh, yes, with just a little more Bible reading, devotional time, and prayer, I see how it can be done.”

It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake panic for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers with God, yet so many people working for God. We would much rather work for God than believe in Him. Do I really believe that God will do in me what I cannot do? The degree of hopelessness I have for others comes from never realizing that God has done anything for me. Is my own personal experience such a wonderful realization of God’s power and might that I can never have a sense of hopelessness for anyone else I see? Has any spiritual work been accomplished in me at all? The degree of panic activity in my life is equal to the degree of my lack of personal spiritual experience.

“Behold, O My people, I will open your graves . . .” ( Ezekiel 37:12 ). When God wants to show you what human nature is like separated from Himself, He shows it to you in yourself. If the Spirit of God has ever given you a vision of what you are apart from the grace of God (and He will only do this when His Spirit is at work in you), then you know that in reality there is no criminal half as bad as you yourself could be without His grace. My “grave” has been opened by God and “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells” ( Romans 7:18 ). God’s Spirit continually reveals to His children what human nature is like apart from His grace.

Brandon Carey Interview From Sunday

Here is the first interview from Sunday hope you enjoy if you weren't able to be there:

Brandon's Interview/We Shine from Fellowship Church, GA on Vimeo.