As many of you know I have been preaching a message series Big God, little god. Although many of us know God is bigger, we can't really comprehend just how Big He is.
In the last couple of weeks God has shown Himself in the everyday life at the church. He has shown Himself as a Great Big God.
It all began last week when the worship team visited Lee Arrendale State Prison for a Saturday night worship time. When we arrived I knew something would be different about this visit. I visit the prison usually several times a month and during these visits I hang out in the Transition Center, there the ladies have more freedom than the general population. On this night the general population would be worshiping to with a new band and it would prove to be out of this world. As the worship team practiced and got the sound adjusted, the LASP choir was included in two songs. As they sang I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with adoration for a loving God that would give me privilege of hanging out with these special ladies. I sobbed as I listen to them sing How Great is Our God and How Great Thou Art. Wow! When the general pop began to enter the room, it was on. The band started worship and it was crazy wild, most of the ladies there knew how to worship. Then I began to speak and they preached me to death, but God was faithful. It was a night I will long remember.
Then Sunday came and we had another amazing crowd and God visited with us as we worshiped Him and studied His word. Then came Sunday night, we were hosting our Joy Class (Membership Class) and we had 29 attend. As the class started I could tell God was on the moment. We completed the first two sessions and then had dinner (Thanks Shawn and Laura Weldy, great meal). Following the meal we continued the session and came to the Salvation presentation. I have been doing membership classes for 10+ years and every time this is the most special time of all. Out of the many classes I have done, I think only one didn't have someone come to Jesus and this night would be no different. I presented the truth of God's word concerning His son, Jesus Christ. At the end I led in a prayer and then challenged those in attendance to let me know if they had prayed to receive Christ. Four people acknowledged a decision. What followed for me was overwhelming. In the class was a close friend whom I have grown to love over the last year, we are motorcycle riding friends and friends who have experienced a very difficult situation this past you with his son being arrested, convicted and sent to prison for a pretty long while. Last fall we took a motor ride and had breakfast, at that time I began to pray for him to come to Christ. Even though I believe in a Big God, I had no idea what God would do on this Joy Class night, but my friend became a follower of Jesus.
Wow, God is good and today I can see ever more that He is a Big God.